Im upset.

mommyandstepmommy2011's picture

The wedding is coming AND I was able to talk FI into not driving 20 hours to get his daugther the day before the wedding. He was going to fly her up. Now, he cannot afford the ticket and plans to take the FAMILY bill money and use it on a ticket!
Im so upset about this. My family has put some much into this and he keeps trying to shift the focus to his child.
Everyone has told him to just ask someone who is here to serve as the flowergirl but he refuses.
Im sick of it and starting to resent him for it. I actually told him I resented him in the past when he tried to force me to raise her and now that she moved away with her mom, I will resent him if he uses our bill money to pay for a ticket.
Am I the crazy one.

mommyandstepmommy2011's picture

I dont think it is important for a child to see her dad marry another woman. Really?
Everyone has told him to drop the issue and just ask a child who is already here since we cannot afford the plane ticket.

Auteur's picture

*ditto* I see red flags a' wavin'!!!

Yes, it would be NICE for his daughter to serve as flower girl, but just how far are you going to go/sacrifice in order for this to happen? The fact that he is unrealistically pulling out all the stops makes me think you are soon to be pronounced Man, Stepmom and Mini-wife (SD)

Hell you could ELOPE!

Good luck and we'll reserve a space for you ON THIS BOARD when you have to vent or you'll explode!

3terriers's picture

Right on. My DH and I went to the justice of the peace with my parents. Put the $ into a wondeful two-week honeymoon in Hawaii. One snag...DH ended up having a thirty minute converstion with SS17 (11 at the time) that started as a good night but shifted into more defensive dialogue. But that's for another blog...

mommyandstepmommy2011's picture

Yes,.that is it.I think he has some guoit issues about the fact that he doesnt have custody but in all honesty both parents cannot always have custody and what is wrong with admitting that the other parent is the better custodial parent?

mommyandstepmommy2011's picture

she will also be missing school to come here for this. We cannot afford the plane ticket and I think for him to use the bill money is selfish and inconsiderate.
The marriage is between he and I. Im not worried about his focusing on me in particular BUT I think that the money part of the equation makes it unfair to ALL of us.
A bill does come and go BUT a child really doesnt need to see her dad marry another women. She and I are not close and it isnt a big deal. He has several nieces and who is he to dictate who my flowergirl is anyway?

Disneyfan's picture

Can he get a family member to go pick her up or purchase an airline ticket for her? It's normal for parents to want their children to attend their wedding.

mommyandstepmommy2011's picture

No, it is not fair for someone else to have to pay. It sitll takes away from the budget and who is availible to drive that far and back. Is sitting in a car that long even fair to her?
Also, yes it is normal to want your children at your wedding but it is selfish to persist in trying to use the FAMILY bill money on a plane ticket. What about the rest of us?

Jsmom's picture

I think he is completely within his rights to have his child there. You are wrong here and he will resent you for this. As for using the bill money. If you don't co-mingle funds you won't have this problem. My best advice to you is to split all bills and keep all money separate. Our pre-nup is spelled out for this and it works great for us...

I never resent him spending money on his kids, because it is his. He can't say anything about my spending on a handbag or sending my kid on a High Adventure trip, it is my money. You may want to consider that if you don't want to resent the way he spends your combined money....

You should encourage him to have his daughter there. She is part of his life and you knew that when you met him. Resenting him for her now, is just going to start a series of problems later. The first year of blending is hard enough don't add this type of resentment to it.

mommyandstepmommy2011's picture

It will be my problem because it is a household bill he is not going to pay. Then if I have to go into my money and use it for the bill then I have been slighted because he was being selfish.
It is within his right to have her here when it is feasible and in this case it is not. I dont care if he resents me for not supporting his selfishness. All that matters is that the two of us are there and that we dont overspend. at the end of the day she is still a child he and someone else had and trying to make sure she is are the wedding wont change a thing.

Jsmom's picture

Wow - I don't usually blast people because I figure I don't like it. But you are wrong-wrong-wrong here. That is his daughter!!! Why are you marrying him if you already resent her and your financials so much? SHE SHOULD BE AT HER FATHER'S WEDDING.

You are so hostile about this child, this is not about the money....

You need to drop this one because this child is in your life for the long haul. You have many more fights in your future over stepkids, I can't believe her being at the wedding causes this much animosity.

She has to be there for him and he will never forgive you for it. Do you even love the guy?

Gigi82's picture

Plane tickets are really expensive, I get that completely. I'm not judging you at all and don't know any of your history to really comment on this. I'm probably biased because of the struggle that DH and I had trying to get SD at our wedding. However, I think his child being at the wedding is very important if that's what he wants. DH and I tried so hard to get SD to be at the wedding. SD lives away also, and we postponed the wedding and fought hard in court to expedite the custody agreement process. It all got worse once BM realized that we were getting married and didn't want her daughter to be a part of it. It ended up not happening because I wasn't going to postpone my wedding any longer for a custody battle that had already taken years. The only shadow on our beautiful day is that his little girl wasn't there to see her Daddy get married, and he really wanted it. We wanted her to be there, and to find a way to include her in the ceremony, since we are all part of a family now. I can understand why you might be worried about bills. If it's just a tiny wedding with one or two people, I could understand it. If the rest of your family is coming though, my personal opinion is that if it were me I would do anything to make sure she was included. My DH's mom got married for a second time when he was a kid, and didn't invite him. He's 35 and still hurt because of that. It's not like it ruined his life or anything, but it made him feel like his mom didn't think he was special enough to be there.

Whatever you decide, good luck with everything and congratulations on your big day!

Disneyfan's picture

Will your close family members and friends be there? How would you feel if your mother could not attend? Would you do all you could to make sure she were there? If so, that is how your DF feels about having his daughter there.

You said you didn't want him to take the 20 hour drive the day before the wedding. How about suggesting he drives down a week or a few days before?

