Burp, Slurp, Fart, Yell - Are manners lost forever?
I have a SD17 (and a half). Ive been in her life now for oh - about 2.5 years so that would make her 15 at the time. Prime teenage angsty years. The absolute worst time to meet anyone, especially someone's kids where their mother hates you. So many things are wrong in my situation, but this post is about manners.
You see, my SD17.5 has NONE. She doesn't pick up after herself, shes disrespectful to her parents, but worst of all...she BURPS. A lot. And in my face. When I was younger, my mother taught me it was bad manners to burp loudly and openly in public. You just don't DO that. My Dh thinks its funny and cute, and always quips with "Hey keeps you single", meaning he doesn't have to worry about a man/boy wanting to date her and get her pregnant. So he wont have any additional responsibilities, because sd dearest cant even take care of herself. So Burp away!
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punch her BACK!
punch her BACK!
LOL. I said one day "a mother
LOL. I said one day "a mother of 4 once told me training dogs, horses and kids, all work the same way"...and since then she has been claiming that I treat her as a pet. That I am controlling her. So wanting to do this!!!!!
Ive had to resist many a
Ive had to resist many a time, trust me on that. Her whining, and begging for money and whining about helping out...and her little comments that are mean...whew! That's why I am HERE. So I don't get thrown in jail for assault.
thanks - I edited. She's
thanks - I edited. She's almost old enough to vote, and join the military, and open a bank account...! 17 and a half. And cant do much on her own. No drivers license, no job, no boyfriend (or girlfriend), no social life...etc. So manners don't matter one bit!
My SD doesn't do this, yet,
My SD doesn't do this, yet, but her cousin does. She is nasty, she truly thinks it's funny and cute to burp and fart anywhere and everywhere. Of course her parents have allowed her behavior, even laugh at it, so what do you expect. I don't laugh, I actually have the "resting bitch face" that I use when around her. My sisters and I may have done things like that when we were alone, maybe. But we never ever did it where anyone would hear, and definitely not parents or other adults, etc.
I have "resting bitch face"
I have "resting bitch face" all the time with her, as I am in the process of disengagement. Everything she does just BOTHERS me. Her demanding of money, her selfishness, her laziness, her meanness, her attitude. Gets on my first nerve, last nerve and middle nerve.
Hahahaha, first, middle and
Hahahaha, first, middle and last nerve. That's funny. I'm still working on disengagement, it's a bitch.
The funny thing is - she does
The funny thing is - she does much worse, on a daily basis, but somehow THATS the thing that has really been bothering me!!!! The burping is low end of the totem pole in her issues. However burping really digs under my skin. I used to be bothered by her whining and demanding of special foods, skin products and money, used to bothered by her meanness to her younger sister, messiness and laziness. But after my disengagement practices, I am bothered most by the BURPING.

LOL. Yeah. She PRETENDS to
LOL. Yeah. She PRETENDS to have some class when there are people she knows or her dad knows in front of her.
If it were only THAT easy!
If it were only THAT easy! There are a few things holding me back, actually, because I am a rather direct person, to the point of harshness, I guess.
1. DH sais I am too critical and controlling, we will argue like in the past, and we have had MANY similar arguments about these kinds of things. Then it gets to a point where he finds something that I do wrong, and counter-acts what I am trying to state, getting away from the core issue. Its just not worth the fight anymore. She can look like any kind of A$$ she wants, Im DONE.
2. She will state that I am too controlling and that I treat her like a dog. Then she will tell BM, and get sympathy. Then she will do what she did last week and call me crazy b!tch (Im almost thinking if I put my crazy on her she will be scared straight, like when her father yells at her.)
3. We have recently had some knarly arguments, we are on "civility run", and I don't want to backslide into the "bad place".
So my only current recourse, is to ignore and move on, and disengage totally. Or break up and move out.
I've heard the same "critical
I've heard the same "critical and controlling" crap from my SO, and I think it really means "you are parenting my kid and I don't like it". He wants it to be all nicey nice, and I don't parent like that. My son is a shining example of the effectiveness of my parenting, btw.
Your SD says you're too controlling? Lmao, I would laugh in her face and tell her hell yeah, because you are a teenager and I have rules. Don't like it? Then don't be so nasty.
