On my way to divorce??????
I feel very fortunate to find this site. I have needed to find a place of understanding, a place to show me I am not crazy. Please help me in my situation as it stands. I am seriously thinking of leaving my husband because it seems our only arguments stem from his evil ex-wife and his spoiled daughter. I guess I should first explain the situation from the beginning.
For understanding lets call my husband E and his ex-wife K.
I met E thru some mutual friends 10 years ago. He lived on the East Coast and I on the West. We met via the phone and computer, not face to face. I had just gone thru a nasty divorce with an abusive man. I have 2 children from that marriage, BS13 and BD17. I was NOT looking to get into another relationship. E and I became great friends, talked everyday and shared many things in common. I knew he had 1 child (a daughter 6) but not a whole lot more about his personal life, aside from what he did for a living. I often asked if he had a wife, GF or someone in his life, but never got a straight answer. About a year into us knowing each other I started developing some serious feelings towards him. I also felt the feelings were mutual so being the straight forward person that I am I sent him a long email explaining that I was in love with him, and asked him if he felt the same way. We had still not seen each other face to face. He responded with an email saying “things are not as they seem. I will explain later. Then the communication ceased. I attempted to call him, but he never answered the phone. After the hurt, I moved on. Then a year and a half later I received a call from E stating that he was in my neck of the woods for work. After disbelief I asked him if he wanted to meet and have dinner, to which he said yes. We went to dinner, which was very platonic; I even paid for my portion of the meal. During the week that he was in town, we saw each other every night (going to dinner then him coming back to my house to watch movies) and everyday as he came to take me to lunch. This was still very platonic as we didn’t even hug goodbye. Then on the last night we kissed goodbye and I told him that my feelings were still there, the same place they had been a year and a half ago. He cried, I cried and he left. Once he returned home we started talking again. It was then that he informed me that he was married. He stated that he and his wife (K) were in separate rooms and that she had been cheating on him. He stated that he had found this out when we started talking a year and a half prior and when I told him how I felt he had to make a decision to try to work it out or leave. He decided to try to work it out which is why he stopped talking to me. I politely told him that I would not be a home wreaker and that he needed to do what he could to save his marriage. I gave him some names of some books to read and suggested counseling and removed myself from the picture. About 2 weeks later he called me stating that he told K that we had kissed, and that he wanted to try to work past her infidelity and his(the kiss) and suggested counseling. He informed me that she refused counseling and that it was really for the best because I had shown him how he wanted to be treated and loved, which she was unwilling to do. He stated that they were HS sweethearts and virgins when they met. They had been married for 11 years of which the last 4 she cheated on him. He explained that the marriage was initially one of convenience for her to get away from her mother, and for him to have the family he never had growing up. Anyway……….He stated that he wanted a divorce, that it had nothing to do with me, (it had been a long time coming) and if he and I could start seeing each other. I informed him that I wouldn’t have anything to do with him while they still lived together. They separated, he moved out and made plans to come and spend 2 weeks with me. Those 2 weeks were amazing and we were madly in love. We decided right then that we wanted to spend the rest of our lives together. We talked about the best way to go about his divorce and him moving to the West coast. Then………….I was told that K was pregnant. To make a long story short, he slept with her for the last time the day before he came to see me. Once his son (I'm not really certain about that one) was born I decided that he needed to be a father to his children and they needed to have him in their lives on a regular base, not from 3000+ miles away. Since I had full custody of my kids we decided that I would move there. He had left her everything in the house so I packed up a UHaul and we drove cross country to start a new life. After getting there I was informed that neither K nor his daughter knew about us, so they could not come to the house. His son was 3 months at the time. So he would go to her house and see the kids a couple days a week. This of course got old after a few months and I told him it was unacceptable. He then started bringing the kids to the house for the weekend every other weekend. Now, let me sidestep and explain something. He has paid her CS (2000) every month since he left. This was done without a court order as they had not filed for divorce as of yet. He is a good father and very responsible in that manner. He gave her more than what the courts would have probably demanded. She was also seeing someone now. Ok, so we get divorce papers one day from her lawyer demanding he pay her 3000 per month or she take him to court stating that he is committing adultery. E had not yet retained a lawyer so I set him up with a friend of mine who is an attorney. To try to make this long story a lil shorter, I pushed for the divorce, did all the paperwork the lawyer needed myself, and paid for most of the attorney fees for this looooooooong drawn out divorce (it took 3 years from the time I moved here). In the meantime, I am taking care of my BS and BD as well as my SD and SS, buying them clothes, taking them to the park, all the things that a mother does. I have gotten up in the middle of the night to give my SS a bottle and change him, as if he was my BS, and he has grown up calling me mommie. Now, during the divorce he decides to take on all marital debt (without discussing with me) so K can have a fresh start for his children. We married 5 moths after his divorce is final. That was over 2 years ago. He has still not paid off his marital debt and we can not get a house because of it. She has now had 2 homes.
