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I moved out on Fathers Day

confusedsm11's picture

Dh was supposed to leave and he didn't. The fighting didn't stop and the anger just kept building. All I wanted was for Dh to talk to me but he said no. I asked him to say he loved me and he couldn' we left. I feel awful now for actually leaving on Fathers Day. I feel awful all around. I packed the kids up and came to my moms...where I don't want to be. I love my DH, I really really do but I need to get thru to him. I dont think I will. Im trying to accept life for what it is going to be but this really really sucks.

alwaysanxious's picture

I'm sorry you are going through this, but it sounds like it was coming. Of course you didn't want it. You want him to say no i'm sorry I miss you and I need you.

Its better that you aren't there stressing and fighting. Its better that you walked away from it. He needs some time alone and so do you. Taking a step back will help you see how things really are and if they are right for you.

lost hope's picture

I am sorry this happened. I know how difficult it must be for you as my Ex-FH and I have been separated for 2 months now. We've both said it was over, but we can't seem to make it final. I miss him and I want to work things out.

He needs to see how much me misses you and loves you.