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Same old, same old- skids visiting at the house

zerostepdrama's picture

Don't know if I am venting or need advice... Every once in awhile DH and I have a discussion where he thinks that his kids need to be able to come to our house. He says "My kids should be able to come here. They should be here."

#1- SS comes to our house, no issues, I have no issues with him. SS even has lived with us on/off.
#2- YSD has been stopping by and I have just ignored her and let her and DH visit.
#3- MSD and DH don't talk so it's a non issue there.
#4- I don't want OSD over at the house because her and I have had words and she is disrespectful to me.

I have been with DH almost 7 years, living together for 5 and married for 4.

YSD and MSD were apart of our home for the first 6 months that we lived together and it was AWFUL. They were never on a schedule. I just had to stress every weekend if they were going to pop in. And when they came it was like a tornado. They would take over the living room. Steal from me. Go back to BM and complain about everything I did or didn't do and then that would cause more drama. Sometimes DH would just LEAVE and go to his friends house and leave me with them. Also when they came DH changed into a different person.

I got fed up. I basically told DH that he parent his kids, works through these issues or we were done.

His solution to the problem was to start visiting YSD and MSD outside the home. Just take them to dinner/movie/ shopping when it was convenient for him.

While it was a relief to me to have my house back I didn't (and still don't) think it was the right way to go about things. Instead of actually being a parent and doing the right thing and trying to work through things as a family (at the time I was on board for that) he just created two separate lives because it was easier for him. Well I think this caused things to be worse. Skids and I were never able to work through our issues. DH and I were never able to work through the issues and resentment that I had about stuff. On a rare occasion MSD and YSD would maybe stop by for like 10 minutes if they needed something from DH but other than that they stopped coming over.(This was 2013). So they became strangers to me. It did not make things better between us because now they felt like I was keeping them from their dad. I'm the mean SM who won't let them come over and see their dad. Instead of the truth- DH just didn't want to parent them and make them behave when they were over so he chose the easy route of just not having them over and dealing with them on a limited, minimum basis.

OSD was 18 when DH and I got together and was never around. I think in the first year together I saw her for 15 minutes total. After that every interaction I had with her was mostly negative. She lived in different states and was never around. In 7 years I have been around her maybe 1 hour total and 30 minutes of that has been in my home.

Because OSD was usually living out of state I didn't really have to worry about her being around. When she would come to town she wouldn't really make plans with DH anyways. She would just pop in for a few minutes on her way out of town, long enough to get DH to give her some traveling money. TWICE when she's been invited over (by me) for dinner, longer visitation she just didn't show up. No call, text, nothing.

So fast forward to now.I have obviously enjoyed not having to deal with the skids in my home very often though it does still cause issues. Like the first few years it was fine for his kids to not be at the house, even when DH's family came from out of town. But this past summer DH wanted me to suck it up for YSD's graduation. My thought on this was it's okay for you to say she doesn't need to be over the other 364 days a year but this one day I'm supposed to say Okay have the skids over and we are supposed to all fake it and act like everything is okay????

The skids and DH both seem to think the only way they can have a real relationship is if it's done in our home. They blame not being able to come over as to why their relationship isn't good.

When I try to talk to DH about it he says one thing one minute and then another thing another minute.

I know what he wants is for his kids to come over, there be no hard feelings, water under the bridge and everyone gets along and it's just a great day! It's not going to just happen like that. While he has lived his whole life just sweeping things under the rug, I am not okay with that.

When I tell him, okay DH invite your kids over, entertain them and make a plan, well then he changes his tune.

He knows just as well as I do (which is a reason I don't push for anything)once the skids have a foot in the door it's not just going to be a nice visit here and there. It will be wants and demands and drama, etc. They are leeches and he knows that. That is why he has in a way kept them at arms length because he knows. I KNOW DH has really enjoyed the peace and quiet of his kids not being around. BUT I also know he struggles with them not being around, if that makes sense?

I think he wants me to just say- It's fine they can come over whenever. He just wants to know that I am "Okay" with it. But they haven't been part of our home for so long it's hard for me to give up that "control" and say Yes have them back in.

And it's confusing to me when he says he wants his kids to be able to come over. SS comes over. He doesn't talk to MSD because she put her hands on me, so obviously she's not coming over. YSD does come over. She's even showed up twice after sending me a rude message for no reason and I just smiled and said hi when really I felt like she owed me an apology before she stepped foot in my house.