So here we are today. K manipulates him with the children. She goes out of her way to make our lives HELL. I will give you just one example of many. K has asked us to get my SS (now 5) every other Wednesday night so she and my SD can go get their hair done. The understanding is that we have a commitment that night and she is to pick my SS up from where we are on her way home. This one night she said she was stuck in traffic and couldn’t get to us in time. We end up meeting her 3 minutes from her house to do the exchange. AT this time I notice my SD is not with her. I told E that I bet she lied and had been home the entire time, which way why my SD was not wit her. In the meantime my son had been injured playing sports and I needed to hurry home to see if he was ok. E told me she would not do that and that my SD probably did not go with her that night. When we picked up my SK that Friday night I noticed that my SD hair was done. Aside from the kids I asked E about this in which he told me she was dropped off at home first. By the way, I ended up having to take my son to the ER due to the severity of his injury. I was soooooooooooooo angry. It is like this EVERY OTHER weekend that we get the kids. She always seems to manipulate her way with E in some way or another and has now taught my SD (15) how to do the same
Now I am at my last straw. My SD posted on her website that I am a stalker (she puts inappropriate pictures of herself up and I let her father know) and that she “doesn’t know where she (me) came from, but she wishes I would go back there”. This is the same girl that I take shopping, that calls me to take her to sports practice when her parents are unavailable to do it, and that I talked to about her menstruation because her mother wouldn’t. When I brought this to my husbands attention he asked his ex to address it (which she tells him is his responsibility and she doesn’t care, but ends up telling her to apologize). SD sends me a BS apology online. Since then we have gotten my SK, and my SD has not said 2 words to me. I refused to go with E to take them home. I was then told that K needed us to keep the kids an extra 2 days this coming week. I then sent him this email….
I just wanted to show you SD "apology", as you had asked about it this last weekend. No she didn't talk to me all weekend nor tell me goodbye when she left. I don't care if you keep the kids thru Tuesday as long as you are in town and can take them to and from school. I would also suggest you make sure that you get a bag packed for SD from now on as the clothes have bought him are all getting too small. Besides, this way we can keep them right in the bag that they came in and don't have to worry about BS keeping track of anything. Anyway, here is the “apology”.......look just wanted to apologize for being disrespectful in anyway..... didn’t mean for it to be like that but i guess it was. i realize that sometimes being funny to one person may hurt another and for that i am sry didnt think it could be seen but i guess so. this is the reason why i blocked u off my site because i didnt want to disrespect you anymore so yeah SORRY~SD~
Anyway, I couldn't respond back to her because she has it set up that I can't. It was probably a good thing anyway. BTW, did you see she blocked you off as well? Anyway, I hope you have a good day Love ya, Me
E’s response…
My main concern is to remove the tension in my house. We all will be talking this weekend. But I need to know what you need to be the mother again. You are mom but this last incident has created tension that I want to start the healing process. This will allow you to feel better about being the mom of the house. I need to know what are the steps required to heal the family.
My response…..
