Needing some advice.
I'm now coming to the end of my tether and I just dont know what to do anymore.
My partners kids (we're not married) just seam to do what the hell they like. They are rude, inconsiderate, disrespectful, never do as they are told and they make living in the same house as them unbarable.
We have a one year old son and the boys say they care about him but they make no attempt to be quiet when he's sleeping or if I am trying to put him down for the night. The eldest is the worst. He is told every night to stop banging and yapping away on his xbox at the top of his voice. Even though he is told, he doesn't do it. This is everynight. I'm getting sick of it.
My partner is sick of it too but if I try and talk to her about it she goes to the defence of her precious boys and says I'm constantly victimising them. I get the same old excuses about how they never had their dad around. They still see their dad but it's once in a blue moon and he's useless when it comes to disipline (my partner is too).
I'm now getting to a point where I want to move out with my one year old just to get away from them. Anyone got any advice on how I can handle this?
My step son is the same way
My step son is the same way towards me. He is onky 5 though. Ive told my wife nicely and everything his spoiledness drives me insane an she gets defensive. As for advice, all I can say is lisyen to your heart or head. Heart is stay, head is run.. Try talking to your partner and explain. If they dont understand, show change or follow through with what youve requested, show your partner youre serious. Get a hotel for a night. Put them in their place..
Typical, lets feel sorry for
Typical, lets feel sorry for the child and not parent.
Advice above that pp's gave seems good. If she isn't going to put her foot down for the baby, you will have to.
The ONE time I mentioned that the skids "may become spoiled" (they already were) based on SO's actions, I got a huge defensive response. I never touched that one again. They are spoiled, everyone see's it. Since disengaging, SO see's it too. He just doesn't do anything about it.
Ok...sounds like one parent
Ok...sounds like one parent in this house and the rest of them are kids....
God help you....
You are the only one in control here...and so you need to respond....delegate to your SO and tell her what to do....if she doesnt then you go ahead and act responsibly for the sake of everyone else that lives there...
be reminded if them kids were in college and their room mate were trying to sleep and they bellowed over the xbox like they currently are...then they would be difference here....a baby is or lump it.....NO XBOX UNLESS YOU CAN BE QUIET...should they not - then take it away for a week....they get it back only when they do something mow lawns or scrub the exceptions...if they cant do something then keep the damn xbox....
you want mine too?
ps....I know one father that
ps....I know one father that got so angry with his son playing xbox that he went into his room and smashed the thing up>>>> tru story...
you might wanna mention this in your discussions with your SO and SKIDS