Demon seed strikes again! im livid
So SS15 who is here for the summer, decided to go into my wallet while I was asleep and steal $20. I rarely carry cash but my husband gave me a $20 bill last night so I could use it to get my car washed this morning. I put it in my wallet and went to bed. My purse was hanging in the coat closet downstairs. Well this morning I get up at 5am to workout and something told me to look in my wallet and sure enough the $20 was gone. I knew right away who took it.
I woke DH up and told him that his son stole my cash. DH questioned me and asked me if I was sure I put it in my wallet, yadda yadda. I told him I wouldn't be making these accusations if I wasn't sure!!!!!!! I wish more than anything that his son didn't steal from me and why would I make this up? I hate drama! All I know is that the cash was in my wallet last night and approximately 8 hours later, its mysteriously gone and SS was the only one home other than DH and I. you do the math! I told DH to go into SS room and get my $20 right now because if I go in there to confront him, it will be ugly because im not calm and im highly offended. So sure enough he goes into SS room and he's sleeping, he goes into his shorts pocket (he was wearing his shorts to bed) and voila theres my $20. DH takes it from his pocket and tells him that this money isn't his and he will talk to him later.
So he lets SS sleep in and then asks him where he got the $20. He lied of course and said his friend gave it to him. His dad told him he's lying and that was the end of that. DH didn't even confront him for stealing from me or even tell him that he knows he stole it from me. DH told me he wants his son to own up to it and tell him himself that he stole it from me. That will never happen. his son is a liar and will lie to the grave. Even when he's caught red handed he still will like to your face with confidence at that. So.... he gives him a couple extra chores today and lets him leave the house to go to the store. He hasnt' been back yet. DH didn't punish him, take his phone or even bust him out for being a thief!!!!!!! So now I have to confront the lil brat myself and let him know that I KNOW he stole from me and that I will call the cops on him if he ever decides to steal from me again. This is the 2nd time he's violated me and stolen something of mine. First my car, now my money. Not going to give him the opportunity to fk me over again. Im heartbroken that DH doesn't have my back. He couldn't even ground him. I mean really? Stealing money is not okay! at all! I can't even look at DH im so disappointed in his parenting.
- Journey Perez's blog
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My Mom has a cousin who's son
My Mom has a cousin who's son stole and lied all the time.
He was adopted and they blamed BM, she must have drank or done drugs while pregnant, he feels abandoned, he will learn that it's not okay, it was everyone else's fault but his.
When my Mom would visit they would tell her to lock her suitcase and to never leave her purse sitting out. Never any repercussions for him, it was up to you to make sure he didn't steal your stuff.
He's been in jail for the last 20 years off and on and last I heard he was in jail serving a 10 year term for theft over $20K, I don't know what he stole.
He has no family that will have anything to do with him, he's stolen from everyone he's ever known, and he's not an addict. I swear he steals for the thrill of it, to see if he can get away with it.
I have had jewelry and pain
I have had jewelry and pain medication disappear. It was a pair of diamond earrings that first DH gave me that I wanted to give to DD. Since I don't check the jewelry box or take the medication daily, I didn't notice for several days to a week after skids had slept over.
Now, all medication is stored in a safe. I make sure that my purse is in my room on the rare visit. That was the last sleepover.
There should be $20 worth of
There should be $20 worth of consequences. $20 of Picking up garbage on the side of the road, $20 worth of work, something he wants to do costs $20 he doesn't do it, etc. That & he'd be grounded. I'd also be sure to say next time you steal a thing from me, I'll call the cops on you. That's what we did with SD, so far she hasn't stolen since.
I would creep up behind him
I would creep up behind him and say "I know you took my money. Now your father may be worried about your feelings but I don't give a flying rats arse about how you feel. So watch your back little boy. I have traps set all over this house. Chemicals you cannot see but will blind you in a flash. You stop stealing and you will be OK. Because one thing is missing and you will wake up to ghost pepper juice in your underwear and worse. And if you tell your father I said this, I will deny it. Because I CAN!"
Lol Sally this is why we all
Lol Sally this is why we all love you!

I hope you don't mind that I will now being adding Kleppy to my repertoire!