First of all, I AM the mom of the house. I do not need anyone to validate that, let alone a child, her aunt, her mother, or anyone else. The issues that stand have always been there. This is nothing new. The new thing about it is it can only upset me if chose to let it. That is a choice I am no longer making. I will not allow anyone to make me upset or unhappy any longer. If no one else has a problem with the way SD acts, pictures she puts up, or the way she carries herself, it is out of my hands. As you said, it is probably best that she has taken me off her site. So I say that to say this. I don't know of "steps" that can be taken to "heal the family" as it stands. Sometimes things are just as they are, or maybe even should be. Second, I had no tension towards SD this last weekend. I will do what I do as the responsible "mom" in the house as I always have done. This doesn't change. The only thing that changes is what I allow myself to be upset by. At this point, I choose not to let anything in regard to SD or K upset me any further. As for us, that is something that we should be discussing at some point. The fight in October, the fight earlier this moth, none of that goes away by just turning away from it and acting like it didn't happen. So maybe at some point we can talk about the situations leading up to them as well as the fights themselves. I am putting this ball in your court. As you have said to me before, everyone has a point of self preservation, a point where they try to cause the least pain to themselves. I am just trying to preserve self without causing anyone else pain in the process. I love you and I married you to be and us. I stand by our vows and "the story of us".
As of yet I have gotten no response. I am tired of this woman (K) and my SD coming off as the saints and me as the bad person. I am tired of fighting about them and it ruining my marriage. I am tired of always feeling like the one left out in my own household. I am tired of feeling like K gets all the luxury’s while I get all the responsibilities. I am tired and done and tired of being done. I know this is very long (and I really left so much out) but anyone taking the time to read this and respond I would appreciate so much. I am really ready to walk away because I am a very loving and caring person and I feel like I may lose that in having to pull myself away from this craziness.
I think we all
can sympathize, since we have all been there.
backing away from the SD and what she does is a good start.
we have a saying here...not the mommy not the mommy.
E needs to stop being "blind" to his EX wife and BD.
He needs to respect you and your needs and he needs to teach his daughter the same.
HE divorced the ex for a reason he should not be defending her.
I totally understand you wanting to leave, I have a FH that has a BS that is about worthless.
he is 18 with no job no education (he dropped out of school with a 9th gr education) drinks smokes, has total disregard for anyones needs but his own.
We have not moved in together ( we have been together 5 yrs) b/c of this reason.
I found this site and have learned so much.
You are doing the right thing and you are not CRAZY!!
“You will never be on top of the world
if you try to carry it on your shoulders.”
The funny thing about backing away is then once again I am in the wrong. All I hear is... how can I distance myself from my children (as we have the same belief that all 4 are our children......or at least *I* USED to), or how is THAT being a good mother. Sometimes it is a no win situation. Yet, that seems to be a very convienient comment when it suits his purpose. I'll give you an example. About a year before we got married (we had lived together for 2 years by this time) my BD and SD got into an arguement. I was in my room working when this happened and DH was downstairs with the girls. I hear yelling and then my BD stomping up the stairs crying. I go into her room and try to find out what is going on. She tells me and I go downstairs to talk to my DH and SD only to find him outside with my SD sitting on the grass and talking. That's ok since there is nothing wrong with him consoling his daughter (even tho that left mine to the wasteside without yet envolving me), so I wait to talk to him and find out what is going on. He then comes into the house and I ask him to explain to me what is going on. He tells me to wait then goes out on the deck and calls BM. TALK ABOUT PISSED OFF!!!!! I still don't know what is going on in MY household and he spends the next 30 minutes talking to his ex about what is going on in MY household. Once he comes in the house he tells me that he needed to deal with the BM and smooth things over as he knew that my SD would be calling her crying.......WT???????? you are kidding me right........this had to do with MY daughter as well. I wasn't the "mom" then. As I said, it is a matter of convienice and I am tired of it.
You are doing the right thing by not moving into an already bad situation. All I can say is hind sight is 20/20 ya know?