Parents pull their kids out of school for trips all the time. Being out a few days to attend her dad's wedding isn't a big deal.

frustratedstepdad's picture

Gotta say I think he is well within his rights to want his daughter there. Hopefully this is the last time her dad will be getting married, and it's a special event. It's only right to want his daughter there. Pick and choose your battles.....

mommyandstepmommy2011's picture

Its not a battle. Everyone has backed me up on it. Im not getting into this with him. If he uses the bill money. I wont bail him out later in the month.
Ihave realtives who cannot make it and that is fine. It is a part of life that not everyone who would like to attend or that you would like to attend can be there. More,importantly the marriage is between he and I. We arent having a family ceremony like some parents and stepparents have.

Jsmom's picture

I just don't understand who is backing you up on this? His family or yours...A marriage is not just about us it is also about the children we bring into this. They are affected by that marriage and if it succeeds or doesn't succeed it has an impact on their life. You need to see how he will feel down the road about this and your excluding his daughter but having your family there. He will resent you for it. You are also showing him how much you resent his daughter and every comment you ever make about her he will have this in the back of his head.

Jsmom's picture

It doesn't have to be a blended family ceremony like we had, it can be a regular ceremony. She just needs to be there to celebrate the day with you and her dad...

anabihibik's picture

I'm not either when I get married, but it is still important to my FH to have his son there, and I'd want my kids there, too, if I had any. AND, isn't both of your wedding???? I can not understand the statement of him "dictating YOUR flower girl." FH and I decided who was in our wedding together because this is OUR wedding. This is about US. Part of my FH is his child. Our wedding isn't going to have anything about FSS and I or about a "new" family, but it is important for FSS to be there.

skylarksms's picture

Everyone has backed me up on it.

EXCEPT your fiance. Are you marrying "everyone" or are you marrying him??

Another question for you...would you rather be RIGHT or would you rather be HAPPY?

Disneyfan's picture

Who are the people backing you up on this, your family and friends? Does his family know his daughter may not be there? A third cousin or great aunt missing the wedding isn't the same as the groom's/bride's child or parent missing it.

Holly's picture

For his own reasons, my ex decided not to invite our sons to his wedding when he remarried. In fact, he didn't bother telling them at all until months later. I can't tell you how devastated my boys were. Boy was he was totally, completely, uncategorically in the wrong.

If you can't understand why it is so important for your FDH to have his daughter there, then do him a favour and RECONSIDER GETTING MARRIED AT ALL. This is his CHILD!!!!!

Honestly, given that you are already so bloody minded over "family" money, you are not ready for the rest of the rollercoaster - it only gets more complicated from here!

purpledaisies's picture

I have to say I agree with with most of the ladies here. I wanted my kids in the wedding and we fought with bm to have the boys in the wedding. I also had them as a part of the wedding and made things for them and the person that was supposed to give them to them did not. I didn't now it before hand that she felt they had no business there but I wanted them in the wedding. I felt so bad for them as they asked me about after ward. I was MAD!

However you need to find a way to have her in the wedding if you can't then I see you have no place for her in your heart or life and not good for the kids at all. I'm surprised your man is marrying you knowing you feel that way about his child.

Honey you need to stop and think before you marry this man with a child that is that young and that far away that you have this much animosity toward.

Disneyfan's picture

What is his family saying he's wrong about? Wanting his daughter to be there or using bill money to make it happen? Why can't he drive down a week or a few days prior to the wedding to pick her up? If you're in the NE, I'm sure many of your wedding guest will give cash instead of a gift. Would you be willing to use a bit if that money to purchase a ticket for SD to fly back home? That way he won't have to make 2 road trips. Or he could use the bill money for a round trip ticket and replace it with gift money. Or he can work a bit of overtime to makeup the bill money used for the ticket. Or he can just sit back and accept the fact that you do not want his daughter to share this special day with you, him, his parents, your parents, his family, your family, your friends, his friends... You only want the important people in your life to be there.

mommyandstepmommy2011's picture

Everyone says he is wrong because my dad could only afford HALF of the cost. FI hasnt paid my dad for his portion. So if he buys a ticket before he pays my dad then is WRONG. How can you enter into a marriage slighting your in laws?
Everyone has tried to talk to him about it and offered the solution of using a child who is here. If SD were already here then no one would object but to use the mone for a ticket whne he hasnt paid my dad is selfish of him.
Members of both sides of our family have offered their little girls and he wont hear it. also driving down a few days before makes no sense. How many days should she miss from school? She isnt getting married. We are.

DoingItAgain's picture

This is not about needing a flower girl. Really, who cares if there is a flower girl in the ceremony. He wants his DAUGHTER there. Jiminy Cricket, give your husband that. This is a very fair request. You need to figure out what you need to do to have the wedding with his daughter there. He will regret and always resent you for that. You are disrespecting him. Would you be willing to get married without your child present? If not, you need to think twice about proceeding with this approach.

Holly's picture

So this man is going to be your husband and you - his "loving" wife, supposed to be committing herself to love, cherish and honour - is b*tching at the first hurdle. You just can't bring yourself to find some way to help your future husband do something that is so important to HIM.

Do you really think he gives a cr*p about using some other kid as a flower girl? HE WANTS HIS LITTLE GIRL TO BE PRESENT AT THIS IMPORTANT OCCASION IN HIS LIFE!! SHE IS HIS FAMILY TOO. How can you not get that? I assume that you are not sending your kids away? Or maybe even your own kids are too inconvenient to have at "your" wedding? Seriously, you really come across that you hate that little girl and will move mountains to make sure she doesn't come to the wedding. What a Bridezilla. Wow, hope nobody ever treats you or your kids that way.

mommyandstepmommy2011's picture

Actually his family is trying to convince him to use a child that is here. They are tired of it. We planned our wedding at a time that suited us and then BM and SD moved away after we had set the date. She would most certainly be the flowergirl if she were still living in the area.
My dad is NOT okay with not being paid back yet. My family has said that if he doesnt make good on his word they are not going to sit around and grin and bear it. He owes him the money and he should be a man of his word and opay my dad FIRST.

purpledaisies's picture

I agree if you can't find a compromise that speaks volumes for you and if your dad can't handle the money issue better then he has then he is no better. WOW just WOW.