OSD has always been rude and disrespectful to me. I feel like with her being an adult, it's within my rights to say she doesn't need to come over to the house. DH can go to her house and visit her. But he doesn't like her husband so he doesn't want to go over there. I tell him well now you know how I feel.

I want my DH to be happy. He's not the best dad. He's made mistakes. But I do think he would be happier if I gave my blessing of having his kids over more, or making plans for them to come over.

Is it unreasonable though for me to feel like it's the expectation of ME doing all the work for something that he wants? I am the one that would have to be accepting and let go of the crap they have said/done to me, I would be the one dealing with the hurt feelings when they do what they have always done to me, etc.



SacrificialLamb's picture

So what other toxic, disrespectful people should DH allow into your home?

If OSD's disrespect was a result of the "growing up" years, I would be interested in seeing how she behaved as an adult. But as you state, she was an adult. MSD put her hands on you?? You mentioned you and the skids not being able to work through your issues. If you believe that is something that can happen, then it might be worth proceeding. My mantra is that respectful people are allowed in my home. Disrespectful people? It doesn't matter that it's DH child, and the same would apply if my children were disrespectful to him (but they aren't - it's the typical situation where mom's kids love SF but dad's kids resent SM).

You're going to be the mean SM anyway, regardless of what you do, even if they lived under your roof. They could have unlimited access to Dad with no barriers, but he had to go and marry someone not in the family. I was accused of keeping DH from a 2 year old's dance recital. I didn't even know about it.

It's hard enough that we SM's only have part of our husband's protection because they still want to protect their poor behaving children. And now you should give up your sanctuary to a toxic person also?

It's the holiday season, and naturally people want all their loved ones around them. One of DH's SD's is coming for Christmas (the respectful one); the other is not. And she would not come anyway. That's another thing your DH has to consider.....just because he reopens the doors does not mean they will all come. Some might. Some might not.

zerostepdrama's picture

I think at the time when YSD and MSD first stopped coming over, that we all should have had a family meeting and tried to work through everything or at least lay some ground rules. During that time DH did not have my back and did not understand where I was coming from and that just made things worse. I had a really hard time with the adjustment of living with DH and the having the skids over because I wasn't used to that much chaos in my life and the unknown and the drama. I think when MSD and YSD were 16 and 13 at the time, we may have been able to make things better had we talked and worked through things with DH making an effort as well.

I do feel my home is my sanctuary. So that is why I have a hard time allowing toxic people into my home.

The initial issues with the skids when we first moved into the house left me feeling like I hated my house and it had so many bad memories. Over the years though we (DH, my BS and myself) have created beautiful memories in the home and I don't want to ruin that.

secret's picture

Sounds like he hasn't realized that them coming over generally seems to mean that he can just spend time, and you do everything in the background.

How do you feel about giving it a try?

It sounds like your dh might think you're giving him an ultimatum about his kids... conditional for them to come is that he deals with all of it... which I mean, that's what you're saying... but for some reason he seems to think it's a punishment rather than a normal responsibility of hosting guests?

Don't have to let go.... but let go of the rest... let go of the duties...let go of the cooking/cleaning/etc... let him do everything else, and enjoy your sanctuary... if they're rude etc... just get up and leave, let DH deal with it all

zerostepdrama's picture

In the past I would say... If you want your kids to come over, invite them over, host them, do it but if they step out of line you better back me up or there is going to be problems. And I tell him, I'm not doing any of the work. Well then the subject gets dropped and nothing ever happens.

I have tried. I have in the past invited OSD over twice to which she accepted to which I prepared meals for her and her family to which they never showed up. So on top of her disrespectful rude behavior towards me (and my BS) and those instances I am done with her.

Over the summer YSD sent me a nasty message calling me names and then like 2 weeks later she just shows up at our house while we were hosting friends for Sunday dinner. First time she had been over to the house in a year. I didn't say anything, I let her visit with her dad. Then a couple of months later DH said "YSD is coming over" and I said okay, she came over and I let them visit and didn't say anything other than hi. Both times she stayed for less than an hour.

He does want me to do all the work. I have flat out refused. He thinks because I host my family over to my house on occasion that I should do it the same for his kids. Sorry dude, not the same. My family is respectful to me, you, our home and our marriage. I cook and host for people I like.

secret's picture

lol.... yeah...