BTW, I LOOOOOOOOVE your saying, “You will never be on top of the world
if you try to carry it on your shoulders.”I really believe that is half of my problem.....I care too much sometimes instead of just letting go......
Nothing comes easy thats worth fighting for.....thats what they tell me!
I am so angry for you
first off your DH should have talked to you about what happened since your daughter was involved! that only makes sense and you should have been the only person he should have been concerned with as it relates to feelings!! OK kids will get into even bio bro and sis...secondly if he does not respect you as a mother to his children then YOU can not be a mom to them!! He can not have his cake and eat it too. It is either all or nothing...NOT sometimes you can be the MOM to all ONLY if it suits my(husband/dad) needs...that is SOOOOO unfair.
now being the stinker that I am I probably would have gone outside and told my FH to get off the f'in phone and talk to me!! when it comes to my kids it is no holds barred.
OH noV I could go on...but I just want you to know you deserve SSSOOO much more than what he is giving to you- you sound like a good person/mom/step
Please do not settle for less, if your H wants to be a dad to his biokids then so be it...go be a great mom to yours.
I wish you all the best, PM if you need to!!
“You will never be on top of the world
if you try to carry it on your shoulders.”
You've taken the first step I think...
by realizing that it is just out of your hands.
Your DH (Dear Husband) and BM (bio-mom) are the ones who need to worry about your SD. Not you. We as SMs (stepmoms) should be supportive but ultimately, I think it should be left up to that child's parents. If they think it's acceptable that their daughter is posting inappropriate pictures of herself....then so be it. I'd stop wasting your valuable time and energy on it. As far as her apology - to me, at least she apologized. That's HUGE coming from ANY 15 year old. It may have been half-ass, but I've never met a 15 year old that is ever accountable for anything. I wouldn't place much value in anything a 15 year old girl has to say.
Your DH is in a tough position trying to please all the women in his life. He's getting grief from his ex, from his SD, and from you. If he pleases you - he pisses off the other two...if he appeases them, he pisses you off. SO, take yourself out of the equation. Disengage. Leave his dealings with his ex all to himself. No more going to drop offs/pickups. If his ex is manipulating situations to her benefit, don't let it interfere with your daily life (like when attending your own child when he's injured). If DH is okay with BM dictating his schedule, then let him deal with it....because your involvement is causing the strain on your marriage.
Your DH is obviously willing to come to a solution by the e-mail he sent. I too disagree with the statement that you need to be the "mom" in your house. You need to be recognized as an authority figure in your house not as a "mom". You can't be expected to do all the motherly chores (buying clothes, transportation, discussing menstruation, etc.) and not be appreciated as someone who really doesn't HAVE to do any of it. You have your two kids to worry about, let your skids' parents take care of their own kids.
"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass...It's about learning to dance in the rain."
You said that my DH is in a tough position by trying to please all the woman in his life. This is where I have a problem. He should NOT try to please his ex wife. She is his EX!!!! He is getting grief from me because he tends solely to BM and her needs and leaves me out in the cold. I am the one he lives with, I am the one he is married too. She has done nothing but cause grief in his life that I have to clean up. For example, she screwed his tax returns so bad that I spent the last 2 years doing 7 years of back tax returns! I am talking to the debt collecters everyday trying to resolve the debt that she built up at the end of their marriage while she cleaned up her own credit. So what you say is an issue for me. He should say SCREW her and all her BS and appease ME! Now don't get me wrong. He should always do what he needs to do to be a good father to his children, but that is where it should END!
In saying that, I do agree that it is my involvement that has become the issue here. I will no longer be involved in the communication, nor dealings with what he deems his "other family". I have told him a number of times and will continue to tell him, if he wants 2 ex's he is doing a great and deligent job at obtaining his goal.
I also loooooooooove your saying....."Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass...It's about learning to dance in the rain." I love the rain, it is these darn lightnening stricks that are frying me!!!
Nothing comes easy thats worth fighting for.....thats what they tell me!
