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UPDATE: Child Support Sucks!

rosa1's picture

I just got off the phone from the Clearing House for Child Support....

Its all clear to me now how this thing works, still screwed up but very fixable

As you already know DH gets paid Bi-weekly, 2x month, sometimes 3 if there are 5 weeks in the month. Anyway. Because the Decree says cs to be paid weekly, "IT" gets a check every week for cs. and because of the way my DH is paid, it looks like he is always a week behind. So the CS lady from the clearing house said I needed to have a judge change it, and since we are going to go back to court anyway, perfect! I guess had my DH paid more attention to what the attorneys were signing he would have noticed this, but again I was not in the picture during the divorce, or I would have picked up on that.

So some people get CS checks every 2 weeks or weekly or what ever was set up by the court. Makes me think the the Judge has no common sense not to realize this, cause I am well sure it effects more than just my DH.

By the way, the lady I spoke with was very nice and knew what she was talking about more so than the stupid asses at our local cs office. Why did they not suggest this when we went up there. Our wonderful tax dollars at work.

I_GOT_THIS's picture

are you saying that "IT" gets a CS check for the full payment even though DH has only paid 1/2 the payment (of course other 1/2 is paid the following week)?
Must be the state your in. In FL you only get a CS check when someone pays on your CS account. could be twice a week, 6 times a month, 3 times a year.
wish i lived in your state since i haven't gotten a CS check in YEARS.
i thought the norm was that the decree (or CO) says $300 per month, then you pay that $300 during the month whether you send $10 every day or the whole $300 at once.

God will forgive me. It's his job.
~~Heinrich Heine

rosa1's picture

"IT" only gets the weekly amount each week. rather than bi-weekly like my husband gets paid, that is why he always looks behind but when there is 5 weeks in the month it catches up, but starts all over again, the CS should have been set up based on how my DH is paid.

The CS I am supposed to get is monthly, although I don't get it, its just sitting there adding up, Lets see last time I looked it was 23K plus. It was over 45K but I have since then gotten some. But I have not seen a payment since February 2009 and it was not even the full amount on 1/3 of it. Oh well, when she is all grown, I can take full credit for doing it with out it. Don't get me wrong, wish I had it sometime, cause my girl is very expensive, but she has all she needs and most of what she wants. Needles to sad her BD is a dead beat, besides he has not seen her in 3 years, so another topic.