"Of COURSE I host my family, I don't expect YOU to do it FOR me. Why wouldn't you host yours? Why do you expect ME to do it FOR you?"

ProbablyAlreadyInsane's picture

Might be worth the try. I know when I became a stepparent I had to figure out putting on a face, ordinarily I'm a VERY open book kind of person, I'm not going to pretend I like you if I don't. But now I have to fake it for the ex and her family (note, that doesn't mean being friendly or buddy-buddy, just polite, for the sake of the Skids) And on days when I'm on a short fuse and everything that the Skids say seems to frustrate me, I also had to learn to put on a face and pretend it was fine there, for the sake for both the Skids and my DH (that man is lucky he's so cute... lol)

I say you keep talking about it, and only agree to it if he agrees to COMPLETELY back you up, even then give it a test run, if it doesn't go well then talk to DH and either get it fixed or nip it in the bud. However, if you don't feel comfortable with it, then you shouldn't be forced into doing something you really don't want there...

I saw you see your home as a sanctuary, I understand that. I do too, that's part of why after a few VERY uncomfortable fiascos, I even asked for any kind of drop off or pick-ups that involve BM to happen AWAY from the house at a nice neutral location. When she absolutely does have to come (of course most of that is because she lacks time management and I don't want to sit at the neutral location for two hours until she finally shows up *eye roll*), DH gets to wait and watch and intervene before she gets to the home to try and invite herself in again, that brought a shocking amount of stress off just to know she's not going to come in my home. (of course part of that is I'm currently sleeping in the family room, and for some reason I don't like toxic people who attempt to flirt with my DH and love snooping and causing issues in the room I sleep in... Weird...)

zerostepdrama's picture

I feel like I have made the effort with YSD since she has came over recently and there have been no issues with it.

I just feel like I have given OSD so many chances and it ALWAYS ends up bad with more things to be upset/mad about it and creates more issues to work through. How many times do I have to give her a chance?

I think when he says he wants his kids to come over he envisions all the kids and gkids and me hosting and everyone just having a jolly time Smile He is delusional.

ProbablyAlreadyInsane's picture

Tbh I think most men are, lol, especially the ones that haven't been in our shoes. It's REALLY hard for them to grasp what they aren't having to experience some days. They have their rose colored goggles on thinking the world is just dandy and covered in sunshine, meanwhile one fo them is being a little demon.

I understand not wanting to give people unlimited chances, I HATE toxic people in my life. Rather than give her a chance, you could have her over under the condition that DH is the one that deals with her. Disengage from her unless she's being nice to you. Besides if DH's kids are over he should be doing the bulk of the work to facilitate that anyways. Just a thought, let her over for the sake of your DH, but disengage and have him deal with it all while you focus on those you do get along with and enjoying yourself. I put DH on SD4 duty sometimes too when I don't wanna deal with things. lol

zerostepdrama's picture

My big thing about being okay with OSD coming over is her thinking she has "won". Almost like well it doesn't matter how she treats me because she can still come over to my house and space. While right now I have that control and can use that "well she doesn't know how to treat me and be disrespectful so she doesn't need to come over to my house." Hope that makes sense.

ProbablyAlreadyInsane's picture

My DH is SUPER all "win and lose" about everything. I have to remind him that's not what any of the situation is about, I'm a very competitive person, I like to win, I've broken someone's nose playing soccer, play on broken bones, can swear in about 6 languages (family didn't like swearing so I had to get creative... lol). But when it comes to life and working together it's not a competition. It's not about "winning" or beating everyone. Same reason I told my DH I don't care if I'm "beating" the ex and that's why she's gotten all creeperish. I could care less about winning, I want to live. So don't see it as winning or letting her feel she's "won." People are going to feel what they want regardless, so don't let them think you care about that.

That makes complete sense, and if you honestly don't want her over there and feel you've given it a shot, then use what you have and don't let her over. Because that makes sense to me too, you don't want to toxic in your home causing issues. Also it does matter how she treats you, and if you do let her come, and she refuses to give you respect, she should be asked to leave anyways. You shouldn't have to put up with it.

zerostepdrama's picture

Yeah I don't feel like it's winning or losing because it's a sucky situation overall. I wish everyone could get along and be happy. But I know OSD will look at it as a pass to continue to treat me poorly as she has done in the past. She treats me like crap, I give her second chance, she treats me like crap, I give her third chance and over and over.

