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the kronicles of kaos

Tuff Noogies's picture

for any who care to read this long-ass diatribe- lol!

LAST WEEKEND - i'd been slowly stockpiling some things at work to decorate one particular room in the house.
friday i put it all in a giant black trash bag and put it in the backseat of my car, in case i felt like tackling that over the weekend. i asked dh fri night if he wanted to see any of it, he said no, not until it was all up and put together. well, i didnt feel like it saturday OR sunday. sunday evening, dh was sick and in bed, and kaos was on a roll. he went into MY car, and took the whole bag. he hid all my crap, and took one particular item i REALLY liked and was very proud of, and fucking broke it. then left the empty bag right in the middle of the kitchen floor.

MONDAY - needless to say i was still very pissed and very hurt. i didnt want to see or hear the child, and dh knew it. i got home and went straight out back. whenever i felt like coming in, kaos had tried to set everything up for me, and was genuinely trying to show that he was sorry. ok kid, i'll take that but with a HUGE grain of salt, things are still gonna be testy...

TUES, WED - uneventful.

THURSDAY - dh is in bed sick. kids are occupying eachother. at one point, dh comes out and says "lurch already ate, but if kaos gets hungry later, would you please make him some spaghetti?" sure hubby, boil water pour sauce, no problem. after a while, kaos comes to me and asks if i can make him spaghetti. "sure, just gimme a sec." and off he goes. i get up, put some water on the stove to boil. he comes out a few mins later to ask about it, so i told him i've already got it going. him and lurch both come out to the kitchen a few minutes later and kaos says:

ARE YOU GONNA COOK MY SPAGHETTI OR WHAAAATTT?!? deep breaths... deep breaths. "son, i cant make the water boil any faster." "but i'm huuungryyyy" "well if u're so damn hungry you cant wait for water to boil, then make yourself a cheese sandwich." "but i dont like thaaaaat" "then make a freaking ketchup sandwich!" and i went out back, lit a cigg. ten seconds later he comes out "i'm hungry, what are you doing???" i again told him i've already got it going. he says "no u're not, u're just gonna sit there and smoke. it's not like you ever doooo anyyythiiiingggg, you dont have plans, just cook me something!" and goes back inside. i promptly texted dh (kaos didnt know i had my phone). the text was just the exact quote (quotation marks and all) "are you gonna cook my spaghetti or whaaaatttt"

i hit send, and three seconds later i hear dh barrelling down the hallway. he bellowed "I HEARD WHAT YOU SAID" and lurch just sat there and nodded. of course, kaos tries to justify it and dig his way deeper, i couldnt hear most of it due to the a/d unit running, but he got popped in the mouth twice and at one point i heard dh go "SAY IT AGAIN! SAY IT ONE MORE TIME AND SEE WHAT HAPPENS." after both the boys go back to kaos' room (he's got tv in there), dh opens the door and says "i'm sorry hunny.... i know you dont want to, and you dont have to, but would you finish the spaghetti so i can lay back down?" i very reluctantly said "ok, for you i will."

after it's done, i go knock on the door, lurch answers - "tell kaos food's on the table." and guess what - it never got touched. *rme*

FRIDAY - dh texts me and asks if i can run kaos to his friend's house. he's had a shitty day healtwise and needs to stay in bed, near the bathroom. so when i get home, i get greeted with "lets go!" um, excuse me? "hurry up, lets go!!! i told him i'd be there at 6 and it's already 7:30!!" so i clearly informed him that i do not run on his timetable. i slowly laid my stuff down, and he says "what are you doooing??? i need to go!!!" "I'M GOING TO PISS." i went into the bedroom, kissed dh and told him the attitude i was already getting, then went to the bathroom. dh got up and grabbed him and said "LOSE THE ATTITUDE OR I WONT LET HER TAKE YOU ANYWHERE." kaos was nice and pleasant after that.

until we got closer to his friend's house. he started needling me with a particular question that i honestly did not have the answer to. "how can you NOT know??" "really? how is it possible that you dont know??" i kept repeating in a monotone "i already answered you." finally i had it and said "LOOK. if you dont like the answer i gave you, i'll turn the freaking car around and take you back home so you father can deal with you." "fine, then i'll just jump out!" before i could even hit the brake, he said "there's his driveway." i stopped the car and didnt even bother saying g-bye. just thought "get the fuck out of my car."

i went home and told dh i was done with any transportation favors. i told him what he said about jumping out, and dh said "u should've said 'fine mutherfucker, JUMP!'" i went on to tell him that if kaos wanted to go somewhere and dh could or would not take him, tough shit for him, i'm not taking his ass anywhere. dh just sighed and said "i figured it'd come to that, and i dont blame you one bit. i understand, love."

