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His ex: Considering talking to her to keep the peace

Just the wife's picture

I'm considering contacting dh ex wife to "chat" regarding the tension there has been (actually she created it) to make it where when I do have to be around her it may end the awkwardness. Considering being the operative word here. DH is against this. I think he is concerned we might actually become friendly. He still can't understand my friendship with my ex's first wife (I was #2). My ex's ex is totally cool. She cheated, she owned it and it was always about the kids. We used to meet for lunch and chat forever when swapping kids. Just never about my ex, that didn't occur until I actually divorced him. Ha!

Anyhow I have no crazy notion dh ex and I could be close but it is awkward around her. My dh met me a few months after the divorce was over. Sk's were early 30's at that point. Dh and ex hadn't really spoke in those few months other than her calling to tell him happy bday. When he met me all hell broke loose. The drunk calling, why didn't you fight for me questions, you ruined my life etc. She wanted the divorce, not dh. She was just mad he moved on so quickly. Neither of us expected it to take off the way it did but it did. My anger toward her began when I found out after we were married she was still cornering him when I'm not around asking why did he just let her go. This was inappropriate and out of line. She said unkind things to the kids about dh/me/us, suddenly refused to let dh come get some property that she allowed to be stored at their place when he moved out (she since agreed to give it to him), wouldn't cooperate re: life insurance papers and so on. She treated him like he was the one to cheat and end it when it was actually her that cheated although my dh couldn't prove it. Pictures were all he found. Anyway, then the calling/texting started by her re: any excuse she could to call/text. Dh ignored it thinking it would stop. Oh hell no! He finally called his ex and said enough, stop unless it's urgent re: the kids/gk's. She got mad and hung up on him. DH says now he believes that she probably was trying to cause problems between us by her texts/calls (YA THINK??!!!) Now my mil and sils think she needs to attend things at times because they're all cozy again. Whatever. So my anger at her is due to her unkindness and nastiness to my dh who allowed it. It was so uncalled for. I wished my ex well when we split and was so happy he met his current wife. I came into this very open minded assuming for common civility at the least. The first time dh ex and I met was at a gk event and she was just "oh, it's so nice to meet you!" as we shook hands then no further conversation EVER. Odd i thought. She definitely gave the appearance that she regretted her decision by her bad behavior and was VERY BITTER and unhappy to hear dh moved on.

Some say she is oh so nice but as I've told my mil/sil all that may be true but ALL I've ever seen has been bitter, petty, pathetic and crazy. Now that a yr has passed with no contact with my dh I wonder if I should try to chat with her to put that behind us as it seems she's calmed the hell down since she's cozy again with his family. My mil seems to think had we met in a different setting I'd probably like her just minus the crazy. She has not moved on with anyone btw. An occasional boyfriend we hear but at 56 I don't know, is it harder to date at that age?? So when I broached dh on maybe possibly calling he was TOTALLY against it which peaked my curiosity a bit. She's a heavy drinker so not sure what mood I could be met with. Dh suggested I pull her aside the next we see her and say I know there's been some tension between us, maybe we can put it behind us. I said hell no, I would never do that around others where she could be a jerk in public if she wasn't interested either. I prefer a one on one phone call. Then if she hangs up its not awkward the remainder of the visit. I've never gotten her beef with me tho except I told a mutual friend she needed to get over it and stop being so bitter about something she wanted and got (the divorce). I think this may have gotten back to her but it's nothing I wouldn't say to her myself or own if I'm asked. Your thoughts?

buterfly_2011's picture

I would give anything to be able to have a relationship with my ex husbands GF. Ten years of awkwardness, anger and dirty looks has made it very hard for our children. From birthday's to holidays to graduation. It all was a nightmare for my daughter. My current SO ex wife and I started out on the right foot. I reached out to her first. Hoping to find some common ground. As we all have kids. I wanted her to know that in no way shape or form was I trying to take her place with her kids that I just loved my SO and wanted for things to try to transition as smoothly as possible. Granted I don't agree with ANY of her choices she has made regarding the kids etc BUT I do not look for a "fight" with her. My SO ex wife still corners him and makes him feel as big as an ant every moment she feels she needs to tear him down. BUT he has gotten stronger and the last time she attempted he did tell her that what they were discussing had nothing to do with the past and when she was ready to talk about the kids to call him back. I too believe that now that the ex see's he has moved on she is making life changes... all of a sudden she is leaving her BF of 4 years and returning home. She took off over a year ago dragging the kids 7 hours away from everything they knew including a full time father. Seems now that he has finally been able to move on she is having issues with that. BUT I will say that life is much easier on that side of my fence when her and I can stand together in one room and there are no daggers and the children aren't feeling the anger in the room. As I have that on the other side of my life and it takes its toll emotionally on everybody. Kudo's to you if you do reach out to her.
FYI... all my ex's I am friends with all their previous girlfriends. Sometimes life is much easier to not hate and just go with it. In fact my best friend is an ex's ex girlfriend. She is the best thing I got out of him!

Just the wife's picture

I guess being in the field of work that I'm in and I see day in and day out the "jerry springer bullshit" that adults cause with small kids and even adult kids I understand the strife it causes when adults can't be adult. Just because kids are grown contact doesn't cease as their are occassional weddings, some bdays, then grandkids come and it repeats all over again. If someone had told me a year ago I would possibly entertain this idea I'd have said they were nuts. I'm bad about holding grudges at times. I HATE the anxiety I feel every time I hear dh tell me so and so called, the gk's bday party is next week. It would just be nice to not feel that anymore. It would be nice to be comfortable enough to occasionally engage in meaningless conversation just because or to not feel weird sitting next to her at a table without speaking. No, I'm not nuts. I'm just someone who prefers the calm but having no way to "feel out" the ex without involving my mil which I refuse to do keeps me very hesitant. I do miss that with my ex's ex, she always (except when she cheated i guess) acted with class and dignity. I know not everyone is like that. I think I may just sit and wait to see if an opportunity presents itself and decide from there.

