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Chistmas Present Debate (and birthdays) ..... how much is too much?!!

Kitten9's picture

Is it just me or do all SKds get two expensive presents for christmas and birthday? My SKds(SS15 SD13 SD12)get big pressie from BM and her H and my BoyF thinks its ok for us to then give them big pressie too, they get everything they want but never seem to apprecate anything anyway!!! My BD14(has no contact with her BF) lives with me and BoyF and she only gets the one set of presents. Am i overreacting?

laurels4u's picture

My DH has custody of his son. The BM pays no CS whatsoever. It's my philosophy that his BM and grandparents should be buying the kid the big presents that he expects while DH gets the necessities covered.

My DD's grandparents also buy her the big ticket items she wants because they can afford it, whereas I can't. DD has always received gifts of necessity from Santa and on her birthday because I am not able to be frivolous with money.

Basically, Christmas should not interfere with your means for living. If it is, then your BF needs to rethink the giving.

Most Evil's picture


LVmyBOXERS's picture

After almost 4 years of trying to give these unappreciative brats what they wanted for Christmas I told my husband, this year, I will only spend $100 a peice and anything you want them to have over that, you make the $$ on the side and you pay for it. Their mom gets child support from us, married a man with a good job. Every year the kids have asked us for the good, expensive gifts and every year we deliver. But those days are over. I finally figured it out that nothing we do will make them want to see their Dad more so it is time we start taking care of us. So, I kept a very detailed log of what I spent and once I hit $100, I stopped. Dh was really ok with it too. I hope this does not make me sound like a terrible person, but enough is enough. We would do without through the year so I could make sure to save enough $$ to get them whatever they wanted. It feels really good.

Kitten9's picture

Thanks for your comment HotyoungSTMOM, I wouldnt feel so annoyed if the 'unappreciative brats'(luv that description) only asked us for the good expensive gift but they don't, they ask both BP's and both deliver, my idea of both BP's getting together and sharing the cost of one good pressie didn't go down well with my BoyF, i think he feels if he gives good pressies it makes up for him working away for weeks at a time and not seeing brats that much!! That's another topic for discussion!!!!

Anne 8102's picture

We believe that all the kids should receive equally at Christmas and on birthdays. That's why our two bio kids get more from us than the skids do... all the kids end up getting the same amount in the end, it just comes from different sources. The skids are getting from two sets of parents while our kids only get from one set of parents and since DH's child support payment goes towards those gifts, it makes sense mathematically that they would receive half of their total take from us and half from their mom, while our kids get 100% of everything from just us. (One of our kids actually has THREE sets of parents, so she REALLY makes out.)

This question has come up again and again and there are those who believe that you have to spend the exact same dollar amount on your skids as you do on your kids, but I disagree. All that does is penalize the bio kids for having parents who are not divorced and feed into the guilt which causes divorced parents to overcompensate for the skids. I also don't believe you give blindly and without giving thought to what that person means to you in your life. We've seriously cut down on the skids' gifts because they never call their dad, they never say thank you, they know I'm behind all the gift-giving and they never recognize my efforts. They are takers and the more they take, the less inclined we are willing to give.

~ Anne ~
Please join the Campaign to Save Madison!

Dawn-Moderator's picture

We were going to get Ss and Dh an Xbox 360 this year. However, Ss came to me and wanted to know if he could get a Wii instead. I told him that him and his dad agreed on the Xbox. Ss asked why we couldn't get both!! That was it!!! Now, we are going to get creative gifts for each other, not big expensive gifts. No Xbox 360!! Besides, Ss has every game system but the Wii at Bm's house so she will probably be getting him a Wii. For his birthday, Bm got him a PSP and so did we. So he owns 2!! To me that is ridiculous!! This year we are staying with in a budget. We don't have Ss for Christmas this year anyway, so Dh and I will have a nice quiet Christmas dinner.


Kitten9's picture

All 3 Sks have a PS2 each at BM house and my BD has 1 here in her bedrm when Sk's come here they just presume that they have free run on hers, i mentioned to BoyF that this upsets my BD when sometimes she gets no space or time away from them and his solution was to put a spare tv and my BD PS2 in the spare rm, i said but its hers they have 3 at home with BM, and evry other game system, cant they take one of their PS2 here,he replied that i was just being silly when theres one here already. I feel i cant win!!!!

