I need advice....
My husband's ex recently told him that she was getting rid of her phone because she could not afford it. That phone was the only way we were able to try to get ahold of the kids. As a back note, my husband's friend gave him access to his facebook on which my husband's ex is a friend. We can see everything his ex posts on there. We have seen that she has posted from a mobile phone, taken photos with her and the kids with the phone in a mirror so you can see the phone, she has posted videos from her phone, she has even told people she will text them. So it's obvious she has a phone. She doesn't know that we have access to that facebook and can see everything she is doing. I keep telling my husband that he needs to confront her somehow about her lying about not having a phone. Any advice as what to do in this situation????
Check to see if she deleted
Check to see if she deleted her # from FB. If not, it will show under the list of mobile contacts. Write the # down and have DH call her. LOL
I think he needs to decide
I think he needs to decide whether the biggest issue is having a landline access to the kids, or confronting his ex's perfidy. If the former, I would suggest that if financial resources permit, he offers to bear the cost of having a landline installed which either accepts incoming calls only, or he will pay x amount (which he reckons is fair to cover calls about the kids ONLY) per month to help finance the phone bill.
We are going to get a pre
We are going to get a pre paid cell phone for the kids and send it to them. They know how to recharge their game sytems so they will probably be able to recharge a phone. We will program our number in there so all they have to do is push a button and hit send. We will let them know it is only for to call us, and for emergency use, and nothing more. We will monitor the usage and see how it goes. If all else fails we will just have to deal with not being able to talk to the kids and when we have enough money saved up we can go to court to enforce the rules of the divorce decree. I have also suggested to my husband that we send certified letters and keep the proof that we have sent messages and tried to stay in contact.
Yes firefly is who we have
Yes firefly is who we have been looking at. My guess is that if she tries to take it away the SD8 will throw a fit, and probably a big enough one that BM will give it back, although I am not too sure. I guess it doesn't hurt to try.
And yes we have all the facebook stuff printed, emails printed, phone records etc ready to use for when we can afford the attorney.
Has anyone ever heard of National Family Solutions? I have heard they are a good service to go through, but I am skeptical.
How old are the kids? If
How old are the kids? If they are very young then one, to share, of those firefly type phones with your number programmed in would work. The kids are smart enough to use gaming systems so they'll be smart enough to use a phone too.