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How the Evening Went...

Endora's picture

DH is working evening shift-I am home with SS 16 “Zippy”-who does not leave the house, mostly he sits in front of the TV or in his dark, smelly room in front of the computer. DH has FINALLY made some house rules (homework, hygiene, pick up after yourself , call bio-mom once in a blue moon, NOW CATCH THIS-MAKE YOUR OWN LUNCH 3 X A WEEK!)-DH had a hard time with that one as he made Zippy’s lunches for him-these house rules were rocket science to them both. If it were not for his bio parents the world would knock this kid on his over protected A&&-but I digress.

Zippy (6 feet tall, acne the size of office buildings sprouting on his face) comes up at 9:30pm I remind him it is shower night-I get a surley”I KNOOOOW-I HAVE TO MAKE MY LUNCH FIRST”-I reply-“Sucks to be you huh?” no answer from Lurch-I remind him that his face needs attending to-his father bought him acne soaps and washes last year-there is a teaspoon used out of both bottles in one year-Zippy answers “I USE THEM”-ya whatever-I explain that since he wants a job –he may want to shower and start looking after his skin if he wants a perspective employer/teacher /God Forbid Girl-take him seriously-this shuts up his attitude towards me and he heads upstairs to shower AND used his face stuff for I think the first time in a year! Isn’t life Grand?

Most Evil's picture

First, I like your pic, wow that takes me back! 2nd, hopefully this one will catch on like your own son did - thanks to you, huh?!!! good luck honey

"A lie told often enough becomes the truth." - Vladimir Lenin

Endora's picture

Step Parenting – you might need to step back before you step in something!

Thanks-I wanted a picture of Endora but it is hard to find! I have a LONG weekend ahead with Zippy moping around behind me-hasn't seen his bio-mom in a month-DH and I will have to book a hotel room to get break!