There is a compromise in here some where. You need to find it or things will not be good in your marriage I promise you that! If I were him I would call the whole thing off if you had that attitude toward my kid! Be careful he just might wise up and send you packing!

mommyandstepmommy2011's picture

I wont attend her wedding if she invited me. I would give her a gift of a sum of money toward the cost and then I would give her a separate wedding gift but I wouldnt participate at all.
My dad did the best he could to help us with the wedding. He didnt have to give us anything and for one man to cheat another man by not paying him back is wrong.
The compromise BOTH sides of the family is seeking is for him to just ask a child who is here and call it a day. Everyone from his side has been bearing down hard on him to just let it go and focus on paying off the last of the wedding bills.
I dont think it is an attitude toward his child. I just think he isnt thinking with a level head.
I think he is focused on having her here for the wedding BECAUSE he doesnt have custody. When she lived here and things didnt fall on his time with her he never went to her. She has missed family picnics, anniversary parties and things of that nature.

purpledaisies's picture

No sweetie you have attitude toward the child. you made that clear when you said you would not be attending her wedding.

I understand where your FDH is coming from he wants his child there period!

Put yourself in his shoes and ask yourself if you had a child that young and did not have custody how would you feel?? I'll tell you you would do everything in your power to make that happen! If you would do that for YOUR child then you need to accept the fact that he wants to do it for his child! you are wrong period! Like I said you need to find a way to get his child there! You also need to be careful cause he could send you packing and go get his child!

Jsmom's picture

Honestly - pawn something or do something differently. Get that kid there. This is wrong. I am calling you names in my head, because I just can't believe you do not see the problem here. No kid should be in the wedding, if his daughter can't be. She should be there. Why the hell is he marrying you if you feel this strongly about his daughter being there??????? You do not see to be getting what everyone is saying. I am starting to think you are one of these Bridezillas on tv.

Get his daughter there. Your dad should recognixe the importance of that. He is obviously there for you. As for the money. It will work itself out with the gifts you will get. If not, cancel the wedding...I really want to hug your husband because I feel really bad for him and the way you are already treating him. You will be divorced in no time...

mommyandstepmommy2011's picture

I am considering loaning him the money BUT making sure he know HAS to pay me back and I mean HAS to pay me back or he can just let us buy a dress for a child who is here.

Holly's picture

If you have the money, why don't YOU pay your dad back - after all this wedding is all about YOU!!

mommyandstepmommy2011's picture

Um he is a grown man. Why do I ned to get his child herre. He needs to do that.Im not going to baby him.

lexaprotakemeaway's picture

Wow.. how old are you, mommyandstepmommy2011???

I feel sorry for your fiance, and I don't understand why he would even want to marry you?? You have displayed some of the most hateful, selfish, narscissistic behavior I have ever seen. If I were him, I'd say 'eff you and the horse you rode in on!!'

mommyandstepmommy2011's picture

being caslled names doesnt mean anything to me. We didnt budget for a ticket for her because they were living here when we started planning.
He is a grown man and should be ashamed to be taking my money and cheating my dad who was nice enough to help us pay.
We cannot spend all of our money on the wedding. We have to live after it is over.
His mom was screaming at him about the whole situation and his family is as disgusted with it as mine is. We all feel he needs to back off.
He didnt care what I wanted when he demanded she be the flowergirl. Im supposed to select my attendants. She can stand on his side.

stormabruin's picture

So, if it were your child you wouldn't want your fiance to help with expenses if it meant the difference between having them there or not? Hint: There is no answer here except, "Of course I would. What parent wouldn't want their child at their wedding?".

Next, as he is a grown man, you are a grown woman & should be ashamed for being so selfish. You can't honestly say that if you helped pay for the ticket there would be nothing left to get you through the days after your wedding. If that's the case, you've clearly spent waaaaaay too much to get married.

Really...she can't miss a few days of school to attend her dad's wedding??? Parents pull kids from school for a week or two at a time for vacations ALL THE TIME. Given your lack of compassion toward anyone but you & your dad, I can't imagine you're honestly concerned about the child missing school. You're just trying to make excuses to not have her there.

You're being selfish & inconsiderate. Both of which there is no room for in a stepfamily. Your families are disgusted with him??? They should all be disgusted by you. Your parents should be ashamed for teaching their daughter that it's acceptable to be so selfish.

A wedding is for two. IT ISN'T ALL ABOUT YOU.

You should have your fiance read this post. Give him the opportunity to see that there are considerate kind women out there who are capable of empathy & compassion, & then have him decide if he still wants to be with you.

skylarksms's picture

He is a grown man and should be ashamed to be taking my money and cheating my dad who was nice enough to help us pay.

SO-o-o-o many red flags in this ONE statement:

1. Why would you marry someone YOU feel is CHEATING YOUR FATHER??

2. Why would you marry someone who you feel does not manage money well?

3. Why do you hate his 8 year old daughter so much?

4. Why do you think that if HE is selfish, it entitles YOU to be selfish?

5. Why would you want to marry someone who you think is selfish?


You think the WEDDING is expensive! Wait until you price out divorce lawyers!!!

lexaprotakemeaway's picture

OMG.. are you even for real??

You come on here asking if you're the crazy one. For most part, we tell you 'yes, you are', and you aren't even listening. Why did you even come here??

mommyandstepmommy2011's picture

Im not hating on the situation. Im going to just give up and let it go.

Auteur's picture

Definitely call the wedding off b/c there are many unresolved issues here that won't get better on their own. It will just be misery for everyone involved and that is not fair to anyone.

mommyandstepmommy2011's picture

Also in the previous post may posters argeed with me and thought that he should just get over it. They thought he was being craxy for suggesting that he drive to get her and that a child doesnt need to witness a wedding that badly. They are getting married.

