Just Thinking about It, Opinions please
I have been a step mom for a about 1.5 years. It's been going smoothly. I've been beyond blessed when it comes to the bio mom. At first it was horrid, we had to fight in court and get in nasty texting battles. I have no idea how, but it evolved and now we all get along beyond well. I talked to her daily except on weekends.
I talk to her due to I babysit her youngest child, he is turning 3 this December. As far as parenting, we are all involved which is perfect. We had issues with my oldest step son manipulating things and going as far as saying we were physically abusing him or starving him. His mom got a hold of me and we all worked it out.FYI, I WOULD NEVER lay a hand on a child. I grew up with my mom hitting us, with anything and everything. That's not a home environment I ever want to have ever again. Like I said, luckily I nipped it in the bud.
The reason I am posting is to get opinions about possibly adding a baby into the mix. I am not basing my decision on this purely, but I would love to see what other people's thoughts might be. During my time as a step mom, I really feel like I am just raising someone's else's kids. We have the kids 5 days a week, she has them on the weekends. I feel I put in all this hard work in turning into these boys into good, responsible, respectful, and loving gentlemen but because I am not biologically related, I get a fraction of the satisfaction. Don't get me wrong, I love these kids, but I know it isn't the same love I might experience if I had a child of my own.
I am afraid of off balancing the family order we have slowly established. I don't want animosities or the step kids to feel misplaced. I don't want to hurt these kids in any shape or form. At the same time, I don't want to sacrifice the opportunity of becoming a mother. I am 24 years old, and I know I have plenty of time. Also, I want whatever child I have to have a bond with their half-brothers, that's why I didn't want a huge age gap, which there would somewhat be. My step sons are 12, 7, and the boy I baby sit is 2. I am not naive, I understand it would be an enormous adjustment.
Even if I wanted to conceive, it would take some time anyways. I am on the shot and I know it will take several months to get back into a good fertility window. Any-who, I just wanted some input or some personal experiences. I know I will never be 100% prepared but I would like some idea into what I might be getting into. Like I said, I am so beyond amazed of how well I get along with my husband's ex-wife, so I know I will avoid that issue. But any thoughts? Opinions? Or even some personal experiences about entering this type of chapter in life?