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I finally realized that I am the Queen of my Castle. .. Long Live the Queen!

TexasPickles's picture

Hi everyone. I am relatively new here, and up until now I've just been a lurker. This group has meant a lot to me ….just to know that I am not alone and to better understand how I got here.

A bit about me: DH and I have been married for almost two decades. He has two children – a young man of 33 and young woman of 34. They were teens when DH and I got together and heavily PAS'd by their mother, who is very wealthy and dotes on them with lavish gifts, cars, trips, etc. (a huge factor, as you can imagine). Plus, I suspect that when their marriage was intact, DH let BM do most of the heavy lifting in terms of raising the kids as he is an emotionally distant type.

In the early years of our marriage I really tried to woo his kids. Not to be a “mom” because they were already teens and had a mom, but to create a sense of connection that I hoped we could all enjoy. I went to soccer games and horse shows, I bought birthday and graduation gifts, I signed dozens of holiday and congrat cards. I invited them to parties and dinners. Ya'll know the drill.

Despite all that Skids disliked/resented me from the start (what an understatement). SD in particular picked up on BM's dislike of me and ran with it. In nearly 20 years SD never has asked me a single question about myself, my work, my anything. Anytime I spoke, she spoke over me or changed the subject in the middle of my sentence. She was constantly rude to me in front of DH, and in front of strangers. It is amazing how she could sit on my sofa, in my home, and be so rude.

I then went through a phase where I would avoid being here, at my own home, so that SD and DH could visit. I thought I was giving them breathing space.

All these years I suffered all of it for the love of my DH, and the false belief I was being a bigger/kinder person, a supportive wife. What a flipping idiot.

Skids have never once wished me happy birthday, Christmas, anniversary etc. Nor did they acknowledge when my beloved dad died, or when our dog died. The stories could go on and on, but I think you get the idea. From what I read around here, it is the same old stuff.

SS lives nearby and we see him maybe twice a year. He comes over, is pissy and doesn't talk to DH. Looks at his phone all the time. Agrees to come to dinner, but doesn't show and texts apology at last minute. Etc...etc. Again, I don't think he and DH have ever been really close, but at least SS is polite on the rare occasions he does see me

SD is considered a pillar of her church, she served as a missionary overseas and everyone just loves her. But she is basically a middle school mean girl, at least when it comes to me. DH is her co-conspirator. They can talk on the phone for an hour and never mention me. They text each other all the time. It is like DH is single. But make no mistake – SD is frequently mean to DH as well – pent up anger from being PASd and, again, I believe SD and DH's pre-divorce relationship wasn't very strong to begin with.

Last summer SD was talking about having a baby, and I chimed in about something and she interrupted me to point out I was childless and wouldn't know what she was talking about. Well, I have gone through childbirth, had a son who died in infancy. Decades ago. She wouldn't know, because I am invisible. DH knew this, but didn't say a word. I got up from the table and went into the kitchen and started doing the dishes. I wanted to tell her but I couldn't. I was afraid I would start crying. She is a grown woman, for crying out loud. How could she be so thoughtless? How could DH not say something?

DH is always compliant with SD, completely desperate to have a relationship with her. He always accused me of being the problem.
it DH said “so what? Why are you always complaining about my children?"

DH then said it will be fun when SD gets pregnant and we become grandparents. Are you kidding? SD and BM will not let me near that child. I want no part of it. Just another tool to make me feel an outsider. DH can grandparent away with my blessings, but no thanks.

During the wedding fiasco I finally I realized that DH is more culpable than his Skids in all of this. I went to therapy. I went alone, didn't even ask DH to go. I needed some clarity.

So now we have New Rules. Here they are:

1. I encourage DH to have as much time with his skids as he can get. Holidays, whatever. All good. Have at it.

2. SS is welcome in my home (because he never comes here and, when he does, he is not deliberately rude to me). SD is not welcome here at all.. No more of her dropping over for lunch and taking over the house for two days ("Oh,my plans fell through can I just crash here Dad?"). No more of someone being rude to me, the very person who bought this home originally, and who bought and paid for the couch she is sitting her rude arse on. Nor am I going to leave and hideout at the bookstore to accommodate a visit between SD and DH. I am done. Done.

3. No more of my involvement with either skid. If DH wants my name on a card, he can sign it. No more of me being a human shield for DH at his uncomfortable lunches with skids. Done.

4. I don't ask about skids....EVER. This is hard because of course I'm curious. But the longer you do it, the easier it gets. Especially in light of how DH previously hoarded info about them, their visiting plans, etc. until the last minute.

5. No more gaslighting by my passive-aggressive DH. I've read up on the subject and dealt with it in therapy and now when he complains about why am I overreacting to something (skid or non-skid related) I call him on it. His bullying./gaslighting attempts seldom even upset me anymore because now I understand what he's doing. No more walking on eggshells while he positions himself as the victim. I am done being a doormat. Believe it or not, this has made a huge difference is our relationship – for the better.