Jsmom's picture

What posting. Please provide the link. I would be really surprised if anyone knowing everything you have told us, would ever tell you that it is okay that DH's daughter doesn't attend his wedding...

purpledaisies's picture

Me smells a rat!! I don't think she is for real couldn't be. At least I hope someone would not be like she is. poor kid and poor guy she is about to marry if she really is. WOW I just can't get this out of my head that she is that cold hearted.

Yes you are being very cold hearted. VERY cold! I have asked you to put yourself is his shoes and ask yourself how would you feel if your 8 year old was moved to another state knowing you were getting married and your FDH was pitching the fit you are about her being there? you have not answered my question. You really need to stop and think what would you do if this were your child?

I know what you would do you would do EVERYTHING you could to get her there. But now you are just so cold to a child that you never see. WOW I am at a lose for words expect how cold you are.

These ladies are right this is 'our' money not just yours and his. You 2 are paying for the wedding and you 2 together should pay your dad. WOW

Jsmom's picture

I really do not think we can get through to her. I feel so sorry for the kid and am actually grateful that a BM moved away. I never thought I would think that about a BM. But, protecting that child from this Stepmom is the right thing to do. I just wish the guy would realize what he is marrying before their marriage becomes another statistic. This whole post has me so upset that someone would treat their DH this way....No wonder why we stepmoms fight an uphill battle with peoples perception of us with Stepmoms like this out there.

stormabruin's picture

I hate to think that on your wedding day, you & your man will be standing across the altar from one another, & as you are gleaming & reveling in your glory he'll be feeling resentment & bitterness toward you that he will harbor for as long as your marriage may last...and I use the term "last" loosely here. The worst part of it is that you'll be so involved in yourself & making it all about you, that you won't blink an eye to the thought.

purpledaisies's picture

I have a question for the op, in one of your posts you said that your FDH was upset over the amount "I" spent on the wedding. If you it was you that spent that money how is it that HE owes your dad anything??? Plus I would be ashamed if it were pointed out to me about how cold you are being toward a child that all your FDH wants is to be in the wedding and understandably so. SHE IS HIS child! I wanted my kids in the wedding so why would not let my dh have his kids in the wedding? you really need to think how would you feel the roles were reversed.

That will give you your answer, Deep in your heart you know you are wrong but keep trying to get others to see you are not which is why you are posting here. Sad so sad.

overit2's picture

YEP, you said fly her and now say "you can't use MY money" to do so, going into a marriage, yep 24 yr old the typical generation ME spoiled Bridezilla brat that can't see past her OWN demands. I'm SHOCKED somebody is considering marrying you honestly.

overit2's picture

Ok...wait a minute you have children with your FDH? Two? Toddlers? I expect THEY will be at the wedding, and the "family bill" only applies for use for you and YOUR children correct?

I'm assuming somebody is making sure YOUR children are at the wedding correct? and watchign them during honeymoon? Maybe that's why he's marrying you-you already have kids so he's SOL unless he wants another 18 years of a crazy exwife and CS payments with a very entitled ME ME ME ex.

Get your head out of yourself and think-if this was MY kids wouldnt' I do all possible to have them here? Even if my dad had to wait a bit or your DH-the man you love LENT you the money to make it happen.

Disneyfan's picture

Who is paying for the honeymoom? I sure hope your DF isn't helping with that cost. I would hate for your daddy to flip out on him for using money to pay for a honeymoon when he hasn't paid him back yet.

heartnsoule's picture

I really think that you should not get married. You need to grow up. You will be one of those horrible step moms that give all of us good step moms a bad name because you are selfish, mean and could give to rats butts about you step daughter. I am curious what planet you are living in? If I were him I would call off the wedding and tell you to go ef yourself and your selfishness. You are quiet the piece of work........

darned confused's picture

Please don't get married! If this is an issue for you now (it sounds like the child is young if she is going to be a flower girl), it doesn't get a lot better. If she lives 20 hours away, there is always going to be a plane ticket or a road trip including hotel stay and gas charges. I get the bill money issue, to me it sounds like he wants her there to help create that "family" feeling on what is not only your special day but his too. Put the wedding on hold and deal with your other issues first. god bless

mommyandstepmommy2011's picture

The major thing here is that FI is a poor planner and Im not going to keep coming to the rescue for him. He got in my face and told me months ago he was going to use HIS money to get her here and I left it at that.
Yes, our toddlers will be at the wedding. They are children of our union and although the marriage is between he and I they are already living with us and we wont have to spend money to get them here. Relatives of mine will be keeping them for the honeymoon.
Im considering loaning him the money and making sure he knows that it is a loan.
If Im crazy then it is weird to me that everyone from my parents to his parents have sided with me and no one is in support of his going thru hoops etc to get her here. Oddly her mom married at the courthouse and didnt take her out of school for the day. No one including her cared.
I think you all are making this bigger than it is. Im hoping he does some overtime to get the money and it all pans out. Ill pay this time but he will have to give me the money back.

mommyandstepmommy2011's picture

Suggesting that we not marry or that we have a civil ceremony because we cannot afford to fly her here makes it even more about her. Some of you had family ceremonies and said vows to your kids but we didnt do that.
It comes down to his being a poor planner and having his own UNRESOLVED issues with having a child before we were together. Im fine with it and Im glad he and BM get along as it allows them to parent together. Ive been working with him on accepting that a stepfamily and a biological family are different BUT each can be rewarding.

