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Birthday celebration

mary1961's picture

My fiance (who has been divorced for 8 years) told me that he is going out to dinner to celebrate his birthday with his ex-wife and two grown children (one is 19, the other is 21). I am not invited to this celebration. Personally, I feel very left out and hurt. Am I being unreasonable or is he being insensitive?


Stepmom_C's picture

I'd feel hurt but I'd also wonder why he is eating out with his ex. The kids are grown - why isn't he eating with the kids and you? Have you met his kids yet?

mary1961's picture

I have met his children, but he tends to limit our interaction - which is another thing I find strange. I think they are old enough to handle the situation.
I agree - I really don't understand why the ex-wife is part of the celebration. If it was one of the children's birthdays, it would make sense to me.
I would love advice on how best to handle this.

Stepmom_C's picture

Why not just ask him what exactly are his expectations of your relationship/upcoming marriage? Then tell him what you think and feel. Explain to him that you feel his children are old enough to handle the situation but that by excluding you on his birthday you feel hurt.

I personaaly don't see why the ex-wife is part of the dinner. Even though his children are older it sends a mixed message. Another angle may be that he's simply always done this on his birthday, even after the divorce. If that's the case it's innocent enough but he needs to start some new traditions with you.

Good luck Smile

mary1961's picture

Thanks for your comments/advice. It's always good to hear from an outside source before approaching a sensitive topic like this one. Let's hope our conversation tonight is a positive one.

kathleen's picture

He put the ring on your finger, he is now connected to you, a twosome. These family affairs should not go on without you, unless you decide you don't want to go. If he wants alone time with his kids, fine. But the ex-wife, playing "family" when he is an engaged man. No way so sorry. I'd nip this one in the bud ASAP or you have just seen your first RED FLAG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Warning warning Will Robinson.

So sorry if I don't sound sensitive. You on the other hand sound so incredibly sweet and deserve to be treated like a QUEEN. He should show you off!


JUST ME IN NJ's picture

You have every right in the world to feel hurt by this situation. He is your fiance & when he gave you that ring, he was making a commitment to a future with YOU. It is now your time to celebrate b-days, holidays, etc. with him.... not his ex-wife. I would make sure to discuss this with him further. You need to let him know your feeling about this & the fact that you have not had the opportunity to really get to know his children. Celebrating his b-day would be a great chance for that to happen. Hopefully your fiance will be sensitive to your wants, needs and feelings.

What doesn't kill you, will make you stronger!

mary1961's picture

Yes, I agree with you. I've had to be really patient with him. I am the only women since his divorce he has ever introduced to his children - and that took a loooong time.
When he told me that he was having dinner with the ex and the kids (Iast night), it was all I could do not to fly off the handle. But - that never really does any good.
I've been worried about the ex - not because I feel he still loves her, but I sense a great deal of resentment & manipulation still exists on her side. Sometimes, it seems that she wants to remind him of how things once were - or something.
I really appreciate your support. It helps to know that I'm not being selfish in this instance.

Anne 8102's picture

Sorry, usually I'm more positive about working things out, but... if MY fiance told me he wanted to spend his birthday with his ex-wife instead of with me, well, he would NEVER achieve the rank of husband. This is a five-alarm red alert.

~ Anne ~
Please join the Campaign to Save Madison!

Frog44's picture

And no, you're not being selfish wanting to spend your fiance's birthday with him.

mary1961's picture

You all are great. He and I have been talking a lot about this issue today- and he admitted it has been a problem with others in the past. Not sure what will happen...

Josie's picture

Okay - I have a similar problem, but I'm not the fiance - just a girl friend.
We've been dating seriously for 9 months. I've met his daughters(both in college) and his mom, although only in limited amounts.
Luckily, I had already planned to go home for the holidays to be with my family. But, he told me how difficult it would be for me to ever spend holidays with him since his ex-wife attends all family functions. He said it would be "awkward" and it would force his daughters to choose between him or his ex-wife.
To me, this could be a major deal-breaker. I don't know - what would you do?

Persephone's picture

Are these guy "really" divorced? They sure do not act like it. They are treating you like a mistress. Run like hell!!!

Josie's picture

My BF is definitely divorced. I've spent time at his parents house - and at his house with his youngest daughter. So I'm not worried about that.
To me, he is being overly protective of his children. They are practically adults - and probably expect him to date. He has this ridiculous idea that they won't be able to handle me at a holiday function. First of all, it won't be for another year, since I've already bought plane tickets for this year. But, I told him that he needed to stop protecting them for his divorce. It is not new - and it's time for everyone to move the heck on. Otherwise, I will.
How patient should I be? Am I being too demanding at this time? We haven't been dating for a year yet. But, I don't want to get so involved with someone who will never involve me completely in his life, either. I