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Not excited for tonight

confusedsm11's picture

DS1 hasn't slept in a week (and is very cranky), DD6 behavior has been very testing and now DH is on his way home with SS. I'm at my ropes end with my own kids and now DH says he is "sick" which is the same thing he said on SS last visit when he went upstairs and didn't come back down all night leaving me with all 3 kids. Tonight SS is only here until 7:30...if you don't feel good- WHY even pick him up? Let him go to his mother's house. It's really a wasted visit with SS wanting DH and DH laying helplessly around bc he doesn't feel good. I ask DH to call me when he is done work so I can start dinner EVERY DAY. Well he usually never calls and today he called AFTER he picked up SS from daycare. SEriously is it that hard to call/text when ur done work? I really don't think it is. DH used to be so irritated with me if I didnt call him as soon as I left the office when I was working but now I don't get ANY contact from him during the day. He says its bc of his job BUT I have previously found text messages that went allllll day long with other females before so I'm sure its not the job. Every time SS says "Daddy", DH replies "Yes my son" and it makes him sound like he is just waiting for the next beautiful thing to emerge from the childs mouth. Oh well, I guess it's a night of misery and no sleep over here...he better not ask me to take SS home bc I am NOT in the mood to deal with BM for any reason!

marissamae88's picture

You found text messages from him to other women? You are stronger than me because I would have been did you handle that?

confusedsm11's picture

Yeah, it was actually a female teacher from SS daycare that was going through a divorce! He said she was going through a tough time and needed support. I said well hot damn what about me? You don't show me any of that support and you hid this relationship for over a month!! I was hysterical and it still bothers me to my inner core but beyond the text messages, which I only found one in his phone, I saw the other interactions on the phone bill so I have no idea what they said, I have no proof that he actually cheated. And I just couldn't compromise my entire family on a I wait for more proof to pop up. I'm sure it will if he was really cheating. The worst part to me was BM works at the same daycare that SS goes to so I still wonder if she knew about the close "friendship" DH has/had with this women and I look like a huge ass!

marissamae88's picture

Yea I understand that you wanted more proof. I think emotional relationships with females would bother me more then physical relationship. Knowing that he trusted this female and that she trusted him. Did you know her? Did she know of you? Anyways I probably looked way more into that then you needed. Im sorry I do feel like your being disrespected not being held to a high priority like you should be. Explain it to him and he should try and understand where you are coming from.

confusedsm11's picture

I think they are both equally bad but it did bother me big time that I can NEVER get him to speak to me bc he says all I do is "nag"...I tried telling him if he would communicate with me I wouldnt feel so alone in the world and wouldn't have to "nag" and what was the difference bc this female? All she wanted was a man to feel sympathy for her and listen to her complain. I told him she needs to find another man bc my husband is not the one! I think the "friendship" has ended. But I have no proof. He told me once we were married there was no reason for me to have male friends then he goes and gets female friends after I gave up all of my male relationships for his comfort.

im_trying_my_best's picture

aww honey. if it was hidden from you, then there is a reason. i have a very open relationship with my dh and we alwasy tell each other if we even get one text from a nother man/woman. plus, how did she even get his personal # like that? im sure she didnt search thefiles then just randomly text him

confusedsm11's picture

Yeah, it was actually a female teacher from SS daycare that was going through a divorce! He said she was going through a tough time and needed support. I said well hot damn what about me? You don't show me any of that support and you hid this relationship for over a month!! I was hysterical and it still bothers me to my inner core but beyond the text messages, which I only found one in his phone, I saw the other interactions on the phone bill so I have no idea what they said, I have no proof that he actually cheated. And I just couldn't compromise my entire family on a I wait for more proof to pop up. I'm sure it will if he was really cheating. The worst part to me was BM works at the same daycare that SS goes to so I still wonder if she knew about the close "friendship" DH has/had with this women and I look like a huge ass!

Kilgore SMom's picture

I better not find my DH texting, talking ect. to another women, unless it is in passing. When does a man get so friendy he gives out his number or gets her number. I would load my BC in the car and go to town till 7:30. My DH tried telling me (SM) that he worked hard and was going to bed early. Then I got to noticing it happened every other Fri. and Sat. night. So I told him you didn't go to bed early the night you(DH) and BM did the deal and DH your not going to bed early everyother Fri. and Sat. night.

confusedsm11's picture

So I told him you didn't go to bed early the night you(DH) and BM did the deal and DH your not going to bed early everyother Fri. and Sat. night.- that is tooo funny! My DH def. came home, ate dinner and went to bed. So now I'm stuck with my overactive DD6, my miserable from lack of sleep DS1 and SS4 still sitting at the dinner table over 45 minutes later refusing to eat my dinner as always. He is waiting for his dad to come hand feed him. I told him I don't hand feed my DS1 and I'm NOT handfeeding a 4 yr old boy! I haven't totally disengaged yet but my first attempt was to let dinnertime up to DH bc SS is such a brat at dinnertime and Im tired of fighting with DH. So I told him I'm done. YOU deal with it how you see fit but then he pulls this crap and leaves me in charge. I went upstairs and told him "You told him to sit and eat his dinner so until YOU come back and say he can be done or whatever it may be, he will sit there"....I just want this day to be over SS for 5 days after this...I love the weekends he is not here! I know that must sound awful but with all 3 kids int he house and DD and SS only get along half the time...DH and I always fight, etc. it's just much easier with just my bios. (although DD can be as hard as 5 kids sometimes! lol)

marissamae88's picture

Gosh my ss4 does the same thing with certain dinners ugh it drives me crazy! I let him sit there until its like an obnoxiously long time and then just send him to bed. He doesnt want to eat thats fine then he wont but ugh I hate the fight it drives me crazy.

confusedsm11's picture

It's completely unbearable! Every single meal...even if he picks it, he fights with us. His mother says he doesn't have that problem with her but then after bits and pieces from her, DH and SS, I came to realize that she doesn't feed him home cooked meals with vegetables...she feeds him spagettios, fish sticks, etc. with no sides so of course he is more likely to eat her junk! DH fights with him but he always ends up getting away with not eating and sometimes getting a snack. On nights like tonight, he says "I don't care, I'm going to Mommys house anyway" he knows there are certain days it doesn't matter if he eats here bc she will still give him a snack anyway. Ohh well, thats a fight I'm giving up. It still annoys me to all get out but I'm leaving it up to DH to deal with

marissamae88's picture

Gosh my ss4 does the same thing with certain dinners ugh it drives me crazy! I let him sit there until its like an obnoxiously long time and then just send him to bed. He doesnt want to eat thats fine then he wont but ugh I hate the fight it drives me crazy.

Dumby's picture

If he was friends with the woman he was texting before I would be more understanding but if this was a new friendship he is way out of line.

My DH would have hell to pay if I found any text messages to another woman like that.

confusedsm11's picture

They knew each other before we met as she works at the daycare as SS teacher but I'm not even sure how they became friends via phone