Anne 8102's picture

Sorry, but your BF is wrong, wrong, wrong. My son was an only child and four years old when I remarried and gave him three new step-sibs. He wasn't used to sharing, having so much racket going on in the house, etc. He needed HIS space, space that they couldn't invade during their visits. My husband and I both noticed a big change in him after we got married, not so for the skids. The skids were used to being together, whereas my son was used to being the only kid in the house. It's a huge transition. DH and I agreed that he was to use the code word "alone time" to tell us when he wanted to be left alone in his room to play without all the crazy distraction the other three brought into our home. He asked for some "alone time" and we would make sure he had it. After that, the visits became much easier to tolerate and he gradually got used to having a bunch of siblings and didn't need the alone time so much. My point is that it's not fair to the child or children who reside with you full-time to feel like their space is invaded and their belongings are taken over when the Golden Ones arrive. We teach sharing, but sharing means you ask someone to borrow something... you don't just walk in and take it. The solution to this problem is easy. Your BF can either buy his kids yet another game system to keep at your house or they can bring one with them when they come. And if he doesn't understand this, then I'd be wary of promoting him to DH.

~ Anne ~
Please join the Campaign to Save Madison!

LVmyBOXERS's picture

BM did not give the kids good Christmas' at all and I think that is why we were always asked for what they really wanted. However, last year, SD got Louis Vouton purses, Tiffany jewlery and lots of other stuff so I assume that whatever stick was up her a$$ the past 13 years of her life has been removed and now she is going to start sharing in the responsibilities. Christmas was always such a big deal at my house growing up and at DH's and that is why we have always gone overboard. But I woke up and figured why waste my time and energy and $$ when it will never be appreciated or much less acknowledged. Example, all the clothes SD got from us for Christmas last year, were "not the right brand and not cool enough" so she cleaned out her closet and gave them away. And you know what, there has not been a single article of clothing purchased for her since then by this household. You see my point. At least this year, I will not be as pissed if she gives away all the clothes I bought her because it is only $100 worth of stuff and it is stuff I like and I can wear anyway so I will actually be gaining clothes myself this time! LOL!!

kathleen's picture

I've also struggled with how much to spend etc on Christmas. This year since step kids think we are horrible people, I've really struggled. I think DH and I agree, they are still kids and shouldn't be blocked out of the Christmas thing altogether. We purchased two identical,reasonable valuable gifts, that we hope they will like. I have a few stocking stuffers but that is all I am willing to do. I'm not sure if we'll see them or not, but my guess is they will come at least to collect, certainly not bringing a thing for anyone else. Great parenting BM.

Anyway, on to my point. I've always had a problem with Christmas because I think we lose the meaning. Gifts were presented to Jesus because He was born "King of the Jews" This was the expected custom when appearing before a king, thus the wise men brought gifts fit for a king: gold and valuable spices. Jesus alone was the recipient of the gifts; others did not exchange gifts among themselves. Modern day commercialism certainly ran with this one.

This year, we are adopting a family. Apparently there is a large number of homeless children in the public school system here in our town. I was shocked. So we are being matched with a family and will receive their wish lists soon. If we have the step kids at all, I would like to have them deliver the presents. Maybe one day in retrospect they will get it. Even so, I think it will make Christmas more meaningful for me. I like the idea of giving to someone in need who will really appreciate it.

Most Evil's picture


Mystery23's picture

but its not the kids fault there parents are not together and that they get two big presents. I would say though maybe you should buy them a big present one year and the bm the next year. Speak to your partner about that. Then again you don't want the kids to look at your partner and say mummy got me this and turn their noses up at what you and their dad got. Life is not fair and probably for them not having their dad living with them or even spending the christmas with their dad. At the end of the day its not teh kdis fault its between both parents to discuss whether one should buy a big present one and then the other the next year.

Mystery23's picture

I also would like to say refering to the kids as brats its not right. I will say again to all your step-mum or step-dads that children who are put in these situation are not their fault. Both parents including the stepparents should sit down and discuss each year what you will buy.

Dawn-Moderator's picture

Unfortunately, both parents and stepparents sitting down and discussing what to buy isn't always possible. A lot of times these are not friendly situations. Sometimes, one parent wants to compete with the other for the child's affection by buying a better gift than the other. I'm not saying that in a perfect world that that wouldn't be great but these people are exs for a reason. It just won't work.


