New here.... Am I the only one losing my mind
:jawdrop: Hey all, I am new here and a bit excited that such a site exists.
My life has been crazy - like twilight zone hell since I have been with my husband and his two kids (13 yo girl and 10 yo boy).
I am fine with my ss, he is a pain, but a typical pain for being a 10 yo boy. He doesn't dig my strict consistancy, but he has slowly grown to be better behaved and less impulsive. He as an attention deficit, but I attribute TV and games more so than anything. So I have been working with him form 5 years on the imaginative play, football and he has become pretty well rounded. We have grown closer, slowly - as a relationship between sk and sp should.
My sd is a completely different matter. She has been in therapy and counseling since she was about 9. I finally convinced my husband that something was off with her and after one mutilated gerbel, food hoarding and a list of bizarre behaviors - he too agrees that something is off. Especially since the behaviors have grown worse and have now spilled over into school. Her counselor finally got the referral for an intensive examination by a psychiatrist. We had been asking for one for a while, but I guess the counselor didn't want to lose his WEEKLY check. Seriously - weekly.
We are looking at a possible 30 day intensive inpatient admission. I am only saying all this to help you all understand that we are trying very hard to get her help.
Now, since I have been in her life I have tried every bonding technique (to no avail because of an attachment disorder), but I am a mother and so that instinct to reach out is there. The kids BM was killed in a car accident when SD was 3 and SS was 5 months old. This is relevant to her situation. I am who takes her on shopping sprees, girlie dates with nails, etc. and other things. I am who has fought the school to recognize she has a learning disability and obtain and IEP.
Now her behavior has hit a fast downward spiral since she hit puberity. I am the first she has made accusations against at school - of beating her. She broke her glasses and blackened her eyes trying to make it look like I nailed her. After my husband went to school to look for my cell phone she stolen and opened her locker (discovering every lunch I had packed her for 3 months crammed in there with black mold) that the school referred SD to psychiatric eval. The next accusation was a serious offense, but her story was far from being believeable. She accused her uncle of rape, said she was pregnant and that I was taking her to the clinic and her grandmother would raise the baby. She told her friends that she would name the baby after her uncle. BIZARRE - yes we know.
So dealing with this for 5 years... I resent my marriage, my husband and her. I want out and away from it all so badly. It is all crazy. She can't emotionally bond with anyone and she doesn't feel sad. She is truly apathetic to everything. She is cold, manipulative and if you catch her just right - down right scary hateful. I hate being in the same room with her.
We have no idea if she is genetically prone to her mental illness or if it is related to her mom's death. My husband is her adopted father, not BF.
I am tired. I am exhausted. I just want to enjoy life, live in peace and smile every day. Before I met my husband - I was happy - really really happy. I didn't need a man. I just fell in love. But I didn't sign up for this and you can't foresee this ever. When she would pee in my car and wet her bed every night in the beginning - I honestly felt it was because she lacked that bond with her mom. I never knew she would hurt an animal, try to kill her brother, make crazy accusations, steal so much it can be called grand larceny, steal food, hoard food, hoard trash.... the list is crazy long. Everyone in her life is aware of the problem. Nobody denies it. I am the only one who never knew her as a normal baby. I have only known all the eccentric behaviors. The lying.... maddening.
Is anyone out there having this issue. A true mental illness that borders sociopathic tendencies... I wish I could just leave.
Well, thanks for letting me purge like crazy... ha ha.
Wow, thats alot to deal with.
Wow, thats alot to deal with. I am not a Dr., just a case manager/direct support professional who works with children with mental health issues, but it sounds like her issues are far more serious than loosing her mother. Inpatient may be the only way to go..I'm sure the animal, lies, and lack of empathy sent up red flags with the Dr.s you are working with. I would be surprised if she wasn't inpatient for a long time - which may be the only safe solution for you and your family.
I bet her stay will bring some options to light.
Are you and your DH close and connected through all this or has the trama of it all pushed you apart?
You're right - no-one can
You're right - no-one can forsee what living with difficult SKIDS may be like. I get the impression that you are quite a way down the road towards deciding to leave. How could you have known you would be dealing with Regan from the Exorcist?
I don't think any reasonable person would expect you to stay in such a situation - even your husband. Unless big changes happen very soon - I would be inclined to tell yourself you gave it your best, but some situations can't be mended - and get your life back.
