Optimism, pessimism, and "self fulfilling prophesy".
I am an optimist. My DW is intermittently an optimist but has a familial tendency towards pessimism. Her whole family is generally pessimistic and takes things that are entirely beyond their control extremely personally and intensly. The things they can control, they basically don't, and blame it on their bad luck or being victimized by the nepharious "man" or "system".
My DW intellectually understands that bad outcomes are rare and usually directly related to the quality of effort or decisions. Her outcomes are overwhelmingly positive but intermittently she jumps on her family's penchant for being victims.
COVID is proving to be a challenge for her. She is hell bent on blaming my positive status on my office mate when I interface with dozens of people daily in relatively close proximity. I am more pragmatic about it and assure my office mate that it is not his fault and try to assure my wife that I was exposed to dozens of people in teh few days preceding my office mate's positive test result and my submequent active case of COVID a few days later.
As an optimist, I am occassionally wrong. But not often. When she is in one of her pessimism cycles, my DW is nearly always wrong and yet... she remains somewhat committed to pessimism when she is in that phase.
Though I am not all that into self fullfilling prophesy, I do think that positive people tend to have positive outcomes and negative people tend to have negative outcomes.
IMHO there is just more active energy and actual activity that drive positive outcomes for positive people and the converse is true for negative people.
Not that my DW is negative, she is definately a happy person. But when her genetic predisposition for pessimism engages, I sometimes struggle with having enough optimism for both of us.
Do others have this kind of counter balance in their primary relationship?
Optimism vs negativity
My DH, basically a happy person, tends to see the worst possible outcome when something new occurs. He had his annual cardiologist visit yesterday and prophesied hospitalization and many dire outcomes. The reality was an uneventful visit "See you next year". I think he does this as a kind of charm so that anything better is improvement.
Your DW is showing her concern about you. You won't be able to talk her out of it. How are you doing?
I'm doing well. Just about
I'm doing well. Just about past all of the symptoms. Just a bit of nasal congestion left. The Monoclonal Antibody Infusion made a huge difference though my symptoms wer never much more than moderate.
I tested on Monday and I'm still positive.
wow. you just described us.
wow. you just described us. in my house I'm the optimist 24/7, it's the curse of being me. the Mr is working on not being so pessimistic but he is struggling with letting go of things we have no power over anyway. he's not good at 'let's live it and see what happens'
DH and I are both optimists.
DH and I are both optimists. But my ex was a pessimist, and his constant negativity was one reason living with him was exhausting.
Even if you did get the virus from your office mate, so what? He didn't infect you on purpose and the treatment is the same. There's just no point in wasting energy on that.
Hope you are feeling better. I would miss your pragmatic and pithy comments. I can soooo relate to this. I refer to DH as the most optimistic pessimist around. He loves any bad news but is one of the happiest people I know! Go figure.........