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O/T former smokers, how'd you kick the habit?

AJanie's picture

I don't consider myself a smoker. But I am one. See the delusion there?

I can skip a day. I have days where I smoke 1. I have days where I smoke 10.

I tend to smoke when I am upset/anxious.

I have read the book "The Easy Way" ... it helped for a week.
I have thrown away full packs.
I have quit 150 times.
I have joined support forums.

And still... when the going gets tough... I light up.

I have bad lungs as it is. Allergies and even asthma flares. Still doesn't stop me.

I really don't want to age myself prematurely and of course there are the hosts of different diseases caused by smoking.

Steplife is hard. Quitting is hard. How did you do it?


ESMOD's picture

I smoked 2 packs a day for over 10 years. I used the patch. You need to write down your reasons for quitting and commit them to memory. You have to want it more than you want the next smoke

AJanie's picture

That is great that you were able to quit after smoking so heavily. DH is a pack to a pack 1/2 per day smoker...

ItsGrowingOld's picture

It's harder to quite when there is another smoker in the home Sad

Thankfully, DH quit smoking long before he met me. I was up to 2 packs a day (hangs head in shame) during the height of PAS of his daughters. I was so disgusted with myself!!!!!

I woke up one day, bought a vaping kit, and quit that same day and have not had a smoke since. It's been 5+ years and I'm sooooo happy I quit. I thank God almost every day since!

Good luck to you Ajanie

classyNJ's picture

Emergency surgery on bowels. In pain and doped up for 5 days. 8th day I get out and when I got into the car, the first thing I did was reach for the pack. DH (non-smoker) gave me a frown and I thought, I just went 8 days without a smoke and didn't suffer one withdrawal symptom. I may have, but between the pains and the drugs I didn't notice. As of this month it will be one year since I smoked. I consider myself blessed even after the horrible health scare.

I had quit 150 times as well. Patches, pills, cold turkey, drinking huge glasses of water with cream of tarter, lollilops, you name it - I tried it. Nothing worked for me.

My uncle who smoked 2 packs a day used hypnotist and it worked for him.

I'm cheering you on and hope you find something that helps you quit. It is so hard and only smokers get the horrible withdrawal.

zerostepdrama's picture

I quit when BS was 5 years old because he asked me to quit. Plus I couldn't really afford it, etc. It was shortly after Ex and I split up. I do think that that helped a lot. No one else around me really smoking. I also knew it was an all or nothing thing with me. There was no way I could smoke every now or then or just when I was drinking. I had to quit 100%.

I did the patch but not consistently. I think I did that for 30 days on/off. I think I only bought 1 box and would sometimes take the patch off and put it back on. I think it made me feel sick??? I can't remember now.

A lot of it was just will power and knowing that I wanted to quit.

It was VERY hard for the first 1-2 weeks. I went to bed very early, sometimes crying myself to sleep because it was so hard. I was mean, rude and bitchy and had no patience.

Once I made it through that bad time, I decided I never wanted to go through that again. So if I started to smoke again, then I would just have to keep on smoking because withdraw was awful.

Fast forward 6 years...

Sometimes I miss it. Sometimes they smell really good.

I think my patience level changed after I quit smoking. Not sure though if that coincides with me getting with DH 2 months later and dealing with skids. LOL. But I do feel like because I can't step away and have a cigarette and have a moment to myself that I tend to be a tad bitchier when I am annoyed and less patient.

Of course I gained weight too. But again that could have something to do with being with DH and turning 30 6 months later.

However I do not regret it at all. It has saved me a lot of money. I am no longer on a ball and chain of cigarettes. My life doesn't revolve around when I can have a smoke. I feel healthier. I know I am loving my body enough to not smoke.

It's really about will power and just doing it.

Good luck!

AJanie's picture

I always told myself I will "just smoke when I drink" or "when really stressed."

That is far too often.

Congrats on quitting. I worry about being short tempered and bitchy... but it is worth it for good health.

zerostepdrama's picture

I already knew it was all or nothing with me. I thought I would miss it most when drinking or when driving and I actually didn't. I do miss it sometimes when drinking coffee on the patio in the summer. Or when I'm pissed off.

Gwynnafaye's picture

I started vaping. Since then, I've had no problems with asthma or coughing, but I still get my nicotine fix. It also tastes better and I don't reek of cigarette smoke.

