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Sociopathic Step-daughter

Your1trulove's picture

So, I've been with my partner for four years, we now have a two year old son together. I have three kids from previous relationship that live with me. My partner BJ has a daughter (non-custodial) from a previous relationship. I think a lot of mistakes have been made while trying to blend our family and now things are messed up. My kids took to BJ right away, this made me love him even more, and he seemed to really love them. Things started to go downhill when his daughter, then the age of 4 came into the picture more frequently. We both had 4yr old daughters, I thought this would be so great for me, 2 daughters! My excitement began to diminish when I realized his daughter had a lot of social and behavioral issues. Going out in public together was very embarrassing because he couldn't keep her under control, which embarrassed him. Instead of dealing with his daughters issues, he turned on my children in a campaign to demonized them. Now, trust me, I'm not the mom that always thinks her kids are perfect. They are totally typical and pretty spoiled, but they do excellent in school and are respectful. The only real problem I have is getting them to clean up after themselves. This is a legitimate thing me and BJ argue about, really him complaining, me agreeing and trying to discipline them and get them to do better. My step-daughter however has different issues. She has been getting suspended from school every year since she started. I'm not the only one to notice she has issues. Step d has two younger siblings with her mother, I have witnessed her throw the 2yr old baby down the stairs. I have walked in on her masterbating multiple times (ages 7thru present she is 9). I have walked in on her dancing and taking her clothes off in front of my daughter. When my son was 6mo. She took him from his swing had him held down on her lap slapping his face repeatedly. I haven't caught her hitting him again. Now 2yrs, but every time she visits he has bruises and gouge marks on his face and no one seems to know how they got there, I have a good idea. BJ is aware of all these things but refuses to do anything about it. When I bring up anything she does he says I'm lying because I just don't like her, and starts to list what my kids do wrong, the only thing he can say is they don't clean up. I must admit it is hard to like a child that lies constantly to get others in trouble, and hurts the baby. Last summer she let our dogs run off on purpose, lied about it at the time, then later told me she did it and laughed about it. I told her she was going to tell her father, who has been telling everyone my kids did it by the way, she just shrugged her shoulders. Guess what happened when she told him all fake tears eyed of coarse, he said its okay baby daddy not mad at you. Yes she is 9 yrs old and he talks to her in 3rd person. She is clearly aware that if I tell him what she does he will punish me. She sits at the door and listens to us fight. I think she needs help, this isn't about me not liking her. When she was younger I thought maybe we would be a better influence on her and help her get better and be a good young lady that she maybe can be. I've spent much time thought the years talking to her about all of these things, she is never punished. She used to act like she understood and wanted to do better, but when I began listening and paying more attention I realized she likes what she's doing, she's fully aware of manipulation and how to use it. From my understanding and knowledge if phsycology she has sociopathic tendencies and needs help. I would just ignore except for the fact she has to be around my kids during visits, the older ones usually go to their grandmothers when she comes because they get tired of her pretty quick. But the youngest has no where to go and I don't want her anywhere near him alone.


WokeUpABug's picture

If anything you're saying is remotely true then you should have left years ago. What difference does it make if your DH won't admit it is SD hurting BS. If you know she is, you need to remove your children from the situation. You let them be abused because you are more interested in your husband admitting it?


Your1trulove's picture

We have a great household when the step-daughter isn't around. These are relationships worth fighting for, or at least trying. She doesn't do anything to the older kids because they aren't shy about defending themselves, she tries to lie on them to get them in trouble (like writing all over the entertainment center and saying it was Jotham, but it didn't work because she's the only one who doesn't read and write at 9yrs old) they usually go with their dad or grandma when she's around. I am looking for tips and approaches to opening my partners eyes and dealing with the situation. He has a lot of guilt about not staying with her mother and moving three hrs away. His usual excuse to avoid disciplining his child is that he doesn't get to see her everyday.

Punished247's picture

I'm going through exactly the same thing Sad I can't take it anymore. I love my fiance so much, but his daughter does things to my daughter and our dogs on purpose because she hates us and I believe she is jealous of our life. Her mother can't provide for her and her dad pays quite a bit in child support for his first child. I however have always taught my child to take care of what she has. His child does not. She leaves her stuff every where she goes, and steals also. It's a mess. I feel for anyone going through this. Anytime I try to say anything to him about the huge messes she's making on purpose that most toddlers don't even make, (bc she loves trashing my house in the middle of the night) And she's 16 now. It's "you hate her you always have, and he brings up what my daughter does which is very little mess compared to hers and I clean up after my child.! She causes fights and she loves it. There's been times she's caused us to completely break up and he would end up back at his mom's where alcohol is always at, which causes him to start drinking again. Then she's suddenly worried about his sobriety which btw she's not helped with at all. I dread when I hear him say shes coming. I have to hide certain things and it's just ridiculous. Going on 6 years of this. I am about to get a nanny Cam bc my child just recently informed me that she was sexually assaulting my large breed dog before he passed away. Had I known this I would have just walked away completely. After he passed I got another dog just like him, same breed he about ate her up bc of her using his training collar to shock him while he was asleep and we were asleep, I just happened to get up to go to the bathroom and catch her doing it. We now have 2 toy breed dogs and neither one of them will willingly go near her. All I hear from him and his mom is how much dogs love her, spffff please.. Shes A PSYCHO! This isn't the half of it. I've learned to not even say a word to him anymore. I refuse to play into her games. I just let HER know I refuse to take her abuse. Her mom isn't much better. She goes around trying to get people in trouble when they refuse to kiss her rear. It's no wonder this child is the way she is. I've tried to love her, and in spite of it all I do love her. But yes get a Nanny Cam for the younger one. That's my plans....

notsobad's picture

Firstly you need to protect your son from her. He should never ever be alone with him.