Lilynadrienne's picture

I think you are right she doesn't need to be there if its going to interfere with the rest of the family. However, looking at this in his mind he would want his child there to see him marry someone he loves I already went through this and had to bite my toungue and let DH's SD go to our wedding because my 2 bio children would be there. Learn to pick your battles this is one that even though I agree with you and am totally on your side, you're just not going to win.

mommyandstepmommy2011's picture

If she were already here it wouldnt be a problem BUT for him to use our resources to get her here is selfish of him.
Im going to just back off because the situation will only get worse. Ive spoken to him about it and that I feel that if he has the money for a ticket to fly a child he had with another woman then he can spend more money on the children he and I have together. Instead of trying to move forward and pay my dad back he is lingering on trying to make the day about his daughter.
Im going to just swallow this pill. He has some serious issues with the fact that he has a child outside of our marriage and Im going to let him some time to come to terms with it.
I cannot believe that people think it is okay for a man not to honor her debts, spend money on his wants, and not contribute to household bills. Things are getting sad.

forestfairy's picture

Sounds to me like YOU are the one that has some serious issues with the fact that he has a child outside of your marriage, not him.

stormabruin's picture

That's the message I'm getting too. In fact, it seems most everyone who's posted on these 3 pages of replies are getting that as well.

Some people only hear what they want to hear. You can argue till you're blue in the face, & she won't be open to hearing anything other than 2% who agree with her.

She thinks she's upset now...wait till the wedding's over.

To the make everything all about you & you're still "upset"? GET USED TO IT!

stormabruin's picture


Unfreakingreal's picture

My SD10 was supposed to be my flowergirl. BM nipped it in the bud and took her on vacation 2 days before my wedding. Personally, I was thrilled although I would never admit such a thing to my DH. Only because I know SD10 and she would have made my wedding day all about her. She's one of those clingy "daddy daddy daddy" types. 2 years later, looking thru the photo album SD10 always says "I wish I was there." And I reply "Thank your mom for that one." This sounds like much more about you not liking the Skid than about bills. In a previous blog you said that it was 16 hours away and that you didn't want him to go away so close to the wedding date, and that you'd prefer he flew her in. What changed? Honestly, pick your battles. If HE wants to sit in a car for a million hours LET HIM. If HE wants to fly her in LET HIM. That's is daughter and you really shouldn't start your marriage off on the wrong foot. I was almost making cartwheels when BM trumped the idea of her daughter being my flowergirl, but atleast my DH was non the wiser. To this day he thinks I was truly broken up about it. }:)

Disneyfan's picture

Your last post sounds like you want him to forget/ignore his oldest child and just focus on his new family. He's trying to do the right thing and share the day with the 4 most important people in his life ~ his future wife and his 3 children. It's a shame that you don't (or don't want to) get that. Oh well, in this life what goes around comes around.

mommyandstepmommy2011's picture

He can share the photo albums with her on his next visitation time. He doesnt need to ignore her BUT our marriage is not about her and she isnt a child of our union so her being there doesnt matter.
This is just one of the examples of how he has tried to interject her into my and my relatives personal life. In the past he has tried to schedule family vacations, parties and things of that nature are her. Ill just suck this one up because when it is all said and done she is still HIS.
Deep down inside Im pissed that any money is being spent of get her here especially if I objected. If we are a unit my feelings about the finances should matter.
If I were marrying another man and my kids were with their dad in a different state then I would just let them stay where they are or plan better for them to be with us for the event.

stormabruin's picture

"If we are a unit my feelings about the finances should matter."
So what you're saying is that in your mind money is more important than family & that your feelings should be considered, but his shouldn't.

You should probably brace yourself for the following statement.
Newsflash...The world doesn't revolve around mommyandstepmommy.

Jsmom's picture

You seriously can not be for real...You do realize you are a stepmom and you accept his child for better or worse when you marry him. YOU ARE HER STEPMOM!!!!

You can not seriously believe what you are saying. If you remarried again, you sure as hell would want your children with you and your new husband. Sad thing is you are already preparing for your next marriage. Why are you marrying him? It doesn't sound like you even love him.

Of course he is trying to interject her in your life. He is her father, why wouldn't he want her in his life. Really can I have your husbands email, I really want him to know that there is a much nicer woman out there for him that would accept his child and his relationship with her.

I really dislike my SD15 because of what she has done to me. That is understandable to not want her in my life. But, what has this child herself done to you to cause this much animosity? She is part of his past and you need to accept that.

mommyandstepmommy2011's picture

I have no issue with her being apart of his life BUT I have a full life that revolves around my kids, my extended family and friends. I dont have to have here be apart of that.
A stepmom just means I married her dad. No responsibility or expectations come with that. That would be a problem. It is just going to have to be this way as far as the wedding goes so I have to focus on other things.

Gigi82's picture

I can’t believe this post is still going on. When I replied originally, I was polite and friendly to you, even though I disagreed. Per my usual non confrontational style, I didn’t want to be rude or too quick to judge. 90+ posts later, I’m still reading your bullshit. You haven’t even tried to listen to anyone’s insight on here, from people that have been in step families for years.

So now I’m thinking, fuck non confrontational. You are a soon to be step mom that is too selfish to realize that your FDH loves his daughter and will always be in her life. Would you rather him just not give a shit about her, what kind of man would that make him? His child is just as important as the ones you have had together, and she is a major part of your family whether you like it or not. FAMILY money should be spent on FAMILY, so you shouldn’t have an issue with her coming to the wedding even if it means FAMILY money should be spent on her plane ticket. If this was just you and him in a ceremony, I would get it. But you have all the rest of your FAMILY there, so she should be right there with them.

If SD had done something really horrible to you, I would maybe get it. She’s only a child,however, and you haven’t said anything about her behavior. It sounds like you don’t even know her, or want to get to know her.

Why even bother getting married? You obviously don’t love your FDH the way you claim to, otherwise you wouldn’t be treating him this way right now. Your poor future hubby, I feel sorry for him.

Thank God you weren’t my mother or step mother.

stormabruin's picture

"BUT I have a full life that revolves around my kids, my extended family and friends. I dont have to have here be apart of that."
So, if you can have your life revolve around your kids, why should he not be allowed to have a life that revolves around his?

