Cyber stalking is real.
I read DW a STalk post the other evening. Since then most of my Reels/Clips are Divorced Mom content.
One lady who has been popping up on my Reels/Clips is on the "Her X is a narcissist" band wagon. Based on what she says I am sure he is. Dad asks for Halloween though it is clearly hers in the CO, etc..
Then there is her. She is a HCGUNBM of clinical significance. IMHO. She contacts her X regularly to engage in inflammatory unnecessary communication to tell him to buy the kid fresh clothes and keep them at his house then complains he is a Narc when he smacks her with the CO reminding her that he pays CS which covers his contribution to kid clothing. Etc.
OMG, I am so glad we are past our CO years and that we and our kid escaped mostly unscathed.
I posted a comment under one of her videos in response to someone commenting that the clothes belong to the kid and the kid should be able to wear their clothes regardless of if they are at mom's or dad's. Something I agree with. One of the OP's minions jumped that commenter telling them that the site was for XWBMs of Narc XHs and for the commenter to not comment if they were not going to participate supportively.
I stepped through why it was clear that the OP was clearly a Narc, instigating drama with her X by communicating completely unnecessarily on non issues and that by all indicators the kids had lost both sides of the parent lottery as both of their BPs were likely Narcs.
Now, lets see how badly I get blasted.
Oh.. haha.. you know.. quite
Oh.. haha.. you know.. quite often it's a pot calling kettle black situation isn't it?!?
My YSD is back to wanting to leave her EX.. and actually has a version of a protective order against him temporarily. He is obviously not the greatest husband to her.. they fight a lot.. and he does things like lock her out of her house.. BUT.. she is also not immune from the drama gene.. and IMHO.. kind of enjoys fighting.
I mean.. last night was her STBEXH's night with the kids. It's halloween.. and he was taking them to her grandparent's for the local halloween and meetup with the cousins. I had to give it to him.. walking into what was probably a viper nest of Anti Him people.. but he was putting his kid's first. Now, he can't be within some number of feet of my OSD.. but who shows up because she "has to see her kids in their costumes"? HER!
I mean.. look.. I get he is not the bastion of husbandry.. but you are choosing to leave... and your kids will by COD's.. which means that they are going to have to accept and deal with separate holidays with their parents. You don't get to one-sidedly make the choice to insert yourself in to your EX's time... again.. I think both of the parents have some blame.. lol... and usually that's kind of the case.
As I understand it. If there
As I understand it. If there is an RO/PO in place the first person at a location has presence and the second to arrive has to leave. So, if her STBXH goes to her family with the kids on his time, she has to leave if he is already there when she arrives.
That could be all kinds of fun. She gets the RO/PO on him and he has her arrested for violating it.
Any STalker legal Eagles who can clarify?