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BM is such a lunatic

AJanie's picture

I couldn't wait to share this story with people who may get a laugh and understand just how ridiculous BM is.

Yesterday we took the skids to an island off of our state's coast. They had never been to the island - so DH was really looking forward to this "first" although it was just a small first - BM already got disney world with her last boyfriend.

We pick up the skids and as we are driving to the ferry, SD7 announces "we are going to the island AGAIN? Why??" and SS follows up with "we just went yesterday." DH was crushed but I literally burst out laughing hysterically. I could not contain it. I usually always keep my mouth shut about BM in front of the skids but I could not contain myself. SS actually laughed along with me.

Apparently, the skids mentioned to BM last weekend that on Tuesday we were going out to the island to spend the day with their cousins on DH's side. BM cannot handle DH having ANY firsts with his kids, so she immediately planned a trip there on Monday with her boyfriend. They made sure to hit every tourist spot that we had hoped to see with the skids. She sucks.

Regardless, we had a great day. So that was good. The only negative was SD's comment before bed ... she said "I do not want to live with you guys ok? I only want to visit." So bizarre... no one in my house ever mentioned them living with us. Not sure where that came from. I said "OK, you don't have to hun, no worries, goodnight!" What a thankless job this is. lol.

Hope you all are enjoying your summer to the fullest.


Last In Line's picture

Never ever ever tell the skids the plans if BM has a history of spoiling things! Kids can't keep secrets and shouldn't be expected to.

Glad everything turned out good even though it wasn't a "first".

AJanie's picture

We definitely learned that lesson after yesterday. It wasn't meant to be a secret, we figured she would maybe allow DH this *one* small first. I guess we need to stop with giving this witch the benefit of the doubt.

HadEnoughx5's picture

BM did the same thing with us too. It just kills these women to let the skids enjoy time with their Dads or their Dad's new family. These BM's are so out of touch with reality that they don't see how freaking ridiculous they look or behaving.

In my opinion I think they do not like the fact that their ex's have moved on and have a life with someone else. I know our BM see's my DH and her kids as still the family. Your BM is probably experiencing this in some sick way too.

For instance, she tried to keep me from attending SD17 graduation but DH found away for me to get a ticket. When she saw us walk in with the SS's she immediately felt like the out cast. She called up SS16 and tried to get them both to sit with her and they said no.

So after graduation everyone goes out on the field to have pics with the grads. BM was so pissed off that she went out to the car to wait for SD17.

AJanie's picture

What a sicko. Is she re-married? The thing that gets me is BM is living with her SO and he is basically "daddy" to the skids... yet she still has a mental breakdown at the idea of me being around her kids. I get that it can't be easy but to go to such great lengths to prevent them from making memories with us? What the hell is wrong with these women? MOVE.ON.ALREADY.

JezabelinHell's picture

We go through the same thing. BM is remarried though. It's super weird and if I was her husband I would be pissed. Every time she finds out what we did the previous visitation, she takes SS8 to the doctor to say he's sick and he was "with his father so I have no idea if he has had any medicine or anything because he never tells me anything." Trying to get documentation for court saying we don't take care of him. Most of the time nothing is wrong with him. She's always fighting a battle though.

HadEnoughx5's picture

She had married someone she knew was terminally ill so that she could collect death benefits for DH's kids. As soon as he died she moved the next guy in a month later and had a kid with him. Now she is with another guy.

BM has been divorced from DH for 12 years. I've been with him for 11 years and she still tries to manipulate.

I love to scrapbook the skids memories and she has tried everything to dissuade the skids from ever enjoying them. She has accused me of going into her house and stealing SS15's baby pics. I can barely get them to look at their scrapbooks. They will say stuff like "Nah, I don't want to look at this", "this is stupid, it's a waste of time" etc. I've even heard her shout out things about scrapping pics she's taking. She has no time to do this for her kids, she's too busy screwing more guys.

When the skids were 6,7 and 8 she began playing games with the skids school pics. She has made pic day a miserable day and memory for them. We go online to order the pics because she would throw out any pics we bought if they went home with the skids that day.