Please don't get me started...
on marital debt and what BM has inflicted upon my husband. We'd be here for days.
"He should NOT try to please his ex wife. She is his EX!!!!"
I've been where you're at. My husband pacifies BM to ultimatley keep the peace. I used to care and think the same as you. Now I give a rat's ass what the two of them argue about. I simply gave up any involvement whatsoever. I let them hash out their own crap and go on my merry way. It's like the proverbial saying, "If a tree falls in the woods and no one is there to hear it, does it really make a sound?..." If DH is appeasing BM and I'm not around to hear it....who does it matter to? I just don't care. I know my husband loves me and I don't need to convince BM that I'm more important to him than her. I let her put herself on a self designed pedastal and allow her to believe whatever demented reality she dreams up.
As his current wife, I DO have the right to feel comfortable. When I feel like BM is crossing the line and being completely inappropriate towards DH, I let DH know and he handles it. Like recently, she was calling DH to complain about her boyfriend. I told DH that he shouldn't be her shoulder to boo hoo on everytime her love life takes a shit. He agreed and politely explained to BM that he felt like her love life was none of his business and would prefer not to discuss it anymore. She agreed and we were all happy. I know one poster didn't feel comfortable with the fact that her husband always went inside the house to pick up the kids, so her DH simply just quit doing it.
We all have the right to have boundaries and DHs and BMs have the right to treat each other whatever way they feel benefits the overall situation. Who wants to have to continue to have turmoil in their life with children as witnesses? If you have an unruly BM who needs to be pacified every once in a while just to shut her up...who is it really hurting in the end?
"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass...It's about learning to dance in the rain."
eye opener......
I read this a lil earlier, but had to sit on it for a minute and let it really reach the debths of my soul. One sentence came to mind......You are right. "Now I give a rat's ass what the two of them argue about." "If a tree falls in the woods and no one is there to hear it, does it really make a sound?..." Uh..so I feel like DUH right? it doesn't make a sound. As long as I keep myself out of the issues I DON'T have to know about the issues! Of course that is as long as they don't involve me or my household. Otherwise as long as it doesn't affect me or my kids I could really give a RAT'S AZZ!!!! I think that gives me back some of the control I have felt I have been losing for so long. Really, she could think she is getting away with murder......as long as my DH knows who he sleeps with at night(for lack of a better saying) I don't care.
Now, as far as him handling her when she is inappropriete........that will continue to be a source of contintion, which is why I have come to dread every other weekend, and any othertime she pops on us we need to take the SK. That is when DH needs to grow a pair and remember, if it comes to her or I, It better start being me or he will not have me......period!
Thanks so so much Colorado! My eyes are open.......my heart feels lighter......and I can once again exhale....
Nothing comes easy thats worth fighting for.....thats what they tell me!
Me too...
and over $7,000 paid including penalties and interest.
"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass...It's about learning to dance in the rain."
I SOMEHOW got it down to about 800.....so that was very fortunant. A GF of mine has to deal with about 50K for her husband.....and he made the mess all on his own......he doesn't even have an ex wife or other kids outside the marriage. They had to do a refi to try to start paying it off.....and he is a stay at home dad......That reminds me.....I need to tell HER about this site!!!
Nothing comes easy thats worth fighting for.....thats what they tell me!
so crayon....
we have had to deal with this ......yet we are STILL the ones left in the cold? I guess this is the difference between men and women maybe. Like as for childbirth.....we can handle what they have no clue how to nor never could! Then again, I couldn't ever immagine being so irrisponsible as both the DH and BM has been. That's why we are saints tho right?:)
Nothing comes easy thats worth fighting for.....thats what they tell me!
Me too
My husband's credit is destroyed, back taxes, etc. was a nightmare to sort out, we are almost thru. All because of stuff that happened during marriage to BM.
Pass the kleenex-!!
"Fortune favors the brave" - Virgil
You know whats funny.....
