9 year old stepchild chooses not to visit step parents with bio child anymore
Hi everyone! This is my first time joining a site.
I've read plenty so I am excited to actually interact!
My husband & I are shell shocked at a situation that we feel is unusual,so if anyone knows of a similar one or just has a few pointers or helpful advice,it would be greatly appreciated.
I will start with his background since it is pertaining to his children.He has two daughters from a previous marriage,ages 6 & 9.The oldest is not his bio daughter but he raised her since she was almost 2.I will call her Ali & his bio daughter El.They were divorced from a short 3 year marriage due to her unfaithfulness(may I note while he was watching both children at night for sometime she was supposively going to school.
He asked to please let Ali visit everytime with his bio,El so she wouldn't feel abandoned or left out.He told me he just couldn't imagine her face watching him pick up El & not her.He also told his x I am the only father she's ever known.She agreed.Her bio father was a fling in college on a trip in Mexico,so he's never been in the picture.The girls have faithfully been coming all these years & visiting him & his parents with his brothers girls every other weekend & every Wednesday. Ali doesn't know he is not her bio dad. His x didn't want to tell her all those years until she met a man(potential new dad) 2 1/2 years ago. Same time I came into the picture. My husband insisted not now,wait till she's 10 as the counselor suggested. I stayed out of everyone's business for about 8 months. This is where our story begins...
This whole spring break the girls were suppose to be with us.He is a school teacher.
When we went to pick them up,his x says Ali isn't coming,she has alot planned,she'll bring her Wednesday. Wednesday he text's her & she says she's not coming at all! He got upset & texted her back since when did her coming become an option? She said she always gave Ali that as an option & sometimes she didn't want to come but she made her. He asked if she was around,she said yes.He said can I talk to her?She asked her & she didn't want to talk. He later talked to mother on phone a long time.He asked was he a parent with parental rights or not?Was this optional visitation to last?The x said,I don't know,we'll have to see what Ali feels. He left it alone after that.
Let me add the girls had alot of behavorial problems,not severe though.The youngest threw tantrums,they both lied (perfectly to you face,eye to eye)like it was nothing.Ali has always been sarcastic to her father & grandfather,slightly raising her voice.The girls also got into everything of mine,wouldn't mind me,& jumped on our bed on weekens at crack of dawn,jumping on us,poking our eyes to wake us up.I was going to break up with him,because I was cooking them meals,making cookies with them,playing with them,doing crafts,watching movies,dancing,going to parks & I was so disrespected.He finally put his foot down & started taking the initiative.I told him children have to have pretty strick guidelines & consistant discipline.He alway sfelt bad for not living with them so he said he was going to get harder on them as time went on.I said it doesn't work that way.I had raised four daughters of my own,one was a neice.I knew what all this was about!You treat them like monkeys in a zoo,they will act like it also1 Also let me add when he was dating his x,Ali was just 2 & he & his family said she was most uncontrolable.She threw major hotheaded temper tantrums & had no structure or discipline in her life till he came in. He changed that child around.She turned out pretty descent.
How can this outcome be?Is this common?How can a child decide such a thing so young?Oh I also need to add,she had been acting different past few months,not taking part in funtime so much,distant acting.She also has always acted ancy if she didn't talk to her mother while here.WHen her dad went to the bathroom or somewhere,I would see her sneak the phone & whisper to her mom for a while.The mother would also call every time we had her & give her much instruction...on what I don't know? I would here her whisper in the distance,yes,ya,ok,ok,& sit quietly while her mom talked for minutes. Also Ali was asking about christmas time some questions about life,where is dad in my first 2 year pics,etc. His x said she is going to tell her he is not her bio father,but not with him there too,as originally planned.
Anyone been through something similar?Any helpful or encouraging advice?
Thanks so much!All help is GREATLY appreciated.
Thanks for your reply.No he
Thanks for your reply.No he couln't legally adopt her,b/c x wouldn't let him,even though he took full responsiblity for her,even all these years after divorce.My husband asked to tell her the truth in the beginning & sx said no.Now she is going to tell the truth b/c a new dad has been put into the picture.I doubt she knows the bio fathers full name,he was a fling in mexico,his country.That would be something if they needed his info,ha?
Does your husband pay child
Does your husband pay child support? If so, is he paying on both or just his bio?
Is there a court order for visitation?
I ask because even if he didn't adopt but is paying support for her, that may give him more of a chance to get ordered visitation with both of them.
Thanks for the reply.Sorry
Thanks for the reply.Sorry about your situation too,but your right,it all worked out and this will too.It's sad how some hearts can be cold even to the most loving people,but we all have a choice in life and that is what we have given her also.
When I first met dh-he was
When I first met dh-he was still spending time with his 4 year old former sd. He had helped raise her since she was 1 or so. He technically had custody of ss-but since he would work out of town at times-bm really ended up having phsycial cusotdy of ss most of the time at that age (he was just 1)so when he would keep ss he would also take his former sd-keeping her for 2 weeks at a time sometimes.
I'm gonna be honest I was a party pooper. When he and i moved in together I asked him how much longer he was going to visit with her-at that point bm was newly remarried and his former sd was calling her new sd "dad" as well as my dh "dad". She also knew she had a bio dad out there as well. Well around this time, bio dad wanted back in her life so she started visiting him. So now ss has 3 "dads". How confusing. Honestly I told dh he should back off. He did. He doesnt have any sort of relationship with her now other than to say hi if he runs into her at pickups and dropoffs. BM divorced her other stepdad too-but she does see her biofather consistently and he pays cs. He is the one she should be seeing and having a connection with so it worked out ok.
My guess is she knows he's not her "real" dad. On some level or another. I think it was wrong to lie to her-it would be different perhaps if he legally adopted her and was responsbile for her with cs and such but I dont get the idea from you that he is.
My dh has asked me before if I would let him have contact with my two bios if anything ever happened between us (their father is deceased-dh has been in there life since ages 9 months and 2-they are now 11 and 13). I asked him if he was going to pay cs-at first he was offended and asked if it was all about the money and I said absolutely it wasnt-however if he wasnt goint to act as their dad in every way-but he was going to for our daughter together-then he did not need to act like their dad when it came to visitation "rights". It needed to be all or nothing. That if he wanted to be my kids "father" no matter what-then he needed to actually fully step into that role not just one that was convenient for him.
It's immaterial as our marriage is solid-and at this age (the discussion was several years ago)I would probably just leave it up to them. However if they were younger I would demand child supoort if he wanted visits.
Thanks for the reply.I am
Thanks for the reply.I am seeing this is not uncommon to experience.He did not adopt her b/c her bio mom said no but he is the only father she knows & she still doesn't treat him as she should.My husband just backed off somewhat,she has come back over but there is a distance & her mother is now deciding to tell her he is not her real father.I agree with what you said ,even to your dh.They should take full responsibility if they want the child as their own,they should adopt.Of course my husbands x wanted him to be fullly responsible(taking care of her)without the future guarantee of her being his.He was tricked.
Yes, but whereas CS is ALWAYS
Yes, but whereas CS is ALWAYS enforced (for the NCP biodad that is) visitation is RaReLy enforced and usually violating visitation on the CP BM's side is usually turned a blind eye to in the courts.