Kitten9's picture

In reply to Mystery23 I would just like to say I do not refer to them as BRATS to their faces, nor do I refer to them as BRATS to my BoyF, or refer to them as BRATS to my BD. This site is "Where Stepparents Come To Vent", that is exactly what I am doing when I call them BRATS on any posts! I do not call them this all the time, but I do feel the need to "vent" my frustrations at this time of year, particularly when they are hounding us for BIG pressie's or being rude to their Dad when he suggests an alternative!!!!! These BRATS are SS15 SD13 SD12 and are spoilt rotten by BM & StepD, I know it is the way they have been brought up by BM & StepD that has made them the way they are
with regard to money and material things in life!!!! It is this fact that makes it so frustrating for me because I have not brought my BD14 up with this attitude and I find it so difficult to put up with every Christmas and Birthday. BM would not listen to anything we have to say on this matter!

Anne 8102's picture

It is perfectly acceptable to call a spade a spade. And when you're right, you're right.

~ Anne ~

"Adjust on the fly, or you're going to cry."
Steve Doocy, The Mr. and Mrs. Happy Handbook

LVmyBOXERS's picture

This is a site to say things so you do not say them to the wrong person. Just throwing that out there.

Dawn-Moderator's picture

Vent away! I understand what you're saying!


sparky's picture

We are giving less this year than we ever gave before. They never seemed to care or appreciate what they got so should it matter that they are getting 50% less. They don't even bother to give their father a Christmas card.

Anne 8102's picture

DH's bottom line is a hundred bucks per skid, although we spend a lot more than that on our two. Last year he only wanted to give them each fifty, but I talked him up to a hundred. He's sick of being ignored and I can't blame him. No birthday card/call, no Father's Day card/call, no Christmas card/call... they only acknowledge him when it's time for them to GET something. I'm the softy when it comes to Christmas, but I'm feeling less and less guilty about not spending my heart out on spoiled children who can't even reply to my emails. I sent them one three weeks ago asking for their Christmas wish lists and still no response. Okay, so I guess they don't want anything from us! Woo hoo! That made MY shopping much easier. Meanwhile, this year is our son's first year after finding out who Santa really is and he actually told me not to spend so much on him. Now that he knows we are really Santa, he wants us to spend some of that money on presents for ourselves. What a sweet offer from a 9yo!

~ Anne ~

"Adjust on the fly, or you're going to cry."
Steve Doocy, The Mr. and Mrs. Happy Handbook

Stacy's picture

Hi Anne!

Boy, I believe we are living parallel lives. I have a 14 year old SD. We all used to be very very close, until her mother went through her 3rd divorce and we filed for custody because she was truant from school. She doesn't call her father. She ignores her father's phone messages and text messages. Doesn't call him for his birthday or fathers day. My problem is that my husband is totally obsessed with her. So obsessed that it makes our house a living hell because he goes off the deep end and can't concentrate, can't remember what he is telling us. By the way- we have two children of our own ages 8 and 6.

For Christmas, I only wanted to give SD $100 . .but my husband fights me on it EVERY SINGLE year . .he wants to give her $150 (or more). I honestly believe that he thinks he will buy her love. The SD doesn't want anything to do with us and she can't even call our two children throughout the year. She has been to our house once this year and has blown us off numerous times about coming over for the day.

Let me know what you think and let me know of a way that I can try to convince my husband not to be too generous with her because she wants nothing to do with us.

laurels4u's picture

setting spending limits for Christmas this year. You would've thought I was a dentist pulling teeth from DH. Or an auctioner. I started the bidding at $100, but didn't get a taker. After all, DH says, we had just spent $100 putting gas in our cars last Saturday so $100 wasn't enough. Uh, that gas is a necessity to get us to/from work so we have a house to live in with all essential utilities. OK, back to topic: So I upped the figure to $150 thinking I might have struck a deal, but instead, DH tried to get me off topic with 20 questions about Christmas beliefs and Santa. Like it really mattered. Knowing I wasn't getting anywhere, I had DH go get the dreaded list. At the top, an Xbox 360. Huh? Precious wants another Xbox? Why? He already has one that he uses constantly, so much so that he doesn't do anything else around the house BUT play the Xbox (and watch TV and trash his dad on his cell phone). So I guess that one works fine and he really shouldn't need a new one. Next item? An Xbox game. Third item? An Xbox game. Fourth? An Xbox game. Yes, it would appear that Precious has no interest in anything other than his Xbox. So I finally say to DH, $200 max and he begrudgingly agreed and snapped back at me that he would work overtime this weekend to cover the cost of Christmas this year. Fine by me, like my feelings are hurt that he has to work OT because he feels it necessary to indulge his son's material needs and that should be my problem. So then I made the mistake of asking DH what he would like from Santa, nothing. OK, I get it. You're pissed because you can't put us close to bankruptcy (some sarcasm, of course) over your son's Christmas list. I just want a house to wake up in on Christmas morning rather than an Xbox 360 cardboard box to sleep on because Precious was going to die without it.

