Text from BM to my husband..."Divorce your wife & I will give you daily access to our kids"
I NEVER get involved with the text between my husband and his ex-wife. I know she's an asshole with nothing nice to say so I never ask him what she's bitching about now. For the most part it's all the same BS anyway! BUT about a month ago he started making these comments about his ex-wife being a bitch (more comments than normal) so reluctantly I asked him "what's wrong?"
And this is what he told me...he asked BM if he could pick up his son and take him to basketball tryouts and return him back to home (on a day that was not in their custody agreement) and she denied him the opportunity saying "sorry but it's not your day to have him" followed by a long argument that ended with her telling him "divorce your wife I will give you daily access to our kids." WTF!!!!! I've always thought divorced women with kids WANTED the kids father to be MORE active in their lives!!! This blew my mind!
Just on a side note, she knows that my husband loves his kids dearly, loves spending time with them, and would do anything in the world for them.
I just don't get why she would deny him access to their kids just because I am in the picture. I am a great wife to my husband, I'm very good to my step kids, and I have never had an enemy. I stay out of her/their business and bite my tongue when necessary. I have never Facebook/Pinterest/Twitter/Instagram/social media stalked her. I am completely removed from that portion of my husband's life, he can handle her better without me giving my two cents and I have no desire to be exposed to her negative energy, it works for us.
I understand that I married a man with a crazy ex-wife but I know the more I distance myself from her craziness the healthier my marriage will be. I just don't understand her problem with me. I am a good "new wife" and I know it. (Ok, now I am just rambling...) My point is I work hard to not allow that woman to have an impact on me and my family so I just don't understand her reason for wanting me gone!!! And what does my existence have to do with my husband taking his son to basketball tryouts?!?!?
I'm sure I am not the only one on here that has heard this before. Does anyone have a story to share like this. I'm not sure if I am venting, asking for advice, seeking comfort, or asking a question...
I guess my biggest questions is why would she tell my husband to divorce me for more access to kids kids when I don't even exist in HER life?
CONTROL!! Dh's ex has said
Dh's ex has said many times I'm the problem. I don't deal with EXW either. I do tell DH how I feel about how she treats him.
I recently blocked EX-W from calling or texting me. I only did that because EX-W would occassionally send a text or call late at night asking me to "tell DH name to call me".
Not my problem and I'm not their secretary. Maybe his ex thinks if you were gone, she could get him back or maybe she'd have his attention.
BM2 refused to let SO see
BM2 refused to let SO see SD13 more than a handful of times for 2 years then stopped it completely for a year. The first 2 years were because we had moved in together, the 3rd year was when I had our son.
She kept saying I was a bad influence on SD13. Yep, someone with a job, self respect, etc when she's an alcoholic, whore, lazy, been unemployed for 13 years, blah blah.
Jealous bitches.
After dh and I were married
After dh and I were married twat waffle would periodically text him to tell him she was "still in love with him". It was always after some random guy had dumped her and she was looking for sympathy and attention.
^^ 'twat waffle' lmao!
'twat waffle' lmao!
I think he should document
I think he should document texts like these because he will need them come court time.
These women are SO stupid. Judges frown upon this type of nonsense.
I'm with Ripley and he should definitely go for option #1.
aLL of this ^^^^
aLL of this ^^^^
I'm with
I'm with fightincrazytrain.
Shut her down, ignore ignore ignore.
You can't reason with crazy or dumb, so why bother? It took me a few years to get there. BM hates you simply because you exist and she is no longer in his life in that capacity.
Lady Batshit and I have ZERO contact. She has never had my number or vice versa.
A friend of mine is dealing with a nutjob too. This past week her DH got an email from crazy BM... It was a compilation of pictures from their engagement and honeymoon... They have been split for 3yrs...
our BM filed court papers
our BM filed court papers nearly 2 years ago to have my fiance's visitation removed because of me. it of course went no where, but it was still unpleasant (and expensive) to have to deal with.
Control and manipulation. Is
Control and manipulation. Is she married?
She is married to her mother
She is married to her mother lol. Seriously, the two of them put together are painful situation.
You too, eh? The BM
You too, eh? The BM (Girhippo) in my case is TOTALLY enmeshed with her mother (Battleaxe Galactica). Calls her "Mommy" at age 43. And now the "tilted head" photos of she and her daughter, Dominatrix SD16. Problem is, Dominatrix is the exact image of her dad!!
Every photo on the Girhippo's FB acct is her and her offspring. You would NEVER know she was re-married (to an ATM). :barf: :barf:
Our BM to skid is somewhat
Our BM to skid is somewhat similar. Unlike you, I have read his texts which has bothered me knowing she still wants him back. It has also bothered me that I did peep at her FB because she tagged photos of herself on my skid page and have noticed how I have a clone. She has did a complete 90% change of herself. She has the same hair color, style, car, started going to my same dr. , walking the same places because (I ran In to her one day), she started selling the same products I sale through same vender, lost about 90 lbs and now my size or smaller. I'm proud of her but creeped out at the same time. She also has asked what I got for Christmas for the skid and I be damn if she didnt get the samething or have one of her family members get it. If I can see it he can about the bikini top pictures. I have stopped looking and now just do my own thing, distance myself by letting him pick skid up Instead of her her barging into my home and it is a lot healthier for me too let DH deal with her. I wouldn't let it bother you and let him continue to deal with the reminder that he was once In That dark place of marriage with her. It is hard when the x wants him back because it poisons the kids wishes and dreams to have their family unit back in hopes their mom can be more like you. This makes them ill towards you.
DF was naive & stupid .
DF was naive & stupid . Tinkerdouche has problems with her dryer over heating n DFs thought process was my daughter lives there , I have to make sure there isn't a problem.
DF goes over & here dumbass needed to clean the exhausted pipe ~ clogged w lint. Oh but what he found was how she strung her unmentionables everywhere. He told me & I said ~ she's baiting you. He said I wouldn't touch her if she were the last woman on earth !!!
Nice try Tinkerdouche ~
Tinkerdouche BWA HA HA HA
Tinkerdouche BWA HA HA HA
That text needs to get in
That text needs to get in front of a Judge NOW!!!! DH will own XWs toxic ass for that one. I would so have custody and nail BM for piles of CS if I were your DH.
No quarter. Show it to the judge, show it to the kids, show it to BMs family, church, and friends..... }:)
Destroy her toxic and manipulative ass.
Preach it brother!
Preach it brother!
They don't want them but they
They don't want them but they sure as hell don't want you to have them either. They want them to sit and pine for them and beg them for contact with their children like a Queen on a throne
Our Bm would always try to
Our Bm would always try to get him to divorce me. Hasn't worked! We've been married 11 years - together 13. DH only has 4 more child support payments so I fully expect some desperate behavior from Horseface (BM) in the next few months.
Not only will her child support end - she will also be responsible for 30% of college tution for TWO young men in an expensive college!
Baaa haaa haaaaa!
Tooot toooot SCREEECH! That's the sound of her gravy train coming to a halt!
Wow crazy ass BM right there.
Wow crazy ass BM right there. I would document that and then use it when the time is right. That isn't on at all. Your DH should have told her to f*ck off there and then. Just because she is unhappy bitter and jealous gives her no right. Urgh I hate BMs!