Bottom line,,,these NPD BM's are sick and you have to figure out ways to out smart them. It will piss them off but I don't care how pissed she gets. It's my life, our family time and our memories.

a better life's picture

Oh my, what a nutjob. I would let the kids know you are flying them first class to Hawaii to spend time at a 5 star resort, then next time after that Paris to see the Eiffel tower. Let this witch go bankrupt trying to keep up with all the things she thinks you are going to do with them. Maybe tell her/them you are going to an spa farm together where the women roll is horse chit to improve skin tone and let her do that first too.

Maxwell09's picture

when we've had enough DH will post stuff that we're going to do even though we don't have plans to actually do it. She usually tasked the bait.

NoWireCoatHangarsEVER's picture

This is what would happen to us.
Skids on Monday- "What are we going to do this weekend?"
Us - "We are going to the County Fair?"
Them on "Tuesday" - Can we play games at the midfair?
Them on Wednesday - "Can we get funnel cakes? I'm so excited."
Them on THursday - "will you do the ferris wheel with me?"
THem on Friday - "We don't want to go! Mom says they are dirty carnies everywhere who are going to try and rape us!!!!!!! WE DON"T WANT TO GO!"

Skids the following MOnday - "What are we going to this weekend?"
US - "We are going to the springs?"
Them on Tuesday - "Can you go get my snorkels? I want to see the fish under water/"
Them on Wednesday - "Can you get our interrubes? We want to float down the river portion too?"
Them on THursday - "Can we maybe get a canoe too? What are you going to pack for the picnic?"
Them on Friday - "WE DON"T WANT TO GO!! Mom says its called poop springs cause kids poop in the water and its nothing but a bunch of college kids there drinking with their beer and you want us to be around drunk people and we aren't going!"

and so forth and so forth and so forth
until it became
Skids on Monday - "What are we going to do this weekend?"
US - "I don't know yet."

AJanie's picture

As they get older I am sure we will deal with more pushback as BM continues to poison their brains. Especially with SD.

We are now going to use this same "I don't know" approach when it comes to plans.

misSTEP's picture

Jeez, that's almost like you were in our house when we tried to take the skids on some vacations. One was camping in a beautiful but very secluded place. They were so excited. Until we actually went. Then they were scared that someone was going to get in while they were sleeping because there was no locks on the tents (we had our dog with who was very protective especially of the children). They were scared of the bugs. They were upset because there was no electricity to charge their gadgets. They didn't like that we had to drive so much. Just sickening.

We learned to never tell skids anything. We didn't even tell them when we planned on getting married. Not even my own son in case he would slip up and mention it to the skids.

notsobad's picture

When SD was 22 she came to Mexico with us on a family vacation. The night before we left BM spent the whole night on the phone with SD trying to convince her not to go. I'm convinced that if she was in town SD would have bailed on us.
We also got texts saying we'd be drunk and passed out while she was being kidnapped and raped!
BM had SD convinced that the resort staff would come into her room while she slept at night. She was trying to move furniture in front of her door!
So my boys and my friends boys all took turns sleeping in the other bed in her room to make her feel safe.

BM tried to keep SD from enjoying her vacation but as BM feared, it was the best trip she'd ever had.

AJanie's picture

I love that you read the series to them. That is so nice. The competition is so tiring. Something simple like books and movies even has to be a big old competition. Who has the energy for it?

NoWireCoatHangarsEVER's picture

I do it too!!!!!!!!!!!! Bed time. When we finished book two, I won tickets to Universal ORlando on the radio and we went for my 7 year old's birthday. I am a big Harry POtter nut. I wanted to name one of my girls Hermoine Granger but my ex vetoed it. Instead I have a Violet. Violet Baudelaire, Violet Beauregard. There are lots of Violet's in children's literature stories!

NoWireCoatHangarsEVER's picture

We got to the Not So Scary Halloween party at Disney every year and I always dress up. Always.

Last In Line's picture

I went to Universal Orlando ALONE for my birthday this year--it was DHs gift to me. So. Much. Fun. It was my second visit, but because I was alone I could spend as much time geeking out as I wanted to. Also, single rider line ROCKS! We are planning to get season passes soon so I can go all I want to (It's ONLY a 5.5 hour drive lol).

Teas83's picture

It sounds like your BM is pretty insecure to have to be the one to do all the "firsts" with her kids. How ridiculous of her.