It's sad that you honestly don't seem to understand how incredibly self-centered & selfish you are.

Good Lord! GROW UP!

stormabruin's picture


mommyandstepmommy2011's picture

Im working on accepting that he is going to spend the money. In the past I made many stands in terms of babysitting and scheduling and I was able to have a say. This is one of the situations where I cannot win.
I really dont care that he has another child BUT he and BM are responsible for her emotionally, financially and otherwise. As long as that is clear I can move on to making the best of the day.

Jsmom's picture

Do you really love your fiancee'? It just doesn't feel that way from reading any of your posts. You never talk about him just how this affects you.

purpledaisies's picture

I agree they will be divorced soon and she need to hope with all her might that he doesn't get with someone that treats HER kids the way she is treating HIS kid! Selfish is what this is! So sad that this poor kid is being put through this and she will always remember that she was NOT in the wedding b/c daddy didn't fly her there or come get her. This kid will resent sm for it too and she will way more problems b/c of this.

mommyandstepmommy2011's picture

I have always been there for him when he needed me. He doesnt need the money. He would like to have her here. Nothing bad will happen if she is not.
I dont care if she were to grow to resent me. As long as we can all be civil in the same room is all that matters. I only need for my biochildren to love me.
I wouldnt have a problem with a new SO and my kids as they are MINE and I would assume full responsiblity for them like a bioparent should.
Yes, BM is the better custodial parent. She always has been. Im not slighting him as he is a great father BUT part of being a parent is realizing that the other parent may better meet your child's needs.
I can see that you all allow your children both bio and step to have more say and control over your lives than I do. I wont judge you all for that as I dont expect you all to judge me for it. I find it so funny how you can post the same thing weeks or months apart and get two completely different views on it.

Jsmom's picture

Me -not raising my hand....SD15 hates me and everyone knows it. Worst thing I did was marrying her Dad...

The OP doesn't understand that this kid is not going anywhere and when she is old enough to realize what has gone on, she will make the OP's life hell. I want to be here to read the posts why she doesn't understand why the kid hates her...

stormabruin's picture

"I dont care if she were to grow to resent me."
I hope that you DO care that your finance will grow to resent you, because those feelings don't go away, & those feelings are enough to break a marriage. I would hope THAT would matter to you.

purpledaisies's picture

I can tell you right now as well as my kids and skids that they DO NOT have more control in our lives then I do! As a matter of fact my dd is laughing at you for that comment. But think about this if your kids are in the wedding why can't he have his kid in the wedding makes no sense! You are being very on sided on this. You know you are why else keeping coming back here to try to defend yourself or why post at all?? Why I'll tell you why b/c what you are doing is wrong and you know it is you just thought that we would all be on your side to validate what you want. When we didn't do that you defend yourself which is not working all it is doing is making you look CRAZY!

You will soon be one of the crazy bm's that we post about and when that happens I will be laughing my head off.

Either you change your attitude toward this girl or leave and let this man have a woman that will respect him and his child.

mommyandstepmommy2011's picture

That was your wedding. I dont see how that matters in my case. To my knowledge he hasnt promised anything.
Im not so much defending myseld nor did I expect you all to agree with me. I am very frustrated my another thing on the list of having to go out of our way to include her when her being there doesnt matter.
Our children will be at the wedding because they will already be with us. We arent spending any money to get them here.
It is the money that bothers me the most. Why is getting her here worth all that money that could either go toward household bills, directly to her, or toward the wedding.

stormabruin's picture

" I am very frustrated my another thing on the list of having to go out of our way to include her when her being there doesnt matter."
Just because it doesn't matter to YOU doesn't mean it doesn't matter.

I really hope this guy has enough sense to walk away before the wedding...

skylarksms's picture

IF this poster is for real...and not just a troll...


Do yourself and both your family's a favor. Do NOT get married. AND GET YOUR TUBES TIED.

smileygirl's picture

I think that a lot of who's right here depends on more details than I've seen.

1) size & cost - If it's small and intimate with very few guests & limited celebration then I don't think that it's necessary to have her there...but do remember if it's important to him then you need to remember that it's his day too.

2) BM / SD feelings - If you think/know that having her there will do more harm than good because it will cause drama with BM and/or SD then I always think you have to consider that.

DH and I didn't have his son's at our wedding despite having our son and all of my nieces there because while he would have enjoyed having them there, they wouldn't have enjoyed the experience (I don't think most kids like being jammed into formal wear in a hot church) and his ex would have likely lost what little bit of her mind she has left. Couldn't bear the thought of his kids and ex losing it on me in a church. Not to mention that we had fewer than 10 people in attendance and would have had fewer if would could have gotten away with.

If it's important to him and it's not going to send your daily reality into a tailspin, then I really think you should make this concession for him. It's like buying a really expensive dress - I did, it affected our finances but DH understood that it was important to me. If he's letting you pretty much run the show and do what's going to make you happy - as I think most men do - you really should do what you can to show him he's important too.

mommyandstepmommy2011's picture

NO its a BIG thing and Ive been keeping up with everything the whole time and my dad has been putting money out.
The typical big deal with save the dates and fancy programs. Videography. I am only doing this once.
It is a big event for us and he hasnt had to do much of anything. I think he is just trying to piss me off but Im working on the resentment. I was about to make him leave over it but I calmed myself down.
I can stomach not having all the details of the day go my way BUT I still resent that he is focused on her rather than he and I.
Im pissed actually. Im going to have to take some serious time to work on myself to get over being slighted financially.

smileygirl's picture

It's not what you want to hear so I hate to even say it but Marriage is compromise. If you can't compromise over this then I wouldn't do it because as others have just gets worse from here.

I think if it's a huge affiar as you descibe then I would select a family member that his daughter is comfortable with to attend to her and her needs throughout the course of the day and night (I did this with my son at our wedding and it worked very well). Then just grit your teeth and bear it.

