Finding Ourselves Again......
Step Talk has really given me alot to think about. It has shown me that I am not alone and there are many of us out here struggling for answers. In reading others posts and taking things that our Counselor has told me in the past this is what I have decided is important for my life, my marriage, my children and my step daughter. Maybe this will help someone who has been grasping for sanity and peace as I have been.
I must manage my ten acres.......
When I make this statement ultimately how I choose to let things touch my life is mine to own. I feel like somehow in the struggles of dealing with BM being so high maintenance and clueless and demanding. DH not putting his foot down with BM or SD. And SD being so spoiled, rude and damaging with her words I have lost myself. I am one of those fix-it people...You know the kind that can overcome and fix all the worlds problems and evils with love. hasnt worked here! I have become so torn up, so frustrated and just flat out angry sometimes that I am not who I used to be.
The me that I am happy with is loving, compasionate and artistic. I feel that my greatest role in this life is to raise my children to be whole, well rounded and self sufficent adults. Understanding that passion for life and being true to ones heart and self is the greatest gift we can give to ourselves.
So......This is what I told me DH
I apologized first for letting all of this get the best of me. I expressed how hard it was for me being a wife and parent in a home where I felt like it was not a sharred effort. I told him that being a parent and moral role model has always been at the top of my priorities. Having to understand that SD has two parents in her life that are active in raising and I am not one of them. They are raising her as they see fit and I have to step back and let the outcome be what it will be. Now having said this I also set the boundaries for what I will endure with behavior in our home. I have always been a parent to mine that has set boundaries and adhere to them. I also have young neices and nephews and they respect my home or I correct them he sees this, so SD will do the same. When puberty comes I will be there but I will not bear the burden for correcting what they have created. I will give him suggestions only when asked and that is all. My hope is that by my actions and my life this child will take some positves to carry on into adulthood. With the BM...I told him that she no longer would dictate to me my time, my mood or my plans by here actions. If he and I had plans I would not cancell them because BM needed us,if I need to I will continue on with them alone. I will not tolerate being treated with shortness by him when she has made him angry or frustrated. Ultimately it falls on his shoulders if he chooses to allow her that power. I will enjoy being me and loving him.
With having this conversation and getting back into my art and light hearted spirit I already feel as if a weight has been lifted off my chest.
Good for you, lady.
Good for you, lady.
I LOVED your post. I want to
I LOVED your post. I want to print it out as my new "manta". I do have a question though. How long did these things(with BM being so high maintenance and clueless and demanding. DH not putting his foot down with BM or SD. And SD being so spoiled, rude and damaging with her words) go on before you came to your new point of view? Did you have resentment built up? Did you feel like you weren't a priority because of the way your DH handled them? Did you have many talks with him where nothing changed before you reached your new point of view? If so, what did you do with all that?
Sorry for so many questions, and I truly truly think adopting your new attitude would help me a lot, but obviously I don't know what to do with all the other stuff that has built up before now.
Thank You and I wish you
Thank You and I wish you clarity in yours as well! The world seems so much more peaceful when we get perspective on what truly moves our souls and brings us joy.
This past weekend was sort of
This past weekend was sort of a 3 year anniversary for me. It was the first time BM and I had our first major run in. She was angry with my DH and instead of discussing it with him she decided to unload on me. We were at a cook out at our neighbors when one of the kids told me that my SD was there and that BM was sitting in our driveway wanting to talk. On our weekend prior SD had taken off from us when we were at the beach, not once but twice. She was fussed at for doing so by me. Now SD told BM that we werent taking care of her and she got lost and scared and cried. I informed BM when we spoke that SD did it twice...took off like a shot both times. Defended my DH. And also told her that I got onto her for not listening and sneaking off.
Of course this gave me my first heads up on the kiddo playing games. It also intimidated BM that I was so blunt and didnt smooth her feathers like DH usually does. She loves to be the victim and used this to complain about how mean I was to the both of them. Here started the cycle and it has only escalated over the years. I have gotten so angry so many times and just flat out blown a few of them. BM has even told DH that I owe her an apology for being so blunt with her at times. He even asked me to do so at one point. I told him my only apology to her is that I was so sorry they ever married.
There has been alot of hurt dealt out by all of them. I have felt like I am not the priority a huge part of the time. However my DH does love me but I just have to be honest he is a weak man and a guilty father. I also know that it is almost as if when BM is making him miserable he wants me to be miserable with him. I dont want to play these games with them anymore. I believe that if I lead by example then somehow it has to rub off. And if not no sweat off my back anymore because I choose to live diffrently. My children are at the age where they are very active with their friends so this also doesnt touch them.
When we arent having issues with the SD and BM we are very happy so that helps that we have good times to remember and build on.
Thank you for responding to
Thank you for responding to my questions. It really has given me a new perspective. I wish you luck!