step parents don't have rights !!
I got to start raising my child when she was 2 1/2 and she is going to be 14 in December. My ex let me raise her for 11 years, I did everything. She was my everything. The prick decided to take one of cheating sprees seriously and decide to take off with this one. So, he made me leave. I took my step daughter for a couple of months and everything was ok then he decided he wanted me back and got pissed cause I would not go back. He took her away over 2 months ago and I feel like I have lost a half of my life. I want to watch her breathe again, I want her to be by my side again. I want to hug her again. But I found out in court, Step parents dont have rights. I was used with my heart and soul and if he wanted to hurt me, well he did. He hurt me the worst I could ever imagine. My worst fear, he took my child from me. I beg the Lord each day...for the pain to go away.
Join the crowd.
Every parent of a divorce feels this way. Normally its the father who feels this pain.
She's 13 1/2 right? When she is 14 hire an attorney to represent HER and have him file suit for HER requiring her father allow her to see you.
Repeat at age 16 if necessary.
There's an exception to everything I say.
He'd rather hurt his own
He'd rather hurt his own daughter just to spite you? He sounds like a horrible father, and a horrible husband. She will be old enough soon to make her own decisions. Try to contact her, maybe through email or texting if she has a cell phone, or facebook/myspace if she has calls if he'll let her at least talk to you. Sorry you are going through this I would talk to another lawyer though since you have been in her life as a mother figure so long, and she is getting older, a judge might grant you some visitation if the daughter wants it! Get a few more opinions.
"I child proofed my whole house, but they STILL get in!"
This is horrible. I am so
This is horrible. I am so sorry. Everytime we have to bring my SS BM back to court I am treated like dirt because "step parents don't have rights." Sending you hugs!