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And it begins....

mom2five's picture

I got a call yesterday from my ex wanting to talk about Holiday Visitation. He and I get along for the most part. But it annoys me that he wants to talk about "visitation" for my 21 year old college kid. Hello...he is no longer a child. We also have a 17 year old together, so I get that he wants to coordinate schedules. But he drives me crazy with "when are the kids off again" type questions. I have sent him the link to the high school at least three times this year alone.

Then...not an hour later, BM calls wanting to know when "she can get the kids" for the Holidays. She is non-custodial and lives about 600 miles away. She sees the kids maybe twice a year. She'll get them for about a week during the summer and then for a few days at Christmas. Her statement "when can I get the kids" translates into "when are you buying the airline tickets". She pays zero child support and is supposed to be responsible for at least the travel costs. Yet she plays poor and tells the kids that if we don't buy them tickets, she won't be able to see them. And of course, her next question is "when are they off". I've sent her the link to the high school website as well.

I swear, it's like I have to hold their hands and guide them through everything. They complain that we don't provide them information about the kids' schools. But then when I do, they don't even look at it.

To me, the hardest thing about blending families is dealing with the logistical nightmares during the Holidays. Every year I make a promise to myself that I will not get stressed out. And every year I fail.

....It's only October and I'm already stressed about it.

mom2five's picture

It's a constant back and forth. And I tend to be a bit of a control freak and a little obsessive-compulsive about planning and organization.

My husband's ex-wife is the opposite. She is spontaneous, totally unorganized, and very laid back about planning. And my ex is almost as bad.

I know how this will play out because we do this dance every year. We'll make plans. One of them will need to change dates. We'll change. It won't work for the other. Trying to juggle so many schedules is nearly impossible.


I know what you mean. When Xhusband and I first divorced, Christmas always fell during his weeks. He would not take turns at all with me regarding letting my son wake up here on Christmas mornings for almost 5 years. I despised Christmas yet when it was time for it to start falling on my year, he needed to change weeks at work all the sudden. I told him the only way I would change our alternating weeks was that we took turns from then on with our son waking up. It is my year this year so I am beginning to get excited. I get so frustrated on Christmas mornings when Santa has brough gifts for all five of them and some of them to share and DS isnt there to play with them or get to see them under the tree.

Jouma's picture

Tell BM to buy a ticket and rent a room for a couple days. Why foot the bill yourself? If the responsibility of taking care of the children is no longer on her, then she has all the time in the world to make money for the holidays.

instantfamily's picture

No way in hell would I buy Skids tix to see BM. I just would not even respond with anything except quoting the paperwork. For us that would be "you have to give us no less than 30 days notice of your plans to take the children and you're paying for travel". I would then explain to the children that real adults work hard to support their children and their mother should be doing exactly that. What a deadbeat. I hate our deadbeat BM and I've never even met her! The skids don't even ask to call her. Even though they're younger, they know she's a complete loser. The 4 year old even told us she was "lazy" and just "sits around the house all day". Sad.