While I too wanted my wedding day to be all about me (prior to the actual day)...I quickly came to realize when it came that it's really about family and surrounding yourself with love, not the dress or flowers, etc. and this girl is your family now. So, like it or not if her wants her there and she would like to be there, it's now almost your job to go with it, unless you are hoping to have a marriage full of ill-will and to never hear the end of how you were so awful about having his daughter there.

purpledaisies's picture

The money shouldn't matter it is your FDH and his childs feelings and the way this set things up in the future for the way you will respect his feelings and the way you view his dd. This has nothing to do with the money but the way you are handling it that speaks volumes to your FDH. you are getting worked up over money that can be replaced but the way you handle this and the way you treat your FDH and his dd can not be replaced. That is what we have been trying to tell you. It is NOT about the money but rather the way you are acting and handling this situation and the attitude you have about it.

You FDH and his dd will remember this and HE WILL resent you for it. Which WILL cause problems. For the sake of your marriage if you can't let it go and let him use the money to get his dd here for the wedding then you need to step back and not marry him b/c you are NOT ready to be a step mom nor a wife. The reason I say that is b/c being married is about comprise and you already compromised when you told him he could fly her in instead of him driving her in. You HAVE to fulfill your compromise.

mommyandstepmommy2011's picture

It is about the money.
He should be concerned with helping with the wedding expenses and not a ticket.
I dont care if he resents me over this. He will get over it and so will she.
I cannot imagine parents giving their children such a say in adult affairs such as a marriage.

purpledaisies's picture

No see this is where you are not seeing the big picture it is NOT about the money! People are worth WAY more then money that is what I am trying to tell you can you net see that?? How would you feel if your FDH choose money any amount over your feelings or your kids feelings?? You would not like it at all. As I said the money can be replaced but the way you handle this and treat your fdh is worth way more then any money even a million dollars b/c marriage is not about money sweetie. What part of that can you not get?? If you can't understand what I am saying then no you do not need to marry this man. you are not ready!


Oh and NO he will not get over I'm tell he will not and this will come up again either with him or his dd or both. It WILL cause way more problems then it is worth. Not worth the fight over a plane ticket for the 2 of you to be good to each other.

You can't expect your FDH to do what ever just you want with nothing in return. He is only asking for his child to be at the wedding. You said it yourself he hasn't and to do much of anything for the wedding nor any input, this is his ONLY request why can't you let him have ONE thing?? This one thing IS A HUGE deal to him.

skylarksms's picture

I believe this person is just a troll. Why do I think that?

Because many (sane, rational) posters have asked reasonable questions and just been ignored. THEN she (or whoever) also can't keep facts straight. It is a BIG wedding but they don't have the money for it. Der! Then you don't have as big of a wedding!

mommyandstepmommy2011's picture

We have paid off most of the large wedding expenses. He hasnt paid his share of the money back to me and my dad.
So not being able to afford a big wedding and a plane ticket are two different things.
Being selfless and thought would also entail his paying my dad back the money he owes him if that would make me happy and relieve the tension in the family that is about the form at the wedding.
If he cannot honor his debts to my family especially my dad then we are going to have a hard time.

hopefulSM's picture

I am new to this board and forgive me, as I have not read all the responses, but seen this comment-
Why is getting her here worth all that money that could either go toward household bills, directly to her, or toward the wedding.

It seems that this really comes down to priorities. To your FDH FAMILY is a priority. His daughter is his family and through this marriage will be your SD. This marriage is about becoming a family. It is NOT just about you and DH. This is about the commitment you have to each other and to supporting each other and because you are already parents it includes your children and SD. He wants SD there because she is his child and she will be a part of this family coming together, whether she is there 50% of the year or 5% of the year. It is obviously important to FDH that this is a family event that includes SD.

It seems that your priority is money. You do not want money being spent on SD getting to the wedding. If money was so tight and so dearly important to you, why did you not factor in the cost of getting SD to the wedding during the planning? Is this a last minute thrown together wedding? If so can you postpone it until you have the funds to get SD to the wedding? If this was a planned wedding – months/years in advance why wasn’t this cost factored in, especially when FDH voiced that he wanted her to be a part of the wedding?

To FDH it is worth spending money and/or time to get SD and have her be included in this life changing event. For you, it would it is not worth it and you would rather money go toward bills or the wedding or directly to SD. Well getting SD there is having the money going towards the wedding and going directly toward SD, as it is taking her feelings into consideration and including her in a once in a lifetime family event. It’s not like you’re going to the zoo and O’well SD isn’t close by and can’t make it, maybe next time. This is you and FDH wedding! This is supposed to be a time for family and friends to get together and celebrate.

If FDH wants to drive to get SD, let him. Is there a reason he has to be around the day or two before? My DH had to drive to pick up SD from school on the Friday before our wedding (2 hours one way). He barely made it back in time for our rehearsal. I personally thought he should have sent someone else, but he wanted to get her to ensure no problems with BM. Sorry, but men are really not that much help in the planning and deatils of the wedding. It could be that going to get SD is the one thing that FDH can actually do to help with the wedding and not get in the way or mess things up ( my DH messed up quite a few things becuase he is not a details guy). We had to also have it be CO that we got SD for our wedding without interference from BM. We went to any and all efforts to have SD be a part of our day. If I would not have been supportive of that I have a feeling resentment would still be there from my DH and my SD.

mommyandstepmommy2011's picture

The marriage is about he and I. The concept of a family marriage etc is not for us.
Ive come to accept that he is going to spend the money.
In life you cannot always have things go your way.
No, this isnt a thrown together wedding and her ticket wasnt included in the budget because she was living here at the time. I included the cost of her dress. Now that she has moved away Im willing to use the dress money to buy a dress for a child who is here.
He doesnt want to do that so Im not getting into it with him about it anymore.