There's something about our house that holds the power though. LOL.

Also I do not think DH will back me up 100% right away if an issue arises. He doesn't want to deal with anything negative and tends to shut down. And of course the natural defensiveness of how he feels about his children. Not to mention he did not have a good upbringing or marriage with BM, so drama, fighting, bad behavior,being rude and disrespectful to your family is his NORM so it sometimes takes him a minute to realize that the behavior his kids are exhibiting is NOT okay.

Veritas's picture

Very hard to read your post as it brings home the similarities to my own situation. Granted, I have a lot of peace now but I want to reach out and grab your hand and just say, be strong in your convictions.

I would not try again, but that is me. Your story is your own. Your boundaries are your own but they need to stay in place in order for you to keep peace in your own head.

I guess for me, too many years of gas lighting, anger and finger pointing have left me in a position of finding comfort for myself since I had no support from DH. I am probably projecting this in my response to you, but in your shoes, my best suggestion to you is to stay the course and sail strongly. (((hugs)))

notsobad's picture

He says "My kids should be able to come here. They should be here."

From what I can gather, when he says this what he means is that You should cook and clean and host his children. His kids, other than the oldest and middle daughters are welcome and do stop in occasionally.

I think I'd just agree with him whenever it comes up.
"Yes honey, you kids should be able to come over. when are you inviting them?"
On x day
"Good, are You making them lunch or dinner? Oh and if I feel disrespected I'm leaving. Love you"

moeilijk's picture

It's so interesting how so many challenges with other people are caused by avoiding having difficult conversations.

I also think so many people avoid intimacy. People are afraid to tell the truth about themselves, about how they see things, to be honest... and are afraid to listen to others.

You can't fix DH's relationships for him. He wants everything to be rosy but he's not willing or able (because it's hard!) to do the work. So he passes the buck. People do. But don't believe him.

Push back.

"DH, I'd absolutely love for you to be closer to your kids. How can I support you in connecting with them?"

Because of course you want him happy, and usually people are happy when they have good connections with others. But THEY have to have those connections themselves.

I've got a 3 yo. We're working on talking about difficult things. It takes a lot of patience and perseverance, but it's such an important lesson.

DaizyDuke's picture

The skids and DH both seem to think the only way they can have a real relationship is if it's done in our home. They blame not being able to come over as to why their relationship isn't good.

DH and I used to have this same argument.. about the spending the night too. For some reason he thought it imperative that they spend the night. WHY??? I have lots of relationships with lots of people without going to their homes frequently and certainly I don't need to spend the night.

Your DH wants you to have a "better relationship" with the skids because it makes it easier on his lazy self. Exactly like my DH. If I had a better relationship with skids, I could have carted their asses around, bought them gifts, and now that they are older, they could just pop in whenever they feel like and DH wouldn't have to bother himself with making the effort. Not my monkeys, not my circus.

Exjuliemccoy's picture

Our situations have some similarities. I've just been married longer than you. So I say this with respect and affection - You need to stop chewing on this particular bone, Zero.

Both of our spouses are emotionally stunted. Not our fault, and not something we can fix.
Both of them grew up with extreme dysfunction.
Both of them bred with crazy, and are reaping the punishment for that.
Both look to their wives to do the emotional labor they themselves either struggle with or are simply too lazy to do.
Both have fractured relationships with their adult children. Due to the above.

As moeilijk points out, you can't fix these issues for your DH. I tried as proxy for my DH for many years, with no positive results. These circumstances, while sad, have nothing to do with us. We are wives, not saviors, and we have to have boundaries because these damaged men would inflict their skewed versions of normal on us if we didn't.

You have given you DH a relationship of loving stability, which is an incredible gift. What he does with his other relationships is up to him. I realize that steplife can be especially difficult during the holidays, but it IS possible to be loving AND have boundaries. As long as we choose to be with these men, we have to be wiser and protect ourselves.

Acratopotes's picture

This is very easy..... you simply tell DH

I never said your children is not welcome, I said if they do come over they will respect me and the house rules and you will enforce it...
You and the your children decided it's to much work and they choose not to come over... work on that and they are all welcome