I guess after all of the trash talking in the world to his BM, she still won't get Precious one from her, so he had to try manipulating DH in to buying it, and it almost worked but tookie2 squashed that maneuver. Anyhow, I told DH he would get his envelope on the 15th or 22nd with Precious's $200 Christmas cash in it, and when it was gone, it's gone. No debit card or credit card purchases, NADA, zippo, no more.

laurels4u's picture

Xbox games but if I so much as see any type of electronic coming through the door, I will take a sledgehammer to it. Well, probably not, but I will confiscate it, take it back, and deposit the money in my account, especially since he's going to school free on me and is failing. We certainly don't need one more reason, and an expensive one at that, to keep him from doing even less than he already does, which is nothing, so I wonder how that'd work. Because nothing from nothing is nothing.......:O I think I'm way too tired today for my own good.

lovin_my_life's picture

My SO pays $3200/m to the BM. That pretty much leaves him strapped every month. He has been putting so much on his CC it's scary! My 11yr old SS said that he wants a cell phone ($300) and an XBOX 360. Of course they always go to their dad whenever they want something and it pisses me off!! All the money he gives is so the BM and the kids can stay in the house so why should my SO feel so obligated to give more than what he can?? Last year the oldest HAD to have a Wii, or else his life would be over. Now the little turd wants a cell phone because all of his friends have one....He's 11 and only goes over to the neighbors house to watch tv, so why does he need a cell phone? The BM said that if he got a cell phone my SO has to give her additional $$ for the bill. I can't do much at all for my kids...Since I'm the "bread winner" and any $ I get from their BF goes straight to child care. I recently paid off all my CC debt and live paycheck to paycheck. Why does the parent who has partial custody always feel more obligated to "go the extra step"? I don't make a lot of money and neither does me ex. We never have let our kids make us feel bad if we couldn't give them something they wanted. They were always taught to be thankful for everything they have.... And they still are.

LVmyBOXERS's picture

guilt purchasing, or at least that is what I call it. The parent who does not see the kids everyday feels guilty, so they try and shower them with gifts to make up for it. My DH did that. I do not think he did it on purpose or even realized that what it was. But I had to put a stop to it. It was getting ridiculous. And now the skids do not appreciate anything they get. It is not the right brand or not cool enough or whatever. We are doing the same as Anne. I (out of our household account) am spending $100 per child. DH is making $$ on the side the buy their 1 big gift they get each year. He is spending about $100-$200 on that. But, I told him he has to make the $$ to get it. I added up with we spent on them last year (I am the list queen) and per child was over $700. That was almost 2 months worth of mortgage payments. Are you kidding me?? Once I added it up, that is when I decided I will no longer be paying for Christmas into the new year. Kids are spoiled these days. We always had good Christmas' growing up, but this is just unreal. I have already (hopefully) made it crystal clear to DH that when we have our own, there will be none of this spoilage going on. Now yes, to a certain extint. But not to the point where they come to expect it and do not appreciate it. I am done, for now...

laurels4u's picture

Buy him things out of guilt, that is, but for some unknown reason, she has no guilt. But my DH certainly does and he tries like hell to make up for it. Precious lives with us FT while BM pays nothing. She *should* feel guilty that someone else is raising her kid and she's doing absolutely nothing to help except make DH and I miserable with her silly, childish antics. BM should be buying the kid the expensive brandname clothing he wants and the big ticket items, not DH, who provides everything as it is then he's still expected to keep on buying, buying, buying.

laurels4u's picture

Trac phone! Then let BM or SS buy the minutes when SS runs them out. I know all too well about the cell phone thing. DH swore to God that he would never buy one for Precious but then went and bought him one because he was going to die w/o it. Then DH found out Precious was only using the phone to trash him to the BM so DH took it. Now it's sitting on DH's dresser and we're paying for it every single month to sit there. So after all of that happened, Precious went whining and crying to his BM and grandmother that DH took his cell so they EACH bought him one so now he technically has three. One on DH's dresser, one for sole usage at the BM's because she won't let him bring it home, and the one grandma bought which he still uses to trash my DH to both grandma and the BM. Go figure. Talk about a waste of money.

