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Final BM encounter

AJanie's picture

I had sent a message to SS wishing him luck with his first football game last week. Stupid idea, hindsight is 20/20.

BM messaged me last night if I want to talk to her kids, go through her... and that I am a lunatic and to get the help I need... winky face. I reverted back to high school for a sec and told her at least I wasn't a loser, winky face. So immature but damn, it felt good. No regrets.

She said she was disgusted that the kids had to deal with so much the week they were at "there" dads. I corrected her... *their, BM. She said "I know the theirs! I was typing fast." ... I chuckled.

If only she had answered any of my calls or texts the week my EX slept through his kids visit... and simply picked up her precious children. But, she ignored me... was nowhere to be found that week. :?

And just like that, she is blocked forever. So are the skids. No "in case of an emergency I will unblock her" guilt. No guilt about the skids having a dipshit for a mother and a deadbeat for a father. I cared way too much for years and years. In the end, I am the bad guy, the "lunatic." Not dad, who chose drugs. Not BM, who has the emotional capacity of a shellfish. Me. The scapegoat.

It feels so beautifully final, to never have to deal with that wretched nightmare of a woman... ever again.

My fertility struggles ended up being a huge blessing. Never thought I would say that. She can fight my ex for the rest of her days... I am FREE. freeeeeeeeeeeeee.


DaizyDuke's picture

How in the sam hill through all of this does BM think YOU are a lunatic??? So glad you are free of this freak show!

hereiam's picture

Um, the reason they had to deal with so much at "there" dad's, was because he is a HEROIN addict. But sure, you're the lunatic. :?

I think BM and your ex should get back together, they deserve each other.

And you deserve a hell of a lot better! Thank God, you did not have a kid with him.

I love dogs's picture

"I was typing fast" haaaah! Sure, BM, sure.. Happy for you Janie. Have a great weekend.

notsobad's picture

I'm so happy for you.
You have a lot of love to give and I'm sad for those skids.

I so wish I could correct BM when she uses there or your! She's a realtor and her house descriptions are always full of mistakes. When SD shows them to me it takes everything I have to not point them out!

thinkthrice's picture

Ancient Chinese Wisdom: Extend an olive branch to a psycho BM and you'll pull back a nub. Yep nutso BM and heroin addict biodad do deserve each other.

moving_on_again's picture

I can't even imagine how good that must feel. I know you are sad about the skids, but in the end, you did everything you could.

WalkOnBy's picture

"I know the theirs! I was typing fast."

*raises hand*

Um, what is "the theirs?"

I don't think she knows as much as she thinks she knows Smile

WTF...REALLY's picture

Sweet!!!!! "Frrreeeeeeddddooommmmmmmmmmmmm!!!!!!!"

Acratopotes's picture

You where nice to her AJ - I would've told her... no Hon, I'm not the lunatic, just as I'm not their parent.. time for you and Daddy to step up and be parents Wink