SATURDAY - that same friend and his brother came over our house, as the mom had asked us to babysit. they were occupying eachother, good. i pulled out a few pieces of chicken that needed to get cooked before they ruined, dh asked if i could just panfry his bland to see if he could eat something. the rest of them i boiled to shredding and freeze for future use, unless the kids wanted ckn barbecue or a quesidilla. dh ends up in bed early.

it starts raining, so i go onto the front porch. kaos comes out and says he's hungry. i asked him what's he hungry for. "i dont know, whatever u've got cooked." "son, that's just boiled chicken." "yeah that. can u come fix it for me?" "kaos, it's on the counter in a bowl to the left of the stove. just rip you off a chunk." "but i dont know hooowwww, just come do it for meeeeee." "no, it's already cooked, just tear or cut off however much you want." "GGGAAAAHHHH" and he stomps off. ok.

ten seconds later "hey tuff? there's gnats on the chicken. can you cook me something else?" ok yes, for that reason i absolutely will. (we cannot git RID of those annoying assholes, they're everywhere! even i my damn bathroom!! may need to pour ammonia down all the drains, but dont want to hurt the septic) anyway, so i get up and step inside the doorway, and kaos is in his underwear. "son please put some shorts on." "NEVERMIND, FINE, JUST GO BACK OUTSIDE." so i did and called dh. he took care of it *bwahahaaa*

SUNDAY - the mom picked up her boys and kaos, he didnt come home until evening. then he stayed the fuck away from me. it was peaceful.

ladies, this is a typical week. lather, rinse, repeat. the subject matter changes, but it's always the same maddening lunacy from this child. this is crazymaking!!!! now saturday, i did tell dh "i know you want him to go away, i know you wish he wasnt here. but HE IS. and he's NOT going away. so please do something to change things!!!!" first he got defensive about me nagging, and i told him "i'm not nagging. i'm BEGGING." then he got his ass of his shoulders and we had a nice conversation about it. it's not that he doesnt see, he's just soooo tired of dealing w/ his shit that he's at the end of his rope and he cannot even stand his own child. and he can't undo the ten years of shitty parenting he was subjected to by dumbass. kid's already "formed". combine that w/ all the health issues he's been dealing with for the last (more than a) year.... poor guy.



Ninji's picture

Wow, you are too. Nice.

I cook dinner but breakfast and lunch Skids are on their own. They are 9 & 11 more than old enough to figure something out for themselves. If I WANT to I will make them something while I'm making me and SO food but only occasionally. The one time SO asked me to make them eggs when I was cooking some for SO, I told him that he can make them eggs and while he was at it he could cook his own too. He never did that again.

Tuff Noogies's picture

i know. and you are right. what i do, i do for dh. not making excuses, but he's not done well physically for quite some time, and it's been one medical issue after the other since last June. if i hadnt have finished the spaghetti, dh would have in between trips to the bathroom and nearly passing out from being upright too long.

yeah i should have turned the car around without warning. i'm just glad we were close to his friends driveway cuz i really just wanted him to be the hell somewhere else.

but you're right, i shouldnt have let stuff like this go on so long.

simifan's picture

Stop! Just Stop! You teach people how to treat you & you're teaching this CHILD - you are his bitch!

If your DH is fool enough to cater to this nonsense - let him. My guess... he won't for long especially if he is ill. It is one thing to guilt you into it, quite another to do it himself.

Exjuliemccoy's picture

TBH, while reading this my hand started to twitch with the desire to backhand that mouthy brat. He needs a very,very strong adult in his life, but it seems that your DH is a weak parent, health issues aside.

This kid needs the fear factor! He needs his butt tanned, his room stripped, his electronics taken away, someone who's strong and crazy to go off on him, and an implacable wall of rules. He needs to be broken down and built back up with firm rules and immediate consequences that hurt.

Try going bat poop on that brat. Next time he messes with you, light into him loudly and pound him verbally. Turn the car around if he's being a brat, and dump the food into the garbage in front of him if he whines or mouths off. Show him that you're fresh out of fucks to give and that you WILL make him miserable each and every time he crosses you. He's a CHILD, for goodness sake, so go zero tolerance on him. Escalate!! If he's being a 4 on the brat scale, be an 8 on the bitch scale - every time.

Tuff Noogies's picture

1. yup. already implemented. i also took any shit he had in MY car and dumped it all in dh's truck. now the little shit has NO reason to even open the door w/o me being there.

2. kaos is not allowed to use the stove. little pyro, remember?

3. if i didnt, dh would have. i'll pm you as to why i cant allow that.

4. i wanted the fucker GONE. i'd pretty much take him anywhere just to NOT have to deal w/ him for a few hours. i liked dh's suggested response "then JUMP mutherfucker!" but dh knows i will not transport his ass anywhere anymore. i'm done with that. i told him if you're not willing or able to take him then he's shit outta luck.