Just the wife's picture

It's not that I want to included as much as it seems it could be more harmonious if the ex and I could find common ground. I basically go places with dh to family stuff feeling like a mere date and not his wife. The whole if you can't beat 'em join 'em comes to mind. My husband will NEVER take a stand on my behalf based on how something seems. I would have to be blatantly disrespected in front of him for that to happen and maybe not even then. His parents normally are very good, reasonable people. Why they don't understand my position is so damn baffling to me.

Just the wife's picture

Hey I hear ya. I feel she is trailer trash as well by her dr jekyll/mr hyde behavior. I take issue with any woman who talks shit to their kids about the other parent or their SO's. My kids still ask why I divorced their dad ( I have only said we grew apart wanting different things) and I speak kindly of him even tho he truly is gutter trash with his own bad behavior toward me and our kids since we split years ago. If I were to talk badly of him it would only be self serving in that I'd be trying to get them to feel the way I do. He does bad mouth me and my kids ask why I don't. I told them it's because I don't want them to feel about him the way I do. They have formed a very LOW opinion of him now that they are teen agers. I can say with a clear conscience he did that on his own without my help and he can't stand it. You reap what you sow. I know dh ex was a jerk and maybe she's sorry. Maybe she's not. Maybe she saw she didn't cause any of this. Her personal attacks on dh were clearly unresolved issues she had with him. Who knows. I know she let a very good man go. Yeah he's got his faults trust me but her junk is now my treasure. After I first met her the sd's husband who is super amazingly sweet told me everyone was curious how it was going to go since she drinks heavy. He said the concern was there might be drama from her meeting me. Aside from throwing several back during that dinner the ex seemed to behave although it was clear she was getting toasted by hearing her speaking with a little slur while talking with others. I get the feeling some still look for drama when we are all together but it's only 2-3 times a year at best that we see her. I do see where you would not feel any benefit in speaking with your hubby's exes. Thanks for the input. I enjoy hearing your opinions. This board is great. Am so glad I found it.

Just the wife's picture

Stepaside, I love that name by the way. This has been a long journey. The ex stayed away from dh family for many years then started popping up here and there. I guess in some ways I'm getting an attitude of giving up since its clear mil/sil refuse to understand why I'm not a fan of dh ex. Showing up at a family event for a small niece because I'm stuck at work (I left dh for two days over allowing that one and not telling me right away). He was told she might come BECAUSE I couldnt make it. I basically cut my ties with dh parents over that for 18 mos. I was PISSED!!! All everyone said was "but it was about the niece." Getting dh to get on team wife and stay off team ex has not been easy as someone might get mad at him. I called bullshit on that. My mil thinks I'm threatened by her. I told her don't confuse me not liking how she treated dh for three years as being threatened. It was because she was such a bitch unnecessarily and just because his family was able to forgive her so quickly doesn't mean I'm there as well. I'm a believer the ex has their place and it's not in the thick of it all. Even my ex's ex was super respectful about not overstepping. I guess the ex's belief is if mil is ok with me coming then screw the wife. We attended dh's older cousins funeral three months ago and guess who came with permission? Yep the ex. She called my mil and asked if it would cause a problem. Dh said ok to mil because the ex had been in the family a long time and I was being small to want his mom tell her no. I was going to suggest she go to the wake the night before had my feelings been considered. So I just smile and keep by dh side while she mingled and caught up with his family. Apparently I'm the only one being unreasonable in my feelings toward her. This got me thinking maybe I should just join team ex since I'm alone on team wife. I'm sure the ex is enjoying every minute of it too.

sandye21's picture

I have seen DH's ex a total of three times and we have been married almost 21 years. When we first got married (two years after their divorce) I saw her at two of SD's school functions. She pretty much ignored me. It was obvious she didn't want to be buddies and I was OK with that. As with other posters, she was the one who cheated and told DH to leave but I just got his side of the story so I never bothered with who was at fault. But about a year and 1/2 ago at a company reunion she was totally hostile toward me, while smiling and waving to DH. I have no idea what caused this change but I could give a rip. I will not lose one second of sleep because I am not friends with her. If she doesn't like me - Oh well! As long as she keeps to herself and does not interfere with my life things will go on as they have been. Anything other than that will be taken care of immediately. Stepaside is right - you need to be 100% whole - for you.

Just the wife's picture

Wanting to talk with the ex isn't because I am concerned what others think. All I know is that I didn't cause it, I was just on the receiving end of it with dh. It's about me trying to find a way around this crap that hangs in the air when we are together. As dh HATES conflict I was trying to be benevolent in possibly putting an end to it. I would have never let on she pissed me off with her bad behavior if I cared what people think of me. Dh tells me my not giving a damn sometimes about how things look to others is extreme sometimes. If I don't want to go to something with his family I don't go. If I had caused it I would just apologize and go on. Screw anyone if they don't accept it but that's not the case here. I see there are longer histories with an ex than my few years with it from the responses and reading these so makes me appreciate my ex's ex who was never a jerk. I was curious how this type thing worked for the women on this board. Hearing your stories and your advice is very welcome.