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Step Parenting a 16SS full time while Dad travels all the time.

Emotionally Lost's picture

I have known my 16SS sinse he was 2 and we have had custody of him since he was 9. My husband travels all the time, most weekends he is gone and several nights during the week he is gone. Bio Mom is rarely in the picture, only when SS goes to see her which has not been since Christmas. He is driving now, active with Baseball and now wanting to hang out more with friends. I have been the primary disciplinarian since I have known him. Dad comes home and is the playmate to all the kids (we have 2 bio kids together). We have discussed numerous times the importance of hime taking the role of disciplinarian several times, but the problem is he is not home enough to take care of the things that need attention on a daily basis... such as: 16SS lying about where he has been or not calling to say he is going anywhere, not cleaning up after himself (leaving spilled milk/food on counter top) when he knows he should. He is responsible for helping out with the cattle, but will just leave for school without feeding, stating he didn't have time (when I had reminded him an hour prior to him leaving). In the past year, I have backed off of alot of things and put them in Dads lap. He told me to call anytime there was a problem and that is what I have been doing. It is causing a rift between all of us. I feel constantly frustrated, angry, and lost. I don't like being around the house when I know the SS is going to be there. I feel like I have no positive energy left for my own two children (ages 7 and 11). I cannot impress upon the 16SS that all he has to do is be honest and communicate and he wouldn't be hassled by me. I hate the feelings I have inside of me.I have been honest with my husband and he has taken it well. I feel like a control freak when it comes to the 16SS and I dont know how to let that go! I want some peace in my heart so that I can be a better wife, mom, and stepmom! Please help! Any suggestions/resources will be much appreciated!!!

Emotionally Lost

Emotionally Lost's picture

Thank you so much for the info! I just wish i knew how to emotionally disengage. I allow myself to get so worked up over every little thing he does or doesn't do. For example, Husband left town 3 days ago and left a list of chores for SS to do while he was away. He did none of them until I finally said something today, and even with that, he just did a small amount and is now just lying around. I have told myself that I will say nothing more, and when husband gets home, he and I will talk. I know that the consequences will be next to nothing from my husband. So what is the SS learning..... that he doesn't have to do anything and can get away with it!! So very frustrating!!!!! How do I disengage??? If I could master that, I would be a lot better off.

Thank you again!!

shmily12's picture

Just pray about it and it would all fall into place with time. I feel you in all aspects, and i thank God that i only have to deal with a SD11 only. Everybody (friends and family) keeps telling me that my DH and i need to hurry up and have our own kids so it doesn't have to be all about SD11 anymore. I can't wait...

good luck to you as well. I guess that's why this site was created for, so pppl can vent and come together. And you are absolutely right! Sometimes it just feel good to write things down and get some relieve and supportive feedbacks....

Emotionally Lost's picture

Thank you for the helpful info. My husband and I have talked before about consequences and it seems like nothing we do is getting through to SS. We can take the truck away, take the phone away, give him extra chores, etc.... and its like he doesnt care! Nothing motivates him. He doesn't seem to learn from his past mistakes either. I am hoping this is a phase, but i fear he is just like his BM - a manipulating, lazy person. I just wish it were easier to not care, but I do. I want him to succeed and to learn the proper morals and ways to live life. My frustration grows daily.
I have been praying for 13 years to change my heart, but I feel I'm not being listened to. I have been to counceling for two years, read self help books, and even gotten the Smart but Scattered videos to see if I could help in the executive skills area that SS lacks in... to no avail. Feeling like a prisoner in my own home is getting very old. Not sure what to do next!!!
In the meantime, I keep praying and searching for something else to help.

Thanks again,
Emotionally Lost