Anyone the Stepmom of several young boys???
Hi Everyone, I'm new here.
I am married to a man with 3 young boys ranging in age from 6-12. I am a mom to a girl 10 and a boy 7. The stepsons I have trouble dealing with.
They aren't that bad, but I swear dealing with 3 young boys plus my 2 is really hard!
Anyone with experience on young boys as stepmoms and how to deal with them. They're brothers, very protective of one another and ugh...I'm new at this - wondering if I made the right decision!
Get some books
You've got a lot to learn. Didn't we all when we were young parents?
You need to get over to or whatever and look up books on "raising boys" and "step parent".
Perhaps someone here can give you a specific recommendation.
Of cours its hard - anybody raising 5 kids finds it hard. Make sure your husband is not dumping off his parenting work on to you. He did not marry a maid - don't let him relegate you to that role.
Occasionally you may have to simply refuse to do something that you think should be his responsibility and don't hesitate to come back if you have a specific problem. We do much better on that.
There's an exception to everything I say.
It is not fun...
I am new at this too with SS6 SS5 BS7 BD 6 and BD13 plus we just has a daughter.. I don't have any revelations other than I hold tight to my expectations and remain consistent. I just want you to know you're not alone and several times on any given day I vascilate between I did make a great decision and WTH was I thinking. HUGS