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I've Had It!!!!

rindarose166's picture

ok, so we know that my 17yo step daughter is having sex yet she is refusing birth husband took her to gyn yesterday and she told them she doesn't want to be on birth control and there is nothing we can do about it....we saw a text she received from her "man" friend saying that she better get on birth control since she won't use you tell me, what do we do....she is out of control, or should i say she is in control...I told my husband there is no way in hell I'm having a new born baby in this house...I am 50 years old, work full time and there is no way in hell I could handle it....nor should I while her mother is off living her life having absolutely no responsibility at all to her child...

StepChicka's picture

Sounds like the SD hasn't had a lot of experience baby-sitting. Its one of the oldest birth control methods around.

Have you talked to her about the Depo-shot? Its good for 3 months. If she refuses then don't rule out an All-girl boarding school.

Good luck!

Pantera's picture

I was going to bring up the depo shot but she doesn't even want to use condoms. It sounds like she is TRYING to get pregnant. When she turns 18, make her get a job and boot her butt out so she can see how hard it is to take care of herself, let alone a baby.

StepChicka's picture

here's an afterthought. Have DH talk to the "guy-friend" about his daughter's anti-birth control issues. That should make him run for the hills screaming.

GiGi222's picture

Would it be too out of line to talk to him about this? It sounds like from his text he does not want the responsibility of a child.

StepMadre's picture

She sounds like a future BM. This is what our BM was like, except she started having sex when she was 14! This kind of irresponsible behavior is exactly what leads to teenagers/young people getting pregnant with a guy that doesn't love them or want to marry them and they think that a baby will trap the guy or make them closer and it usually does exactly the opposite. They end up young, single mothers and then get bitter and angry when the father moves on and finds love with someone else. I hope this doesn't happen to your SD, it's pretty serious and it's good that you're taking it so seriously. I think talking to the guy is a great idea! My H bought BMs birth control for her, but she secretly stopped taking it so she would get pregnant and trap him. He was really naive about it and if someone had sat him down and made him realize the risk he was taking by not using condoms and trusting BM to take care of the birth control, he probably wouldn't be in the drama-fest that resulted.

To be honest, pregnancy is definitely a huge concern, but I would actually be a lot more worried about std's especially HIV and Hepatitis. Young, heterosexual women are now the primary group of people that have the highest rate of HIV infections. It only takes one time to become infected. Condoms are the minimum step they should take and both should be tested for HIV and made aware that it takes up to six months after infection for it to show up on the test. The HIV test can't check your blood for HIV itself, but it does check for antibodies and they can take a while to develop. HIV is a scary disease and it's a horrible tragedy when ignorance and irresponsibility make young kids make choices that can lead to an early death after years of suffering. HIV/AIDS is a horrible, devastating disease and parents should educate their kids as much as possible. I grew up in a big city and saw people wasting away from AIDS and had two friends that became HIV positive from one exposure. It ruins your life and changes everything. Because I actually knew and saw people who had it, it was very personally tragic for me and caused me to take it very seriously and always take every precaution related to sex. To me, this and Hepatitis, among other STDs is far scarier than a possible pregnancy.

"If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they will kill you." ~Oscar Wilde

StepChicka's picture

I read your post again and from the looks of it, by what the male friend's text said, we can't determine if he's romantically involved with her. He very well could be a platonic friend looking out for your SD. Its worth a talk to this guy if you know who he is and comes around the place. I wouldn't let on that you've snooped through SD phone and found the text. She'll hide more secrets.

I'm curious as to what your SD is thinking? Does she seriously want kids right now? Or does she feel invincible to pregnancy and disease? The latter can be dealt with a serious talk. If its the former, you might be able to get a court order for depo due to her mental instability. It would take a psych evaluation as well. I'm not sure if your state allows this kind of action but worth looking into.

Call the school counselor and inform them what's going on. Some schools have counselor programs where they assign a buddy (usually a senior but sometimes a junior student) to talk to another student who's having problems. She'll more likely open up to a fellow classmate then an adult. I had a "buddy" assigned to me way back in my highschool days. I was at a low point in my young life and someone anonomous noticed and alerted the counselor. That girl, don't remember her name now, helped me sort out things I wouldn't have otherwise. If no buddy system, then some kind of therapy.

rindarose166's picture

I have posted previous posts re: my step daughter also under "I've had it"...there is way way more to all this...and this is a boy she is involved with...we did not snoop through her was taken from her after sneaking out of the for a party and walking in at 6am...we took her phone and told her we were going through it....I certainly agree about STD's but as much as she's been educated none of it seems to matter to I said if you can find my other posts I think it would enlighten you better..i tried adding this post to that one but it kept kicking me off...PREVIOUS POST...I've been married to my husband for almost 6 years, we've been together for 8. He had joint custody of his daughter who was 8 at the time but I assumed alot of responsibility because her mother would never help out. She did not help financially support (they were suppose to equally support her per the divorce) and she did not buy her anything, clothes etc. and did not help with transportation for anything, so of course I helped out often. Her mother never taught her properly about anything, manners, cleaning up and so on. The mother is extremely lazy. She drinks all the time and never took care of business. As I've said, I had taken on a lot of responsibility. Well 3 years ago, her mother decided to leave her husband #3 and move out of state to be with a man she met online. The mother didn't tell my husband, she just left. She told her daughter days before. Finally my husband got full custody of his daughter (the mother signed it over) and my step daughter has been with us since. She does what she has to do, does well in school but she does nothing around the house when told to and she has a very warped understanding of life. She is an exact clone of her mother. Have tried talking to her but she does not listen. She has been basically, for a lack of a better phrase, playing us. She tells everyone our personal business, she complains all the time and she is still very loyal to her mother after all she's done for her, but very disloyal to us. She will be 17 next month and quite frankly I think she should be thinking differently, smarter about life and less dramatic, but she is heartless and extremely selfish. I can't take it anymore. We have given and given and given and it is putting a strain on my marriage. She is not a nice person, she's nasty to friends, boyfriends and I can't stand being around her anymore. I have given my all to her, have always been very good and very nurturing but I am completely spent.I am 50 now, and I don't get to spend any time with my kids and grandkids because everything is about my step daughter. She is very manipulative and my heart is breaking because I have always been the one there for her and have put so much into her realizing she's going to spit on me and always be there for her mom. I'm hurt and tired and I should be enjoying my life and all this is taking away from my life, I am truly not a selfish person, quite the opposite, but I've really had enough. I wrote her a letter telling her how I feel and how I can't take it anymore. Maybe right, maybe wrong, but I'm tired of being told how I should be and how I should act. She is 17 and a very mature 17, I don't think she's too young to handle it and quite frankly she doesn't seem to care. I have grown sons, so I am a mom and have always loved being a mom. This has really kicked me in the butt and I am really sad about it.