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Update and daddy’s on speed dial

depressedme's picture

Well my friend went back online and he’s deleted his account ( this is osds husband whose been caught on online dating by one of my single friends), I still have the screen grab she sent with his photos on though lol. I’ve decided not to out him for now, mainly because it’s going to make things worse for me in terms of splitting from dh. I’d love nothing more to ruin things for osd but I’m going to bide my time. Who knows it may come out without me having to say a word? Things are not sounding great from limited conversations I’ve overheard. Then last night I’m sat with bs and osd calls dh she needed milk and her dh had her bank card.?? So off he goes 20km round trip to buy her milk because she didn’t even have $3 in cash?? This man is whipped and if I unleash datingate it will be worse. Saying that he’s now got a job working away so this is going to be happening much more amongst other stuff osd like to keep her men on a tight leash!!!

Dh has apologised to me but it’s too late, it’s 3 weeks nearly since my op and I look at him and feel nothing but contempt. At nearly 50 he behaves like a child at times until osd clicks her fingers. Not long now I’ve not given him a heads up but he knows it’s over he’s not even asked to move back in the bedroom. I’m keeping things civil for bs sake but as soon as I’m healed he will be gone!!


Maxwell09's picture

If I were you I would release DateGate right before I was planning on leaving for good. He will be so wrapped up in her dealing with this; she will keep him so preoccupied that he won't notice you taking half the furniture on your way out.

depressedme's picture

Lol all the furnitures mine , he gave all his things to osd when he moved in with me. My names on the lease,, he’s been dragging his feet for two years about buying somewhere together so he will be the one leaving lol. I looked around the family room last night there is not one thing in there he’s bought or paid for,it’s all mine so he can go whistle. But yep once he’s gone she will be getting a rude shock haha!!

Blue Moon's picture

I'm so glad you've got all your ducks in a row!

In a little while you will be so relieved, and I'm so glad you won't even have to move!!

IslandGal's picture

I'd be kicking him out now. He's useless being there anyway. His names not on the lease - furnitures not his - yup - I'd be booting his ass out right now.

You will probably heal faster with him gone - sounds like he's more of a burden and a hindrance than anything else. Also, the fact that he jumps when SD snaps her fingers? yep - I'd be over that already.

depressedme's picture

I really want to but I can’t drive for another week once that weeks up he is going. He will probly move back in with osd which is ironic as she doesn’t cook and rarely cleans so he will have to step up a lot there lol to support her and her cheating husband. But she will welcome him with both arms as he will help pay the bills. No wonder her dh is looking around for someone else. Won’t be long now

IslandGal's picture

It's a pity you can't find someone to drive you for that week.

Hang in there - stay strong and remember to take care of you.

depressedme's picture

Thanks I’s mainly to help with bs. I’ve only told a few close friends so didn’t want school mums knowing yet. Counting the days he’s not making any plans going to tell him this weekend he needs to go. I’m done x but I know where he will go and that’s osds lol

Acratopotes's picture

good thing you kept the cheating husband out of it, Karma will hit them,

hang in there for the week or so and then feel relieved when putting DH's cloths all on the porch, with a sandwich...

depressedme's picture

I think karma trains heading her way , I actually feel sorry for him in a way but he’s no balls. No I will bode my time with that one lol.
Lol about the sandwhich or emotionally supportive sandwhich. Last row we had about it which has been several as he’s done nothing wrong he said making me a sandwhich was being emotionally supportive lol

LostinSpaceandTime's picture

....with a sandwich.

Acra your wisdom and wit kill me. Lol.

Edited. I must have missed the sandwich story. Been down with the flu. Still funny. Clothes on the porch with a sandwich.

Acratopotes's picture

:? I did not know they had a sandwich story lol, that was pure me being silly, dang we can't let the guy starve on the porch now can we,

I laughed when she said he gave her an emotional support sandwich...

FrenchPeas's picture

You rock. After he was gone, i would send that group message of the pics of that profile. Wonder if he found someone so he made his profile inactive for now. LOL.

I’m so proud of you. Hang tough.

tigerlily74's picture

Sigh. I’m so so sorry it’s over. It does sound like he’s well and truly whipped though. Big hugs. Please take care of your recovery in the meantime and good luck with the whole splitting process. We’re here for you xx