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SKs Ignored half sisters birthday

frickandfrack's picture

Im so frustrated and disappointed. All 3 SKs skipped DD's birthday party. One had a valid excuse. The other two didn't really, in my opinion, but DD is quite a bit younger so I understood...kinda.

One of the kids promised DD she'd come by on her birthday. That didn't happen. Actually, we didn't even get a phone call. We gave it a day and DH brought it up to them. So, you'd think when it was pointed out
To them they'd realize their mistake, maybe apologize and call. No, none of that. Instead DH was told that having a party for DD is unfair, he isn't a parent, giving money for their birthdays is a payoff and basically it's all his fault. I shouldn't be surprised by any of this since it came from the kid who never takes ownership of mistakes, but I just couldn't believe it. What really surprised me was that BM was sitting next to the kid during his whole exchange and supports the kids. Really? Really? With as much as we do outside of the CO and as much running around as I do for them and my kid (their half sister, although we've never used that term) means nothing to them, and if it is t happening at their house it isn't important.

I'm incredibly lucky that DH is fed up too so I don't have any fear of him taking their side...which really
I haven't said a word about it-it was all him.

I'm just sick over this for DD, and really feel shit on by all of them. So here we are, 24 hours after the blow up and no call to DD. I've pulled back on helping out of necessity this week, and will
Continue to do so. I don't even want to see their faces, let alone drive them home from school or whatnot.

I'm so disgusted.

instantfamily's picture

I'd feel the same way. How incredibly insensitive and nasty. Sounds like they're taking after BM. I wouldn't lift a finger to help them out right now until you get apologies all around. Good luck!

Still Have Hope's picture

Sorry for our DD and you. I can honestly say my skids love the bios and treat them well. They never even use the word half - just my brother and sister. I would have a hard time doing for them if they did not. Continue to pull back your efforts. No need to go out of your way to help them when they act like that.

bi's picture

"But I think it's complete and total bs that stepchildren EXPECT to be treated equally like the other children in the home by the stepmother, but also reserve the right to spit in her eye and hurt the other kids."

this is exactly it. i think that sd19 has figured out that she isn't going to guilt me by saying things like "i need a dad AND a mom!" which means she is telling me i need to be a mother to her, yet she doesn't listen to me and is very disrespectful. the thing about skids is that they only want our mothering on their terms. throw them bday parties, give them rewards for good grades (not even a possibility with sd), take them to do fun things, buy them stuff? yes Yes YES be my mom! make a rule, provide discipline, implement a consequence for bad behavior? who the hell do we think we are, we aren't their MOM!!

hippiegirl's picture

I feel bad for your DD. I'm probably going to get attacked for this but here goes.....when my mother remarried and had children with her new husband, I didn't consider her and her new husband's kids as my siblings. To me, they were mom's new kids. Maybe that's how they feel?