My DH had the nerve to tell me we needed to write down every last dime we spend for a whole month....get reciepts for EVERYthing and then look at our finances. That is not the nervie part. This is......I did that, took up 4 pages in the notebook.....all the way to the end of January........he has less than a page and stopped logging after the first week.........SHESH!!! The bad part of it is that *I* am the one that handles all the finances of the house....including.....Yall might want to sit down for this one tho......writing the check for his CS to BM. I do this because he can not have his name on a checking account because of all the past debt and taxes (he still hasn't done his state taxes in 7 years and I did his Fed....not doing state too). So he gives me the money for 4 bills every month(CS, Rent, Truck, and Insurance) and pockets the rest, which comes out to about 500-600 a month. Not that it's a lot, but *I* don't have that type of money to pocket! I have no idea what he spends it on cause I pay for everything else......including going out to dinner, SK,BK and DH clothes, or those long fought for weekends away (like 2 in the past 5 years and I think that may have been for our anniversary*shesh*). Yeah, lets leave our DH and their jacked finances for Saturday, cause it will once again be the first of the month!!! .......whewwwwwwww
Nothing comes easy thats worth fighting for.....thats what they tell me!
I did this....
I am in accounting by trade. I wrote out a list of all that is spent in a month in our household. I had two columns with our names at the top and what our shared cost and individual cost was. The bottom line was that DH (at the time, circumstances have since changed) was not contributing enough to cover all his expenses. So now, DH gives me ALL of his money and has a weekly "allowance" that I deem affordable. He's as happy as a pig in shit because he gets the same amount every week and is able to budget his play time.
Some people are very visual. My DH is one of those people and the minute he actually saw the problem instead of my verbalizing, he respected me enough to allocate accordingly.
I wrote cs checks to BM as well for a long time. Inflated ones at that. Do you have a central registry that you could send the checks to instead? Amazingly, writing a check to a child support registry is a lot less painful.
"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass...It's about learning to dance in the rain."
I am also an accountant by trade and I have a great credit rating, my FH on the other hand is LOUSY at finances.
his credit rating SUCKS cuz of all the debt he was left with after his divorce.
when we marry there will be seperate checking accounts and there will be a divison of expenses..he will have 3 kids to pay for I really only have one (18 y/o BS)..my 21 y/o is self sufficent and is rarely at home.
the house and utilities are in my name and will remain so, he will give me money every paycheck and I will be the one who pays ALL the bills ..as far as recreation, we go out he pays one time I pay the other.
it isnt a pretty situation but hell what is a girl to do?
“You will never be on top of the world
if you try to carry it on your shoulders.”
Everything seperate for us
I guess because we were both single for so long it just naturally fell into place that all of our accounts are seperate. I pay xyz and he pays xyz, I don't have to ask him for $, he pays for everything with SD and I don't have to see it. I also like that I can buy him things and he never knows how much I spend. Dh is old fashoned in a lot of ways and offers to pay for vacations or other expenses that come along but I usually try to split it with him so he does not feel all the burden. This has worked well for us so far.
If you want children to keep their feet on the ground, put some responsibility on their shoulders. ~Abigail Van Buren
I know how you feel
Believe me, I really do. My SD's and their BM are all mentally ill and it was beginning to put a serious strain on our marriage. Basically I did leave DH for a few days and he realized that "our" boys were more important to him than taking up for skids that could give a shit less about him and an exwife that was certifiable! He finally allowed SD16 to move in with BM, this may not have been the smartest move, but under the circumstances I don't really care. I used to be that kids biggest fan, used to do things with her, then she just turned on me like a pitt bull. I finally backed off, and chose to do nothing at all for her, period....laundry etc. She only got worse and nothing helped, so when she threatened to "choke me in my sleep", I basically told DH her or them (meaning our boys). It has been Soooooo peaceful now, even the animals act different.
I hope things work out for you, but your DH needs someone (counselor) other than you to tell him to put you first and stop defending this woman he divorced. Good Luck ..... HUGS to you.