When we moved to a new town last year, BM freaked out about how "far away" it was (30 minutes further than where we lived before). But then when we went to take SD to see a few of the local attractions, she said she had already been there with BM recently. So BM complained about how far we were moving, but then made a point of brining SD here to do everything fun there is to do before we had a chance. It was super weird.

Your SD's comment about not wanting to live with you was pretty odd - and rude.

CompletelyPuzzled's picture

My ex does this with my bios. Our BM doesn't have the money to do anything with her kids so its not an issue. But, I have started keeping any of our plans a secret, b/c he feels like he has to do everything with them first. To me, it just seems pathetic.

Maxwell09's picture

I laugh because we deal with this all the time. At first it was little stuff like bringing him to the park in our town 20+ minutes away instead of the one less than 5 minutes from her house that is newer and has more equipment (splash pad too). Then it became fandoms that she never gave a crap about before DH/me would get SS into them like comic books, Star Wars and hobbies she was never into until I started taking SS like fishing, hiking, Mardi Gras. Honestly it annoyed me until DH pointed out that BM is going to run her finances into the ground by constantly trying to keep up with what we do and redo-ing everything we do. Now if there's anything we want to keep special or do first we don't post about it or tell SS.

learningallthetime's picture

My ex tried this initially with BS9. I knew he would, cos he did the same to BM when we were together! Problem is, with BS9 if he enjoys something he wants to do it over and over and over again. He also loves the idea of showing me where the good/favorite things are. So, in BS9's mind it is like ex prepped him to show his mom the best bits!

I think ex figured this out (I am sure BS9 would go back and ask to go to the same place again!), so he quit competing!

Salems Lot's picture

We deal with this all the time as well. It used to tick me off but now we just don't say anything. Sometimes SO will slip up, then BM will do what ever it was he had planned the weekend before he does.

We have set BM up:

Once we let it be known that we were thinking about going to Florida for March Break...
We decided to see how far BM would go by doing things with skids that SO planned to do. We told the skids we were thinking about it, but no plans were set in stone.

Skids must have told BM as she immediately made plans. She went and ordered the skids passports and had all the paper work for SO to sign so she could take them out of province.

She pulled them out of school the week before March break to take them on a vacation for 2 weeks.

Skids ended up spending most of their time at a motel watching TV and sitting by the pool. Things they could do at home! They didn't even go to Disney! They didn't appear as happy about that trip after they came back as they were before they left.

notsobad's picture

Our BM too, but that didn't stop her from trying to ruin trips we took!
Just like NoMoreWireCoathangers, she didn't want to spend money to take them but also didn't want them to enjoy the trip with us.

You know what, I just realized I lied. BM did take SD on a trip to Mexico, once. SD came back and told Grandma, don't ever say anything to my Mom but it was so boring, we didn't do anything. The resort was an AI and BM wasn't spending one extra penny.

Teas83's picture

^This is hilarious. I was thinking the OP could have some fun if she did something like this - make up fictitious plans and see what BM does.

NoWireCoatHangarsEVER's picture

omg! i THINK I just snorted diet coke in my nose cause I was laughing so hard when I read this! Oh you are a genius!

ESMOD's picture

It's a really fine line with the kids. While you don't necessarily want them to "hide" things from their other parent, it also isn't necessary or right for them to repeat everything they hear/see/do back to the mothership either.

We told the girls that we expected that what happens at dad's stays at dad's. Occasionally he would get the rabid call from BM with some crap that the kids repeated that was usually wrong, or at the very least misinterpreted by BM's sick mind.

He generally tried to not respond to her in those situations. I would keep plans private from now on.

Kinder1's picture

Once again, the similar patterns of these damaged individuals emerge. BM hated the beach and we live on the beach. When the kids were small all she did was say how awful beaches were, too hot,boring, etc. Discouraged the kids as much as possible but they came anyhow. Then, literally overnight she fell in love with the beach. She buys all the gear, goes all weekend and of course now has the adult kids go with her because they won;t leave her alone (has no partner and hates intimacy unless its with her kids). She copied my kitchen, my clothes, my styles..sounds flattering right? Not...she has no original thought in her head and taking away our special places and events is all she can do to ensure she's on top. Pathetic. Needs a life.