6. If he doesn't like any of it, he can leave. Yes. That's where I am at and let me tell you, it is freeing. That's where this has taken me. I don't want a divorce, because we are quite companionable. And he would get half of my home, which is my primary asset (of course, he has nothing) and I fear I wouldn't be left with enough to survive, especially at my age with my disability. But I will not compromise ever again on how I am treated, and I know, should it come to it, that I would survive.

The test will be this summer. SD has already announced she will be coming to town to visit friends and family, and I will be curious to see how DH handles it. "What am I supposed to tell her when she wants to come over?" he asked several months ago, when I established the new rules. "I don't care," was my answer.

Since new rules were established DH and I have been getting along really well, so I wonder if he thinks I will soften on SD vising our home. I will not. I am trying not to be anxious about it.

I will keep this blog posted. Thanks for everything. Sorry this is so long, but I've had no one to talk to other than paid therapist, lol.


Stepped in what momma's picture

He can tell her he should of thought about not being invited over when she was an as*hole all the other times she was invited over.

It's amazing to me how many people never realize that they can indeed be cut the hell out of someone's life and that sounds exactly like what you've done. I also think skids believe there is a safety net in being rude to their step parents and that is their parent. It is funny to me when they under estimate their opponent. Wink


notasm3's picture

I do not care if my DH defends me or not. I am more than capable of defending myself.

I do not have a SD thank goodness. But SS30 is a totally worthless POS. I love the fact that I am more than capable of taking care of myself financially and otherwise. I do not need a man. I had a great life w/o DH. And DH knows that.

Exjuliemccoy's picture

This is the best post I've read on ST for some time. Kudos to you for changing you and drawing boundaries.

I too am a reformed doormat. You are probably right in suspecting that your DH expects you to soften, and he will likely start testing boundaries soon. When/if he does, don't hesitate to tell him that it's HIS fault things have come to this pass.

Indigo's picture

I enjoyed reading your post. In particular, I enjoyed your observations regarding your DH.

Good for you defining new boundaries. It'll be interesting to see how your summer unfolds. I'll bet that DH counts on you giving in and letting SD stay at your home.

Maxwell09's picture

Your SD is s nasty twat for saying what she did and your DH is repulsive for not defending you or stopping that nasty talk right when it happened. I'm glad you feel in control and I hope you stay firm and keep them out of your home.

SugarSpice's picture

sounds like sd is a mini wife. google this and read about it. you are not alone. once you embrace your power and learn to disengage life is beautiful.

Amcc13's picture

I love to see you taking back control. Make your life easy from now on. And you were right to ban sd from house. Strange how some of these pillars of church are actually so nasty. Pity she doesn't seem to know anything about kindness tho! If he really wants c her let them go somewhere else. He had many years to defend you and didn't- what is it with these men and the lack of respect for partner???

And so sorry about your son. That truly never stops hurting.

TexasPickles's picture

Thanks everyone. I am trying my very best. This board....reading everyone's stories and advice.....has been a true blessing for me. Struggling through step-parenthood can be such an isolating experience. It is such a relief to find a place that lets me laugh a little and learn a little. Smile

LikeMinded's picture

Hi Texas!

This is a great post and I'm bookmarking it for future reference. It's a great example (unfortunately) of how SMs can be taken advantage of and how DH is usually ground zero (in my case it's BM and MIL).

I too have learned quite a bit from this site. I did not know what gaslighting was and I was falling for it all the time, so was DH. It's MIL's favorite tool. She recently insulted me in public. DH who heard her, confronted her about it in private. She stated it was a joke, and that I needed to be able to take a joke. When DH refused to believe that (because of her tone at the time), she made herself the victim stating that she had to watch everything she said because it would be used against her.

I'm just curious, did you buy the house before marrying DH or while you were married? Have you talked to a lawyer about what would happen to your assets if you two split?

TexasPickles's picture

Hi LikeMinded! I have not met with an attorney. I did buy the house before we married, and my state treats divorce property as "equitable distribution" or common law, as opposed to community property. While I might have to pay out something to him, I likely wouldn't have to sell the house and split the proceeds 50-50. My IRA money, which is not a fortune but pretty decent, was accumulated before he and I met. So he likely wouldn't have any claim to that. Note: DH was encouraging me to pay off the house with my IRA money, but wisely I held onto it. In retrospect it seems like one of the smartest things I've ever done, lol. (And the only reason I even have a small mortgage at this point is because I took out a line of credit to buy him a truck. Doh!)

And really, I would rather give it all up and live in my sister's basement apartment back in Texas or live in a cute little trailer than live another minute in my nice little house with DH, if he is going to continue to throw me under the bus and then blame me for being hurt.

Again, we have been getting along great since I set the new rules. He has known me a long time and he knows I am not kidding. Now he talks/texts to his kids regularly and I don't care. He doesn't speak about them and that is wonderful. But I suspect that SD will not be able to let things alone, and will want to come to Daddy's house when she visits this summer. Ugh. Wish me luck, lol.