hopefulSM's picture

Well since she doesn’t live with you now and lives a distance away – does she not ever visit anymore? If she does visit how does she get there for visits? Does FDH drive to get her, does BM drive her, do they met, does he fly her? Are there not funds set aside in your family budget to take this cost of her coming for a visit at least occasionally? Can’t those funds be used to make this a visit? Mayeb you use the funds that are set aside for her visits and use it for this and then cancel a different visit. It just seems a little unreasonable to say SD cannot attend the wedding simple due to limit funds. Can she also not visit your home due to limit funds?

mommyandstepmommy2011's picture

smtotothe love
or whatever your screenname is shut up no shut the hell up. REsponsible people make payments on wedding expenses all the time. Just like if we were going on vacation we could make payment on the coming months.
Do tell me what we need at our wedding. If I got fancy invites or whatever that mattered.
Dont tell me having her here was more important to us than anything else we got.

mommyandstepmommy2011's picture

We have paid it off. We arent going into debt over the wedding and that is the reason we arent buying the plane ticket. That will take us out of our budget.
I dont think you are understanding that we have done everything for the event but that flying her here will cost us money that is not in the budget.

mommyandstepmommy2011's picture

My husband and MY kids are my life. I cannot believe anyone takes one issue to such an extreme to have it ripple into family issues and finances

stormabruin's picture

You know how important your children are to you. Why can't you understand that HIS child is that important to HIM? He is (or will be) your family. THAT makes it a family issue.

mommyandstepmommy2011's picture

No, the money he owes my dad is the same amount as the cost of the plane ticket.
Ive also said that. He owes him a few hundred dollars and he wants it before he buys a ticket.
We are having a wonderful wedding with no debt. Yes, it can happen.
Now, since you dont have anything else to do keep looking.

stormabruin's picture

Oh YES! How much more wonderful a wedding could one ask for than one with a self-absorbed egotistical bridezilla & a stepped-on resentful bitter groom.

I see unicorns & rainbows in your marriage! :sick:

Jsmom's picture

Your Dad is a jerk for not understanding the money issue and encouraging him to not have his daughter at the wedding.

What are your plans for the money from the guests at the wedding? My first wedding we received over 10K that we used to pay for some of the bills and then on the honeymoon. Still feel guilty 20 years later for not saving it all.

I am sure you have plans for it. Why can't it go to paying back your Dad...

purpledaisies's picture

HOLY CRAP op you need to step back and realize that if your kids mean as much to you as you say they do that your FI's kid means just as much to him as yours do to you. That is all we are trying to tell you. If all you owe your dad is a few hundred Which according to you is the same as the ticket then yes your dad can wait and he should EXPECT that your fi should use that money to fly his dd in!

If your dad can't wait then shame on him. and shame on you for not wanting your FI to be happy or have one thing that will make him happy in all this huge wedding that you are going to have. Which is really for the bride anyway as we all know that most men could care less and just go to a justice of the peace.

So let your Fi be happy for just a few hundred and be happy for him. As you are getting thousands spent on you.

If money is the only thing you can relate to then I have put in money terms.

Jsmom's picture

Her story keeps changing...It is like watching a car accident. She never once says she loves her husband. I think she wanted a big wedding and got Daddy to pay for it. Made DH work like a dog to pay Daddy back for some of it. Bet her parents have still paid quite a bit of it. It is all about the day for her and everyone will think she is the perfect happy bride with her perfect family. No room for a child from a previous relationship. This has nothing to do with the money for a plane ticket. She doesn't want the image of her perfect family messed up with that child being there. Pictures for years, will show that the child wasn't there.

She will have her perfect day and her DH will wake up in a few months and see that she absolutely hates her new SD. He will walk away from her, because she won't change. Then he will sue her for Custody of their kids. He will marry someone and she will have a backbone and won't put up with her crap. They will be in court on and off for years because she will always be MOTY for her kids.

THis poor guy has no idea how much his life is going to suck with her for a BM. I know my DH would do his whole life over if he could and run screaming from BM. But, he can't and we go back and forth to court every few years.

I don't think she is a troll. She really feels this way and as sick as she sounds to us, in her mind she is justified for hating the SD. She wants a perfect picture and SD doesn't make that work.

There has to be Narcissistic Personality or some other mental illness at work here. She is more in need of intensive therapy than any other poster that has been on this site.

mommyandstepmommy2011's picture

Wow, it is way t oo much in your post. Too bad it isnt true. I think you will be happier if you get on with your own life.

Jsmom's picture

Everyone is right on here, you do not come out and answer the basic questions.

Here since my post was too long for you to handle....Do you actually love your fiancee? That all consuming love that says you can not imagine going a day without him.

Just to show you how good my life is since you asked....I have been lucky enough to have that twice in my life. I have had two wonderful weddings, but those are just two days out of my life. What shows how much you love someone is being there for the difficult stuff. For me it was watching my husband have two kidney transplants and die from Skin Cancer at 38. And for husband number two it is helping him deal with BM and SD and raising our sons.

Curiously what will it be for you? Will it be the perfect wedding day or the life stuff that comes after? Because honestly, you don't have the character to deal with the icky life stuff and you have a lot of coming with your SD....

Jsmom's picture

I am telling you it would be great to sit back and see what her life is like in 6 months time. I never thought anyone could be this incredibly selfish...I watch the Housewives (much to my husband's chagrin) and none of them are this bad.

mkleslie's picture

I can see both sides. First and foremost he should not use money he doesn't have to buy a plane ticket. He should be able to invite his daughter to the wedding though. Maybe he feels bad having to go back to his daughter and tell her that dad doesn't have the money to get her there. But he has to face it and tell her.

Though I'm not close to my SD and SS they were hurt when hubby wasn't going to invite them in our wedding out of state. I expressed to him this would happen. We decided to have a celebration here as well.

Do you have biological children?

B's picture

So, I know this is an older thread, but I'm just dying of curiosity.....

Did the wedding happen? Or did FDH wish up and run for the hills?? Inquiring minds want to know. :?