Secondly, you can't make him parent his daughter. You can set up nanny cams and tape recorders and he will just get angry with you for showing him what a horrible child his daughter is. He will then come up with a million excuses as to why she's like that.
This is a world where what she doesn't isn't wrong. You pointing it out is wrong.

If things go really wrong, he will agree with you and blame it all on BM and try to get custody so that he and you can fix SD.

There is no miracle conversation or thing that you can do that will open his eyes and make him see SD like you do.

The best you can do is to remove yourself and your children when she is there and hope like he$$ that BM stays healthy and doesn't give up primary care.

Maxwell09's picture

I hate to be so cynical but if she has time to bruise and gouge him without anyone noticing then she has time to do a lot worse. I know it's a horrible thing to say but you are just as guilty as your DH for letting your baby get those marks. When will it be enough? When you catch her trying to smother him while everyone suppose to be asleep? No. You both are dragging ass at the cost of your other children. I would invest in cameras in every room so when CPS comes (and they definitely will) you have a defense for yourself or for your children she might also accuse of abuse. If I were you, I would set up cameras everywhere, I would find a place for my children to go on the weekends she is over and make it a regular thing, I would never be responsible for her alone or her necessities (bathing, cooking) so she will never have the opportunity to say I abused or poisoned her. I would stop pointing out the problems she's causing to your DH, I would ignore the girl's tantrums and outburst and I definitely would never fight with my DH in front of her because all of these things she loves. It's clear your husband will not hear it from you so you will have to wait until CPS, police, school councilor tells him she has problems. Until then stop falling into her traps and setting yourself up for fights.

Aeron's picture

You may think the relationship is worth fighting for but it seems that your partners opinion is somewhat different. He's not fighting for his relationship with You. He's fighting to make sure his relationship with his daughter is unchanged in any way. He is showing you by his words and actions that he will sacrifice All of you, the safety, well being and happiness of every other person he lives with to her happiness.

He accuses you of lying.
He vilifies your children.
He refuses to correct or discipline his daughter in anyway. Admissions of guilt are met with instant forgiveness.

You can to the nanny cam thing and present hard evidence that yes she really did Whatever. But don't expect that to change his behavior. He will still excuse her behavior. He will still excuse his non-reaction to her behavior.

The only way his behavior will change is if he gets some therapy for his guilt, but he obviously doesn't have a problem with how things are. When you come to him with a problem, he deflects and shuts you down and nothing changes. So he really has no issue. He doesn't have to punish princess and everyone else makes changes to let him continue on as he wants with no consequences.

thinkthrice's picture


uofarkchick's picture

You are spot on, HL. I had children with a man that showed me what a crap parent he was right off. He saw his first son every now and then and when he did, all he would do is stick him in front of the TV and then make excuses when this little twit would say something hateful to me or any other adult. I was stupid and insecure and clueless enough to think "It won't be like that with our kids. He'll love them and be there for them." What a total crock of crap. Believe me, OP, when I say that a shitty parent is a shitty parent and without some major intervention from trained professionals, he is going to be the same way to your "ours" baby.

thinkthrice's picture

The BFFing BM, SM Sniping Brigade (TM) is slowly coming back to STalk as they would inevitably would. was so nice for a few weeks; like a breath of fresh air.

Acratopotes's picture

I'm seriously going to chew off my wrists tonight.... Jaspie has a stalker..... and she's a hypocrite...

wow just effing wow, seems like some people are only reading till they can attack another poster... it's so 1986

MrsZipper's picture

Jasper on Friday: I certainly don't ask people not to post if I don't like what they say.

Jasper on Monday: Tommar, stay away from me. You disgust and repulse me. Don't talk to me, don't post in my blogs. Get it?

Rough weekend?

Acratopotes's picture

enough... is this now lets pick on Jasper day

though we where all adults, if you do not like a comment shut the hell up and go past it...

but why getting involved in things that's non of your concern?

And yes I'm getting involved cause Jasper and Tommar are both friends....

so ladies... I'm putting out saucers of milk for all the cats... mine is finished, you are behind

Disneyfan's picture


After reading your posts on Sully's blogs, I can't you are saying this here.

Talk about the pot calling the kettle black.LOLOL

Major Blunder's picture

Wow, I'm totally confused and now not sure who to trust here and who not. I know strong opinions can occur and honesty can be painful but wow, a little positivity and encouragement could go a long way. I don't have a sociopathic skid so I didn't have anything to add to original post but from the looks of neither did a lot of posts.

askYOURdad's picture

I'm not a psychologist or anything but it doesn't sound to me like your SD is a sociopath.

What is the visitation schedule with your SD? What is the visitation schedule with your three kids? It sounds to me like your SD had a lot of change in a short amount of time and went from being the "favorite" child with dad to being one of four and then one of five when the baby came. That is enough to make any 4 year old child act out in attention seeking ways.

I am in no way condoning any of your SD's behavior. It sounds like she could use some real boundaries, consequences and structure. I would say that if those things were all in place and she were still acting out then yes she may have something else going on but it really looks to me like she is a product of her environment and your DH's piss poor parenting.

I normally wouldn't advise anyone to give their partner an ultimatum but that is probably what it is going to take, "step up and parent or move on" just be sure to be prepared for both options.