If only it were that easy in my situation. Everytime I can't take it any longer and actually state that I am having an issue with this, he either ignores the situation (like if he is not looking at it, it isn't happening), or he is perfect! He tells me I am right and that he will work on it. That lasts about a week and then something else happens and we are back to square one.
As for counceling, I have cried and begged for us to go to see a councelor, to which he tells me no. He doesn't think it is that serious. Funny thing is, he was more than willing to go with his ex before they got divorced.....hmmmmmmmmmmm
Nothing comes easy thats worth fighting for.....thats what they tell me!
The problem with that is.......
There is only backward movement. I agree with you tho, that seems to always be the case.....I have never taken a latin dance class but I bet this is one step I could master. Sometimes it is hard loving so much you have a hard time preserving self.......
Nothing comes easy thats worth fighting for.....thats what they tell me!
I have a saying......
I take care of you, you take care of me.......everyone is taken care of. To me that is a part of unconditional love......
What happends when I take care of him, and he takes care of himself.......who takes care of US when that happens? That is why we have to sometimes take a step back and preserve self.......If we don't do it, when we know no one else will put us first, who can we really blame?
Nothing comes easy thats worth fighting for.....thats what they tell me!
so true
that is what I had to do in my first marriage.
I took care of EVERYTHING...and he took care of abusing me and making me feel worthless.
it came to a point it was either him or me..
“You will never be on top of the world
if you try to carry it on your shoulders.”
So true Sai
I had relationships like that too unfortunately. At some point you do have to choose YOURSELF.
No Valid, I think you should throw a huge fit with your man, to the point where he hears you and understands where you are now. If you have to scream, cry, scare the neighbors, etc. he is driving you to do that and he needs to make some changes now.
Good luck with this and let us know-!!! Glad you found us!
"Fortune favors the brave" - Virgil
scream, cry, scare the neighbors, etc.
Earlier this month that is exactly what happened......and then some! First of all let me say I have a very bad temper that I pride myself on controlling. I have done a bang up job with controlling it the last 6 years until earlier this month. DH had the nerve to tell me how to deal with my BD in front of her while her and I was having a discussion about her BF(it is her first BF and she just turned 18) and the need for bounries. When I politely told him that I had this covered and to just let me talk to her, he stomped upstairs like a 2 year old saying "this is why no one listens to me in this house.....you are a great example!" *breathe* so I finished talking to my BD at which both of us were crying and I held her for awhile. The I went to DH and told him we needed to discuss this. I said that I have been her mother for 18 years and I knew how to handle her just fine. (how bad did I want to tell him to handle his OWN daughter that is a disrespectful mess, but I didn't) Then we get into everything else wrong with our marriage (you do that when you never talk about the problem when it is occuring) and he brought up BM. I then lost it when he said he left me home sick the following week to go get his daughter (because the BM didn't want to leave the house that late) for HIS DAUGHTER! WHAT?????? His daughter??? How stupid do I look? So I said how once again the BM got what she wanted from him and I was left home, sick, and alone!......I stomped out of the room and put my hand thru the wall. Then I went to my BK and told them I was taking a walk because I needed some air. When I went to go out the front door he blocked it saying I didn't need to go anywhere, and needed to calm down. Well, I couldn't breath....I have heart problems and I needed air AWAY from him. So I went to the deck, in the rain, and he stood over me telling me to calm down. Now I don't curse but let me tell you.....every kind of F yous and F off's and leave me the F alone was coming out of my mouth.....so loud I prolly scared the neighbors to death. After he said all that cursing is hurting him I said..... F, F, F, F and F you one more time! Finally he told me he would leave me alone if I would sit down.........so yeah, that is sick that you are going to jepordize your wife's wellbeing just to get your way. Anyway, I sat down and he left.....THE HOUSE. needless to say this is one of the fights I talked about in my origional post. We have YET to discuss what had happened. He is like my dog...........if you yell at her for something she has done wrong she just looks the other way like, "If I don't look at it, it's not really there".
