the kronicles of kaos - IS SUSPENDED.
8 days. 8 peaceful, calm, content days. aaaaand stiiiillll counting. so i'm suspending the kronicles until further notice, as there is nothing to update about.
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Yee freaking haw!!! He still
Yee freaking haw!!!
He still hasn't returned??
hE'S STIll at grandma's????
hE'S STIll at grandma's???? Grandma has been able to stomach his behavior for 8 days and is still planning on keeping him?
i think g-ma is finding a way
i think g-ma is finding a way of handling him to try to "stick it" to dh. kaos came by real quick on sunday for clothes, and dh ws out talking to g-pa (who is effing awesome). apparently kaos has been twisting the situation, so dh cleared it ALL up for him, right in front of g-pa. i'm sure g-ma was told the conversation and has her panties in a wad that dh would ever dare say those things to "that baaaabyyyyy."
that's my theory anyway!
dont know, dont care!
dont know, dont care!
they havent shared a bed in years, and it's been so long since i learned that, that i have forgotten the reason why. during the daytime, he stays out in the garage by himself. i dont doubt they love eachother, they are always going out to eat and stuff, but that's just always been their way, at least for the 8+ years i've been around.
Oh man I hope your DH is
Oh man I hope your DH is enjoying the peacefulness and calm. I hope he sees who the REAL problem is! This is what finally got my DH to dig his head out of the sand with SD18. When SD lived with us? Drama, fighting, commotion. The second SD left? Peace and quiet. Hard to deny who the problem is!
hushyo'mouf clever! dont you
hushyo'mouf clever! dont you dare jinx dh!!!
He'll start to wonder what
He'll start to wonder what his brother is getting that he isn't getting to do and he'll want to come home. ): Enjoy your break