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My pup

AJanie's picture

So every day for the last 2 weeks I have had insanely long checklists. Utilities canceled/started. Wifi. Disconnect his cell from my plan. Stay on him to register his car and get it out of my name. Find my doberman a foster home. Unpack. Work. etc.

I have been searching for the right family for my dobie ever since I coerced EX to hand him over. He still wants him after he gets out of rehab but it is not happening.

I found a family, a girl I grew up with actually.. we lost touch after high school. She has 4 kids and her husband is a huge animal lover looking for a companion to fish and hike with. She owns a house with a small fenced in yard.

My sister found a couple with a farm and 2 other dogs. They would be willing to take him as well.

My gut tells me to send him to the family with the kids. He loooved the skids and was just such a family dog.

Tonight they come see him. Please send all the good luck vibes my way. This is the last super hard thing I have to do right away before life normalizes.


hereiam's picture

If his car is titled in your name, did you already sign the title over to him with a gift affidavit (or whatever is required in your state)? Let the DMV know that, that you are no longer the legal owner.

I hope your dog gets a good home tonight.

ESMOD's picture

I hope you get a nice home for the pup! That will certainly be a small relief as you wade through all this stuff!

AJanie's picture

True. I will ask that of them. I just can't stop crying. I just want this all over with.