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TexasPickles's picture

Just wanted to post an update on the ultimatums I gave my DH.

-Adult SD always makes a huuuuge deal about coming to our home when she is town. She was just here for two weeks and did not set a single cloven-hoof on my property. I don't know how DH weaseled out of that one. Nor do I care. Victory is mine!

--SS and SD invited us to a Father's Day BBQ. I declined to attend. DH got a little whipped up over my refusal but I wouldn't bite. He claimed he wouldn't attend without me. I told him that's too bad. His decision. He ultimately went (of course). It was great. He came home happy and I saved myself from a miserable day. Skids got to spend time with dad. Victory is everyone's!

--SD and DH are in frequent contact via phone and text. This was tricky for me because I am very nosy by nature. Plus it riles me when she asks about personal stuff and I hear them discussing it. But you know, talking about her with DH just gave her more space in my brain. Now it is my habit NOT TO TALK OR THINK ABOUT HER. Victory is mine!

--DH spends as much time with skids as they all want. They don't seem to want to spend much time with him, but that's not my problem.

--Stopped signing holiday/birthday cards for skids and gskid (who I am not allowed access to). Told DH that if he wants, he can sign both our names or just his. Don't know how he signs the cards and don't care. This has really reduced my resentment over being ignored by skids on every special day of my life. Victory is mine!

I don't take any more of gaslighting, passive-aggressive crap from DH. As a result we haven't had any of the major blowouts that we used to have on a regular basis. Going to therapy by myself was the best move I ever made.

On the negative side--
I am not over-confident. I can't tell you how hard it is sometimes, like when I said no re: signing the holiday/birthday cards. It is not my nature to be so bitchy as to not sign a stupid card. So the struggle to detach is real, lol. I also believe that DH thinks that I will soften regarding SD's ban over time. And, I think if SD actually understood she was banned from my home she would up the ante with Daddy. I don't worry about these things on a regular basis, but I know they are out there.


TexasPickles's picture

Gosh, thanks so much. Really, I can't tell you what a dark place I was in before I started coming to ST. This place really helped me wake up.

Kinder1's picture

I aspire to your level of victory and congratulate you. As I read it is like my own story exactly, even with the card signing. yes, I am invisible to them too. I know ow hard it is and some days are truly sickening. Day at a time and best wishes!!

TexasPickles's picture

Thanks for your kind words. I come here and write about my victories to bolster my confidence. One day at a time indeed, lol!

kathc's picture

It's not bitchy to not sign a card. They probably don't even notice who signs the card because they don't care. All they care is the gift it's attached to or the check inside.

DarkStar's picture

Yay Pickles! Major kudos to you for finding your voice and standing up for yourself.

Keep those boundaries strong and FIRM. Yes, it sounds like your SD (and your DH) will try to push those boundaries, but do NOT let them.

Sally is on the nose, disengagement takes time. In 6 months this stuff will be like water running off a duck's back.