OK, so that was way OT but I really needed to vent about the whole cell thing.

LVmyBOXERS's picture

BM bought SS11 a cell to bring to our house to call her when "I am mean to him." I have made this comment a thousand times but it gets funnier to me the more I say (type) it. His definition of me being mean is me making him act like a normal human being instead of a wild hethan. Anyway, I understand that sometimes cell phones are important (when your 16 and driving and have a job to pay for it yourself) but when they are given for reason like you and I are dealing with, it is BS!

frustratedinMA's picture

When I first met my husband he was buying a toy for his kids EOW when he had them.. that quickly came to a halt.. I told him.. they dont appreciate it, and you are wasting your money and not teaching them the real value of money or earning things.. I told him gifts and toys are for gift giving occassions.. (He AND the skids tried to convince me that year that the 4th of July was a gift giving occassion.. HA.. fat chance people)
Each year, I watch my husband go OUT OF CONTROL on gifts.. and each year I am left w/a huge cc bill to pay down... This year our circumstances are a bit different.. We are flying to visit his parents for xmas and are bringing the skids.. I told my DH that since we purchased the plane tickets, we are limiting the $$ spent on ea. child to $150 TOTAL.. Because of the high cost of the items they want, that came out to 3 gifts ea. One of them ea. being almost a hundred, and the other two items being a fair price. When I told my DH their gifts under the tree were done and that the remaining $20 ea. was for their stocking.. he nearly flipped.. Apparently I wasnt clear enough when I said that the $150 was the total amount being spent.. He thought that didnt include the stocking (which he has gotten out of hand w/too) SOOO.. after much discussion we have only spent $150 ea TOTAL on the kids. I am SURE there will be unhappy campers at xmas this year.. (told DH that he is to explain to the kids on the flight down that the flight down is their xmas gift from US..)

Their BM is a nut job.. and gets them weird things for their gifts, and is never what the kids ask for. She grills my DH as to what we purchased (no idea why its not like she gets them what they ask for.)

As for when we have kids in the future (which hopefully happens sooner rather than later) I would want to spend about $75 more on my kids then on the skids.. Since they do have 2 sets of gift giving parents, 4 sets of gift giving grandparents, and numerous aunts and uncles. Why $75??? bc that is probably about what the BM spends on her kids xmas gifts.

But that will be a battle for another day!

lovin_my_life's picture

Last night I explained to my girls what the TRUE meaning of Christmas is (I do this every year) and they totally get the idea that it's not about us, or what we want or what we get. Well when I told my SO to let my skids know that money is tight this year he said, "I can't let my children know that they may not get what they want! Do you know how upset they will be? I want them to have at least 3 major things that they've asked for all year...." My SO feels like he has to do so much more for them since this is their first Christmas without their parents together, and he doesn't have them on Christmas day. He sees them every Tuesday and every weekend, so it's not like they're hurting for their dad. The BM asked what we were getting them and everytime we told her she would say, "Oh I was getting that...." or "I want to get that for them".... We can't win! The skids complain whenever they can't have what they want or they yell, "you hate me dad!" when they don't get their way, and he STILL goes out and buys them what they want....GUILT, IT'S WHATS FOR DINNER!

frustratedinMA's picture

Mamasi1120, That is exactly why my DH used to buy the skids things all the time... GUILT.. its also why my DH takes a grandparents' approach to parenting.. he wants to be their friend.. he wants them to LIKE HIM.. and it took awhile.. but did eventually sink in.. that he shouldnt be concerned w/if they like him now.. he should be concerned with what he was teaching them and how that would affect their futures and their future finances..

