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Spring Break and SK's

rosa1's picture

Have to ask.... what are you doing with your SK's if you have them this year for Spring Break....

Also, SS/13 told his Dad he did not want to come back and visit anymore when he left on Sunday??? very strange considering he told his dad and bm a few months ago he wanted to live with his dad. What is wrong with this picture? I thinks its because he has lost internet priv. Or, BM is giving into him what ever he wants so she won't loose her CS if he did....

What is your thoughts?

I know this is two topics in one.....

NaturallyMom's picture

We are going to the mountains. Kind of forced to do something because the alternative was MIL take them and spoil them rotten for a week which is hell on us when they get back.
So we told everyone "Nope, sorry we have them this year."
Looking forward to it. No phone signal out in the mountains. No work calling. No BM calling. On the other hand, can't dial 911 either. Doh!

"Those who deny freedom to others deserve it not for themselves." ~ Abraham Lincoln

sadstepmom26's picture

I dont know what we'll do. Ours think they are going to visit the grandparents but really I dont know that its worth it. Every single time they go crap happens. Stupid stupid crap. Last time was the oh lets get Skinny a facebook page. We may just keep them home.

unbelieveable's picture

I know we can't get the sk's on their spring break. FH works all week and my work schedule is up in the air. And BM only works part-time. She is off Tuesdays, Thursdays, and all weekend so...I think we will just stick to our normal weekend schedule. Having them for a week means sharing a bedroom with them for a whole week until we move out. NOOOO!

imagr8tma's picture

We hope to have a great time again this year. We have planned a long trip to Florida and have a short cruise added in. Good thing is SD will be with us for her birthday as well - well I say she should be.

BM has been taking each weekend that we have something planned and taking ones where she does not want to drive.....So we are so hoping we dont have to get the police involved this time for spring break.

We paid alot of money to vacation this year (last year was Mrytle Beach....) and I want SD to enjoy her time with us in Orlando - plus it would give DH a chance to have SD with him for her birthday for once.

I cant wait.... my daughter loves florida as well as myself. It will be just great!

********She doesn't have to love me or even like me - it doesn't change a dang thing..... So get over it and move on BM!************