Hi I'm new here and I know some of the basic codes. BM = biological mother, SK = stepkids. But I don't get all of them, is there a place, or a post that I can review so I can get up to speed. Thanks!
Thank you. Oh jeez, Bf & I came up with that week after he left her. It was so fitting. Whenever that phone rang, we would cringe in fear of the Darkness that would follow.
He recently has change her ring tone to CP30 (the gold guy from Starwars) saying "This android is clearly not stable".
Hey, If we lose our sence of humor, then we have truly loss.
Wish I could help but I am
Wish I could help but I am new also and I need them too! I just posted without them until I can learn them.
Welcome! Others have really
Welcome! Others have really good lists on other posts but I don't know how to find them again, here's some basics:
DH = Darling Husband or Dear Husband or, depending on mood, Damn Husband. You name it
SS = Stepson
(SS9 = Stepson who is 9 years old. (you get it))
SD = Stepdaughter
BF = Boy Friend or sometimes Biological Father, depending on context and user
I've seen some folks use SC for Stepchildren
(p.s. Little Jo refers to her BM as "DK" which is short for Darkness. That's a special Little Jo thang )
I wondered about that one! Good one Little JO!!!
I wondered about that one! Good one Little JO!!!
LOL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you. Oh jeez, Bf & I came up with that week after he left her. It was so fitting. Whenever that phone rang, we would cringe in fear of the Darkness that would follow.
He recently has change her ring tone to CP30 (the gold guy from Starwars) saying "This android is clearly not stable".
Hey, If we lose our sence of humor, then we have truly loss.
Good one too. My husband refers to his kids visiting thier Mom as going to the Dark Side!!!
I use the Psycho Theme song
on my cellphone, up to the point when SS started to get old enough to read... now it's just a siren.
Let's see... my favorites are:
DH= dick head
SM= seriously mental
BM= bowel movement
I know I'm forgetting some....
Man has the intelligence to change his life,
Sometimes, he just fails to use it...
Some more...
MIL: Mother in law
FIL: Father in law
SIL & BIL: you get the picture.
B/C : Because (short for)
Someone calls BM, BB I think she means Bio Bitch???
I seen SDD the otherday that one stumped me too??
Catch xx