Try and negotiate it down to 1 major thing they are asking for and several smaller things that are essential that they have at your place. We have been together for 4 years.. and EVERY year its a negotiation... EVERY YEAR.. Let the BM get them everything.. You pick out something off that list of majors.. get them 1 of them and work w/the rest.. OR set a $$ figure.. tell him if he can get them those things in that budget then have at it.. if he cant.. then he will have to select what he CAN afford.

Its a horrible position to be put in.. I know that.. And have often worried that my DH would hate or resent me for putting my foot down on our shared finances.. but he eventually realizes that it IS in the best interst for the skids to teach them about patience, finances and budgets.

Bonus Wife's picture

Not only do I have to deal with everything mentioned above (skids expecting expensive gifts from their dad and getting them, thus putting us further into debt...) but also his kids still expect "dad" to buy mommy an expensive gift ($150) as well out of our money and they take credit for it while we don't get reimbursed from the ex.

The first two years, I had NO idea he still paid for a gift for the ex for his kids to give her. (I knew he was broke and therefore told him not to buy me one! What a fool I was.) I do know that hubby reimbursed her for the gifts his kids showed up for me....

But, this year when I found out he didn't get reimbursed and in fact hid the purchase from me I freaked out and said it's unacceptable.
He was a nervous wreck about how to tell his kids, he couldn't buy their mom that traditional gift. But we wound up solving the problem by telling his kids he'd give them an alloted amount of cash and they could pool their money if they wanted to buy mom that expensive traditional hummel. Well, sd15 did not take it well at all. She blamed me. AFter all for the last 16 years of her life, dad always bought mom that gift from them all. (My ss16 was thrilled to get spending money from dad to spend on gifts since they don't have jobs..and the 20yr old was also happy. (She also is unemployed...I just hope she doesn't buy drugs with the money.) But in any case, I was shocked that they still think their dad is responsible for their mom. I can see my husband lending them money or giving them $25 but not $150 that we don't have!!! They are TEENAGERS who CAN babysit or do chores to earn money.

I really wish they'd all just make us something homemade...A photo in a frame, a bookmark, a poem, etc. I hate the materialism involved with the holidays.

Catch22's picture

Back to the XBox. I am SO SICK OF THAT WORD!!! My SS has from 3 years ago, walked in our door mumbled a brief hello to us then walked straight in to the XBox. 2 days later he emerges and mumbles goodbye to us and the same thing goes on...why? Because My DH always just played XBox with SS before me and he had no restrictions and he knew no other way to amuse himself.

When I was suitably comfortable to crack a wobbly about this behaviour, thats when SS didn't like coming anymore. What did mum get you for Xmas?? Oh 3 xbox games. What do you want for xmas?? I got Bs14 and SS11 to write a list for me to pick 3 things off. I said list 10 things you want.

BS14 says a PC game, a scooter (not motorised) a pair of shoes (skate ones) a guitar (he is learning) and a hat, a wallet, a DVD and ram for his computer to boost the memory and some tshirts. All normal stuff in my opinion for a 14 year old.

SS11 List says (an this is no joke) an AK47, an M16, a 44 calibre rifle, a claymore a bulletproof vest and a hand gun and the name of 2 xbox games!! I laugh and say write a real list, he says that is my list, no laugh. I said obviously we won't get you guns, he says oh well thats all I want.

Please tell me are all these Xbox games he plays screwing with his head or what?? How many 11 year olds know all those names of those guns?? I have always been worried about this kid, and DH always thought I was being silly, after I handed him the list even he had a very worried look on his face...I said nothing....

Catch xx
*Mean People Suck*

Most Evil's picture


Angel's picture

is about giving with love, not a credit card. The commercialization (my mother taught me years ago) of Christmas is absolutely abhorent and I try not to fall into the trap.
My husband shops for his 3 and I shop for my three----he knows he cannot afford a lot, and I buy meaningful useful gifts for mine. I told my kids this year to take the money they wanted to spend on me and put it towards a credit card or the cleaning lady they have (they have stressful jobs ages 26, 27, 28 and his 15, 22, and 26). Their gift to me is their presence on Christmas morning & sharing a traditional breakfast.
I didn't even put up a Christmas tree this year---I bought a beautiful manger scene & put that up--------that (in my opinion, in my house, for me) is what Christmas is all about. I hope my children learn from me what I learned from my parents. You teach by example not words.
stuff stuff electronics phones crap stuff YIKES