I feel for you, I know how sucky this is.
That's a good way of putting
That's a good way of putting it actually. My DH thinks its funny and cute, so that's where she gets it from. He did it to me last night, and I gave him holy heck about it, in a loud voice, so she could hear. And so he would know how I felt as well. It FELT SO GOOD, voicing my feelings on this.
My SD17.5, she has really bad
My SD17.5, she has really bad acne, picks her pimples, and yet spends hours doing her makeup, and face masks and creams... She tries to be dark, and deep, and will state things dramatically. She colors her hair unusually, and likes fashion. But then she will try to shock people, and say mean things. NOT MY KID NOT MY KID NOT MY KID. I say this to myself - it really does help to disengage!
Next time the rude ignorant
Next time the rude ignorant snot does it..stop whatever youre doing..hold your nose and exclaim "Dear LORD!! Did that smell come from your ass or your mouth!! Either way, its disgusting and you OBVIOUSLY need a detox..Geez! Get some fruit into you..daayuuummm!!" and walk away holding your nose. Comment on it every single time she does it..threaten to buy yourself a gas mask..get creative!
My sis burped in my face at dinner once. I leapt up from my chair, pinned her down and let one rip on hers..we were 12 and 14. She screamed to my mum that i about shit on her. Mum gave her a back slap cuz she saw the whole thing. Later that night Mum told Dad..he roared with laughter..then came to our room and gave us a good dressing down and a looonnggg lecture about behaving like ladies and not damn wharfies..ahhhh..good times.
Sounds like my sister and I.
Sounds like my sister and I. We were playing football, which she sucks at, and I let her play quarterback. When she got behind me so I could hike the ball to her... Well... You can guess what happened. She cried and ran inside. Apparently there is no crying or farting in football.
Yeah, Ive thought of doing
Yeah, Ive thought of doing that with her room. It looks like a crack-head lives there, or at least meth. And Ive seen that kind of thing in person with acquaintances. Ive so wanted to take a photo and post it on social media. She is not on FB, but a few of her family is. Since burping is the least bad thing she does, I just have to learn how to LET GO. DISENGAGE. But she will need to hear from me about respecting my personal space.
Okay this is slightly funny
Okay this is slightly funny considering my whole family burped at the dinner table today. First SO then BD2 (hi gets burps and farts mixed up so when she proudly announced "I farted" I told her-no hunny you burped-then she goes "I barted" then SS11 burped then I'll be damned if I didn't have to burp it was like a yawn-contagious burps. Even super serious stickler for the rules SO laughed.
Better out than in I guess?
It sounds like you had a
It sounds like you had a total MOMENT.
glad I can make you laugh!!!! That does indeed sound funny.

Yes, all manners are lost!
Yes, all manners are lost! Both my skids Will pick zits on their face while having a conversation with people! Sd has the roundest nostrils ever and I know why, she keeps her fingers in them. Thumb and forefinger grasping the edge of a nostril. Digging for treasure I guess.
They do not help prepare food in my kitchen and I refuse to eat after them, especially chips or something.
Skids are disgusting.
Yes, all manners are lost!
Yes, all manners are lost! Both my skids Will pick zits on their face while having a conversation with people! Sd has the roundest nostrils ever and I know why, she keeps her fingers in them. Thumb and forefinger grasping the edge of a nostril. Digging for treasure I guess.
They do not help prepare food in my kitchen and I refuse to eat after them, especially chips or something.
Skids are disgusting.
I burp... A lot. Not
I burp... A lot. Not intentionally and not in someone's face. Gross.
I had the farting issue with YSD. She would always force farts at the dinner table and laugh about. I'm not talking about 1 or 2. The more laughs she got from SO or anyone else the more she would do it. SO thought it was cute and if I said anything about it, he would fart too.
It wasn't until my daughter was visiting when we were eating dinner at the table and the forced farting issue came up that SO and YSD finally realized it was unacceptable.
We ended up having a discussion about it right then and there.
I guess SO must have been embarrassed as he ended up telling her it was gross when she tried to get him to agree with her that it wasn't.
She didn't force farts after that.