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Lil' Backstabber

Nope's picture

I have a new (secret) nickname for my 7-year-old step-son, who, along with his 10-year-old sister, lives with us half the week. Lil' Backstabber. Here's what Lil' Backstabber did this morning:

He *cried* to his dad that "(Nope) doesn't love me the same as (sd10) because (Nope) is letting (sd10) stay home from day camp today but not me."
My DDDDDDH totally fell for it and started a text argument about it. So I informed Mister Gullible that Lil' Backstabber is just doing what Lil' Backstabber does best: convincing Daddy that Nope is MEAN MEAN MEAN.

WHEN IN FACT, Lil' Backstabber TOTALLY KNOWS that NEXT WEEK is *HIS* Tuesday to stay home with me one-on-one. That's right, Ladies and Gentlemen, I offered my skids TWO DAYS of one-one-one ME-TIME which as I think we all know is TOTALLY FAIR AS WELL AS GENEROUS. AND THE KICKER IS LB TOTALLY WAS FINE WITH THIS PLAN LAST NIGHT WHEN WE MADE IT AND AGREED ON IT.

But Lil' just had to make me look bad to daddy when he changed his mind on the deal and decided today should be his day too!!! Isn't that just presh??


Oh, and FUCK. YOU.



ksmom14's picture

I think some kids just can't keep their jealousy at bay in situations like this. When my SD11 was 7 years old she would cry on her sister's birthday because Grandma took the birthday girl shopping after school as a birthday gift.

I tried tried tried to explain to her that it was her birthday gift, and if that's something she wanted as well maybe she could ask Grandma to do that for her birthday in a few months. Still wouldn't calm down.

Ughhh kids!

zerostepdrama's picture

Kids are immature. This is the crap they do. Annoying yes.

I would have just responded back to my DH with "SD's day is this week, SS's day is next week. What's the problem?"

Seems like a big deal is being made out of a kid just being a kid really. They are all assholes at sometime.

iluvcheese's picture

lil'backstabber, lol. I call my SD a backstabber all the time, similar bs, the running off & tattling to anyone that'll listen has begun, so funny. He's just being 7 & is focused on now, a week is an eternity to a child. I completely agree with cancelling his day after this tantrum though. & your man giving you grief in any way about it, not cool. Clearly he leaves his kids with you, so he needs to trust your judgment. Even if SD was staying with you today, & SS wasn't next week, it's no excuse for a jealous hissy fit by SS. SS shouldn't expect fair all the time, because life isn't fair.

& your husbands lack of trust in your ability to make proper decisions about his kids should be discussed, if he wants you to continue watching them. He either trusts your ability to make certain decisions regarding them or he doesn't. If he doesn't, he should do it all himself. It's his responsibility to drive his kids around, find daycare, pay a babysitter, etc. You are simply being nice & if he isn't going to be trusting, appreciative, & nice, then he doesn't deserve your kindness on this front. Stop watching his kids & running them around, if he continues to give you crap.

A lot of people will say you shouldn't be watching his kids regardless. What if there were an emergency? Someone got hurt? If your mans behaving this way about this, how will you be treated under that circumstance? What if SS gets hurt & lies & blames it on you? Will there be kage (edit kage=legal) reprecussions & how will your man behave? Just think it through, all the scenarios. If you don't think your man would have your back 100%, stop watching them except maybe emergency can't find anyone else circumstances.