Thank you both I haven't
Thank you both
I haven't ever made a real decision on what my plans are other than when she becomes threatening, I am taking ALL the kids (along with SD, I have a bd who is 15, my ss who is 10 and together my husband and I have a 3 yo.) and splitting. DH is full aware and understands. Deep down he feels the same way, however, he has an emotional conflict in himself about all of this. He promised his first wife, when she was alive, that he would care for SD and they began adoption proceedings. After first wife died, I think that promise meant a lot more to him. He has told me that he has no idea why he keeps trying... he doesn't know if it is because he doesn't want to let his first wife down or what it was that made him hang on and go through the mental anguish that SD brings. After he told me this and knowing the inner conflict he was having, it did ease my resentment towards him. However, when she acts up I get riled again. I have to keep it all inside because I definately don't want to say something that I can't ever take back. People may forgive, but noone forgets and words leave the deepest impressions.
We are both hoping they conclude that she needs inpatient therapy. My DH is actually afraid SD will fool the psychologist into thinking she is an average kid. Another reason I don't stay too upset at him - he feels the same fears, etc. It makes it a little easier knowing he is having a hard time dealing with her. I still do wonder where I would be and how different my life would be if I had paid attention to the small things and broke up with him. Too late for that now. That is my inner conflict. I keep dreaming of the peace in my life before SD and I just deflate when I think of where I am today.
So, in the beginning the things SD would do would drive DH and I apart because she played two roles - dear, perfect, sweet daughter who only couldn't get up at night. She would do anything and everything he asked. She really would flip a switch and talk so insanely sweet in front of him. So when I would "b****" about his daughter (his term for my venting), he would get mad thinking I blamed his and thought mine were angels. It took me a long time to convince him that I was as being equal with all the kids. However, somethings SD did were just jaw-dropping and I couldn't discipline her alone. I would go nuts. So a long and argumentative road and finally we are on equal ground.
I have invested way way too much to leave him, but my mind drifts back to a time pre-SD so much. I hate that. I want to just live again. I have to get past that dreaming of my past stage and get on with the here and now. That is where I am stuck and that is where my resentment holds me hostage, if you will. At times, I pray and pray to God to help me love SD a little. She is a cute girl and I want nothing more than for her to be normal. WE all do... but the things she does and the fact that her antics are all I have ever known, I have no foundation to build a real bond to her. I feel like I go through the motions of helping because it is the right thing to do and not because I care anymore. I literally pray to be a better person at dealing with her, because who can't like a kid. I don't despise her, but I resent her... I don't hate her (I know she does what she does because she has something really wrong, makes it a bit easier to not hate), but I really really don't want to be around her. I feel terrible that I don't want to deal with her anymore. You can't say that out loud though because you then look like a monster. It's havoc on my emotional psyche and I am an emotional eater so this is very not good and I have to regroup. I definately want to get myself to a better place internally so that I don't end up on meds like my husband. Thus, my going on and on to anonymous group - it's like a support group without the awkwardness. I need this LOL.
Pardon my windy posts, but our support network is minimal.
Hi again- you don't mention
Hi again- you don't mention whether you go to work or not - maybe you don't have time! - but I would suggest if you don't, then fill your life with something that is fulfilling to you, such as voluntary work or an absorbing hobby or interest or some sort of group or educational activity.
As far as coping with the immediate situation goes - I belong to a group for people with depression, and it is tremendously helpful - I would suggest you look for an actual support group in your area for parents with children who have problems or disabilities etc - they are commoner than you might think. Internet support is a start, but it is really helpful to have face to face as well.
Also perhaps give yourself a time limit - say 3 years - and if you are still very unhappy at that point, despite your best efforts, then maybe reassesss the situation. Your SD sounds very disturbed and it may be that in the long term, some sort of residential group living situation where they are trained in dealing with that sort of behaviour, may be the best thing for everyone.
I do work. I work only
I do work. I work only part-time because we have the 3 yo and I try to be with her as much. As for support groups, I would, but I live in an extremely rural area and to join a group would be mean a long haul to the nearest town/city. Further, because our town is small to join such a group would be hard because people talk too much around here. We have church and we have went to the minister for counseling and support. As well, my husband and I went to counseling together just so we could basically vent. Right now we are just at a crossroads where SD needs some serious intervention and until that meeting life is as it has been, but at the same time absolutely crazy. Unfortunately the psychologist's office is booked until the first of July. Thankfully, school is out and we don't have to worry about insane rumors.
Thanks for your post though!!! I have thought about that - a support group... if only it existed. If we were to even begin one, I am sure - no I am positive that nobody else would show. LOL. A small town is nothing like Northern Exposure.
There is still so much research to be done to get an idea of what is going on with a psychopathic personality, but this kinds sounds like your SD. Some people have tendencies of not being emotionally attached or not caring about taking advantage of others, but its those who show it in the extreme that you have to worry about.
Unfortunately you can't teach empathy or caring at this point. I hate to sound bleak, but this type of person is just the kind you stay away from.