So yes, Evil.......Scream, cry, scare the neighbors,AND put my hand thru the wall........didn't do any good. Any other suggestions? LOL!!!
Nothing comes easy thats worth fighting for.....thats what they tell me!
(sorry having computer problems, couldn't get back on yest.)
Oh, well it was worth a shot. Hopefully he at least got the message-!! do you ever feel like you are the only one present at these conversations, sometimes it seems like nothing works! hope you feel better honey
"Fortune favors the brave" - Virgil
Cover Your Bases
A lot of women forget about college and are then stuck when they have a ex who trys to get out of that. You can, my friend just took her ex back to court and won. He has to pay a substantial part of his 2 kids college. His current wife not too happy about that, but nevertheless an important detail in the divorce papers.
Update and oppinion needed.....
So the SK's have departed from us and still SD did not speak to me unless she wanted something from me. (for the weekend story see my blog) Anyway, last night we went to pick up SD from her bball game (which she is not playing in due to injury) and got there at the beginning of the 4th quarter. I went with DH to get her ONLY because we needed to stop at the pet store very badly and I knew DH wouldn't do it on his own. So when the game was over, DH and I wallked over to SD and she gave him a big hug and once again did not even acknowledge my exsistance, of which of course DH said nothing to correct the disrespectful behavior. On the way home we got something to eat and SD was on the phone with BM and Aunt talking in code and laffing, of which I have no doubt was about me because they heard DH and I talking in the background. ANYWAY, we get home and everyone goes to bed. DH works on his computer in the bed while I try to get some sleep. When he is done (well after midnight) he turns over to me and says something to me about SS's reportcard being there when he picked him up for daycare, but the teacher wanted to talk about it before she gave it to him and he didn't have the time. DH recounted the convo with BM regarding this telling me BM said he could of at least helped her out by talking to the teacher because BM doesn't like her. I'm thinking to myself, we have had the SK's on an extended weekend to help her out so WTF? Anyway, I then mention to him that we never did all have a talk this weekend about SD's attitude towards me. To which he acted like he didn't know what I was talking about. I reminded him of the email he sent to me regarding (and saying) this. His reply was that he didn't know it was still a problem. *sigh* So I state that SD didn't speak to me all weekend unless she wanted something and I concider that RUDE! (He never did respond to the email I sent him about all this last week (look at origional post)). So what was his response? He took a big exacerbated sigh and rolled over and started to snore. *sigh again*
So this is the email I have prepared to send him today and I need advice on it (I included in it all the previous emails stated above...I'm not going to repost those here). I want to know what you all think of it (is it nagging, is it mean, is it unnecessary etc?) before I send it to him. I am trying to do what I can in regards to working on my marriage, as SD and BM is the only thing we really fight about, and to be fair without slighting myself. SO what do you all think? Here it is....
I am sending this to you to confirm that I did see what I thought I saw about “We all will be talking this weekend”. Not as an “I told you so”, but just as a confirmation.
It does and has bothered me that ****(SD) is allowed to totally ignore/disregard me as if I am not there, with the exception of her wanting something from me. I am her parent (whether she likes it or not) and more than that an adult, and thus (as I mentioned last night) this is being disrespectful. I have decided that I will take it upon myself to have a heart to heart with ***(SD) the next time she is with us. You of course can join this discussion, but I feel as it is a discussion that I need to lead at this point. If you would like, we can discuss what I am going to say before hand.
Also, in saying what I did in the below email about not letting ****(SD) nor ****(BM) make me upset or unhappy any longer, I would like for you to make arrangements to pay****(BM) her child support in another way besides me writing her a check. Maybe a cashiers check through your bank ($6.00) or have her sign a receipt for cash. I am not trying to be difficult at all. As stated below, “I am just trying to preserve self without causing anyone else pain in the process.”
In saying all of that, I did have a good weekend with the family and enjoyed having all the kids there.
I love you as always,
Nothing comes easy thats worth fighting for.....thats what they tell me!