OMG It gets worse!
So I was doing some checking on this "lawyer" my SS23 says he is using to resolve his deserter issue with the Army. He keeps telling me that his lawyer wants him to go back to Ft Bragg and turn himself in, but after he completes a checklist of sorts. He has to do this, then this, and that, etc. etc. etc. So after I got fed up with waiting, I found out that his lawyer is in the process of being reprimanded by the bar association in OK and is nothing but mud on the bottom of a shyster's shoes.........lower than low. So, in effect, my SS has done NOTHING to move out, go back, get a life- NOTHING!!! ARGGGGGGGG!!!! Well, the world may not have ended today, but for my SS, it will feel like it in the morning. There are going to be 4 MPs showing up at 0400 to "escort him to a satisfactory resolution." Lets see how DH likes that for beating around the bush.................
Nope, I refuse to hang on for
Nope, I refuse to hang on for the bumpy ride- it should be smooth sailing!!! Cause if anyone (DH included) tries to rock MY boat now, after 10 years of this crap, they can just exit at the next marina, cause I am gonna sail off SO SWEETLY into the sunset........... LMFAO. They can't say I didn't warn them. I gave them a firm, 14 day ultimatum. They just thought I was "suggesting" instead of "demanding" I guess.
Get a margarita and CELEBRATE
Get a margarita and CELEBRATE BABY!!! And make sure you play that song, (Good and loud too
"na na na na na na....hey hey hey! Good bye!!!
So what happened? Did they
So what happened? Did they haul his ass off? Great for you to finally take control of the situation that was only going to eat at you and no one else. You did the right thing.
If DH has a problem with you because his kid is AWOL he needs his head checked. What kind of man would let their kid they know is AWOL just live with you forever anyway and not expect them to be accountable for their actions. If DH doesn't hold them to account for things like this then he will never hold them to account for anything ever.
My dad was a Marine and I assure you had I joined all on my own and then come home AWOL he would have kicked my ass and drove me to the nearest MP's himself!
Between the divorced parents letting their kids do anything they want and government telling everyone they are winner no matter what is there really any doubt why our country is going down the shitter? If over 50% of marriages end in divorce that means over 50% of all kids out there are someones SKIDS. So 1/2 of the future population will have been raised with this ME ME ME mindset. Sick!
Used Up, Well the MPs DID
Used Up,
Well the MPs DID show up at 4AM. However, they gave him a summons paper that he is to report to duty in Fort Brag on Aug 31.
AUGUST??!!!??!?!? Are you FRICKING KIDDING ME?????
The MPs were so graciously accompanied by his unit commander, who told his dad and I, with NO HOLDS BARRED- that this kid was SO much of a screw up they had hoped he would stay gone forever. They didn't want him back and if he didn't make it in August the military would just do a happy dance.
Totally ruined my day.
Apparently this kid was in charge of inputting coordinates for simulated missle strikes in training and managed to "hit" his own men every time. No one in his battery wanted him deployed to a REAL war zone.....
Can't they just put him in jail or something??? Now he is NEVER going to leave..........UGH