OT - Cat Dilemma (Why won't skids EVER listen?!)
I'm just...piping mad this morning and trying to calm myself down. So, I have these 3 feral cats that I feed and take care of. A mom and her two now-grown kittens. I've taken all 3 to the trap/neuter/release program at my local animal shelter, I have a little box with towels on my back deck that they all sleep together in...and I generally enjoy having them around.
Last night the gray kitten came inside. I think she smelled me cooking dinner and came up through the basement...up the steps, and into the hallway. This is not unusual...this cat comes in and out fairly regularly when we have the doors open.
Well, YSD squealed and got excited and started to chase the cat down the steps like an effing 7-year-old. I said: "Please don't chase the cat."
YSD: "But I love her and I want to catch her!"
Me: "You can't catch her. Just ignore her and leave the basement door open so she can get back out."
YSD: "Aw. I don't want her to get out. I want her to sleep with me!" (YSD has a bedroom in the basement.)
I found this dialogue annoying but didn't think anything more about it. This morning, YSD is distraught because she did exactly the opposite of what I said and went down and closed the basement door. The cat is nowhere to be found...and YSD says: "Well, when I was trying to catch her, she ran behind the divider in the unfinished part of the basement where the tools and water heater are."
So I get back there with a flashlight and notice the WiFi router has been knocked over, which is right in front of the crawl space. YSD goes to school...I change out of my work clothes and get in the crawlspace with my flashlight. No cat anywhere, but I hear one weak little meow. The best I can figure, the cat has crawled up into the walls where there was a gap around the base of the chimney.
I have...back-to-back meetings today that I can't get out of and then DH and I leave this afternoon for over a week of business/networking travel. This was already the most stressful, tightly-filled day on the books for quite a while...and now I'm pretty sure I have a cat trapped and dying somewhere in my walls.
I am so beyond furious with YSD. Why do skids ruin everything?! It's not technically my cat, but it is a bit of joy in my day.
Also...what would you do or try? DH and I have banged on the walls in our closets and around the fireplace trying to see if we can locate her. We've also hung a clip light in the crawlspace and put out a can of food under the gap around the chimney trying to guide/entice her back down.
I'm very sad and distressed about it this morning.
- TwoOfUs's blog
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poor cat, I would be livid as
poor cat, I would be livid as well and there will be very harsh consequences for SD.... something like you will not eat till the cat is found and save,
I hope the kitty gets out, and I think it's time for SD to move... yes, move the cats in and her out to the porch
This 'girl' is less than 3
This 'girl' is less than 3 months from being 18. She wasn't even supposed to be there last night...she stayed an extra night because she had an argument with her mom.
So, now, of course...my favorite feral kitty is dead and my house is probably going to stink to high heaven in about a week. But why listen to SM? She couldn't possibly know what she's talking about.
I believe Kitty will get out,
I believe Kitty will get out, we just have to believe...
and I hope this is the last time you allow this cow to stay as she please, I never allowed flip flopping between BM and SO's house, sorry if you had an argument with your mother, it's not our problem, you moved out remember, when you had a fight with your father.... thus stay with your mother till it's resolved, learn how to deal with people... luckily SO always supported me on that one
I was picturing like a four
I was picturing like a four year old when I read that... WTF...
No kidding!! Almost 18?
No kidding!! Almost 18? Seriously?!
Make SD sit there and
Make SD sit there and practice kitty sounds to lure the thing into making more noise. You'll want to get it out before it dies or your house is going to stink horribly.
Could you get one of the
Could you get one of the other kitties down there to see if they'll meow to the stuck one to coax it in the right direction? I know this sounds far-fetched, but a similar thing happened to us and this actually worked.
Poor baby.
Stick SD between a rock and a hard place for at least a few hours!! Inconsiderate B*tch!!!
I know. I'm so, so, so angry.
I know. I'm so, so, so angry.
I've been annoyed with YSD and her increasingly childish behavior and neediness for about the last 2 years. I have recently had a couple really deep, good conversations with her and have been warming up to her again...and now this. Makes me sick to my stomach and I don't even want to look at her.
I know there will be no consequences. I mentioned to DH how this happened because of YSD and he just snorted and rolled his eyes. Things happen with feral cats, TwoOfUs!
Interesting. Nothing bad ever happened to the cats when YSD wasn't there...wonder why...
SD would be PAYING for your
SD would be PAYING for your lost wages, any work that has to be done to get the cat out, AND for a vet visit (if possible) to make sure the cat is okay.
Then her bedroom would move from the basement back upstairs, and it would be converted to a guest room the minute she turns 18.
I'd also consider her doing volunteer hours at the nearest animal shelter. ESPECIALLY if this poor kitty passes. Make her sit with the animals waiting to be put down just so she "gets" it. My guess is one afternoon of that will male her understand WHY feral cats, when fixed, should remain FERAL and outdoors.
What does your DH have to say about all of this, and can he miss the business/networking trip by a day to fix this mess?
Please try some of the
I will. DH is home all day
I will. DH is home all day and will be trying.
I also put a can of food in the attic and left the light on up there. This cat is a great climber...so I'm hopeful that she'll be willing to go up if she's too scared to go back down.
I like to think that if kitty
I like to think that if kitty was able to get where he/she is, he/she will be able to get back out too.
Horrible to hear. Yes, cat
Horrible to hear. Yes, cat food cans both upper and lower level along with water. I hope kitty can get out. I'd be livid.
My SDs luckily were good around the cats but I have come down on a few of their friends for not listening to me with no hesitation.
See at that age I'd be doing
See at that age I'd be doing the same thing as with my own kids...which is immediately call them out:
"HEY. I SAID do NOT chase the CAT. Do you have comprehension issues we need to address?"
"Did I stutter?"
"Do you need me to say it in French?"
I don't care WHO'S kid is messing with my stuff....mine, his or other.... they don't get to mess with my stuff, period....and I WILL defend my territory.
Hugs and hope the kitty is
Hugs and hope the kitty is ok!
I’d never let the skid back in my house if they did something to injure and of my animals!
Update: No one was able to
No one was able to locate the cat in the walls. DH said he didn't hear her all day and checked frequently. As we were getting ready to leave, I was packing in our bedroom and I heard My DH call up to me. He said he heard a meow and a rustle and saw the cat slink past the chimney inside the crawl space after he took the light out...said maybe the light was scaring it rather than bringing it down.
I got a light again and shone it into the crawlspace. I didn't see the cat but heard her meow and it sounded like she was closer/out of the wall area. DH and I were worried that if we climbed back in the crawlspace to get her, she'd just run back up into the walls...so I put food and water in th crawlspace and left the basement door cracked...hoping she'll finding her way out, but she has plenty of food and water if it takes her awhile.
I wish I could have seen her get put before leaving...but my mom is going by to feed the other two and knows to look out for her.
Good news ..... Kitty will
Good news ..... Kitty will get out on her own, when the crawl space becomes to small. I think you might end up with a house cat now, she likes being in doors....
Just keep putting water and food out, she will come out.
Please keep us updated. Acra
Please keep us updated. Acra is right - you may just have a house cat!
I wouldn't mind. She's always
I wouldn't mind. She's always been the bravest and friendliest. If she isn't permanently scarred by YSD, this could work out
I know I'm late to the story
I know I'm late to the story - did kitty ever get out?
She did :)
She did :)
We got home from the event and she was out with her mom and sister on the back porch, wanting food...
Oh good - I'm a crazy cat
Oh good - I'm a crazy cat lady with only two cats but if landlord would ok it - i would have a bunch more ha!