Gwynnafaye's picture

This is where I get mine. If you live in the U.S., there's probably a vape shop on every corner. When I started vaping, a very nice lady at the shop showed me what I needed, set me up, and gave me instructions on what to do. Now, I get my stuff online from Halo. Better quality. Tribeca is my favorite vape juice.

Aniki-Moderator's picture

I smoked like you did and I quit cold turkey. I smoked when I was nervous or upset or needed to keep my hands busy (nervous!).

However, when I was so stressed out I wanted to START again, I got an ecig. Now before people start poo-pooing me, I bought juice with NO nicotine and I NEVER inhaled. A few puffs of coffee-almond juice (or whatever mixture I combined) calmed me down and I was not filling up my lungs with nicotine or stinking up my car.

I now 'smoke' my ecig on rare occasion (still use no-nicotine juice; still do not inhale), but it definitely kept me from returning to the cancer sticks.

BTW, I cannot use the patch because I'd allergic to the adhesive.

mommadukes2015's picture

I currently use a vape mod called e-leaf mini.

It works pretty well. I needed to quit, I didn't necessarily want to (because I look forward to 5 minute breaks from my desk/kids). SO and switched for New Years and so far I've only had 3 while drunk the whole year.

bearcub25's picture

I do an ecig from and love the vanilla flavor, they have other flavors also. They have 3 doses of nicotine so you can wean yourself down or just go for the lowest or none at all.

I think the vaping liquid is too messy, but this comes in cartridges or liquids.

It seems that when I try and quit, I smoke even more.

sunshinex's picture

Honestly, you have to stop trying and just do it one day...

I know that sound weird but I find it puts you through hell to try and fail and try and fail over and over again consistently. The only successful quitting I've seen is when people just up and decide "i'm not going to smoke anymore" and don't smoke.

I quit recently because I'm pregnant and it sucked. It took me a few tries to be honest but after I read allen carr's the easy way, that helped a lot. Since then, I haven't smoked but I'm really looking forward to popping this baby out and finishing breastfeeding to start again lol.

AJanie's picture

Thank you Granny I am certainly going to try. Actually I am determined, I will do it.

SM12's picture

Vaping!!! My DH and I picked a date and both quit smoking cigs together. We started vaping. Some people say it is just as bad but I disagree. My lungs feel better, I have more energy and I don't stink from smoke. I also have managed to lower the nicotine level of my vape liquid considerably. I am on the lowest level before going to NO nicotine. We quit over two years ago. And it is way cheaper.

ESMOD's picture

When I quit, vaping wasn't an option, but things like nicotine gum were around.

I chose the patch because I was most concerned about the "urge". TBH, I am not sure that vaping would have been something that i tried because it really would just be trading one bad habit for another. The chemicals you ingest in vaping aren't great either and you aren't getting out from under the physical addiction to the nicotine.

I was advised that going on the patch.. you could become ill if you smoked too so that was a good incentive to not smoke. I also tend to be an "all or nothing" kind of person, so just having nothing was better than a poor substitute.

The second part is more the behavioral aspect. Getting over the habit of picking up a smoke when you are driving.. or drinking.. or after a meal. Also, I started jogging program to make it also about becoming more healthy.

What really helped most was putting my reasons for quitting down so that I was more aware of WHY I wanted to quit. I was studying for my CPA exam and didn't want to jones for a smoke during the multi day test. My BF didn't smoke. My new jobs wouldn't allow it. The cost, the smell of clothes etc...

Livingoutloud's picture

II smoked half a pack a day. 10-12 cigs a day. I decided to quit when half a pack wasn't enough. I tried twice. First time it didn't work out. It did second time. Cold turkey. It was Very hard. I still want to smoke. Every time I think about it but I don't.

ESMOD's picture

My brother did chantix and spent Christmas one year talking to me about how he wanted to kill himself. good times. lol.

notsobad's picture

Every time I wanted a cigarette I brushed my teeth.

Damn near brushed the enamel off them but I quit!

I think it worked because it satisfied my need to do something with my hands and my oral fixation. Plus, my mouth was nice and fresh and cigarettes taste awful after brushing.

Acratopotes's picture

AJ AJ AJ.....

I'm no quitter.... I will finish what I've started, till the end, I will not give up half way through...

You can only stop smoking if you really have the right mind set, and then it will not bother you if there's an open pack in the house or not, My one friend stopped in the middle of a party, she simply said, I'm done smoking left her cigarettes on the counter, did not even light up again and it's been 2 years now...

If your mid set is not in the right place, nothing will get you to quit...