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SD now 10!

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SD9 is now 10, her birthday party is at our place today.
I did NO planning.

I agreed to make dessert (two giant chocolate chip cookies held together with a layer of the dreaded Nutella with Nutella designs on top) and breakfast for her (fluffy pancakes please) and the one friend staying over (again, yay! Only one!).

DP has been doing all of it otherwise.
He did forget to pick up my gift for me yesterday (he had my car which is another story so he's responsible for running errands). So he has to do that today while picking up the pizza, candles and snacks.
SD10 doesn't have anything planned for her and her friends to do but I think DP picked up some new board games (he's thinking ahead!).

BM will be here for a while too...(no issues with BM so it's ok) wonder if SD12 will clean her room (lol!). BM is also going to run SD12 all over the place and not sure how she'll get back here since I'll have the car and DP won't....

Tomorrow I'll drop off SD10s friend while I'm on the way to meet mine for some shopping and early dinner with wine time!

Next week is my final job interview for the new position and I have to do a presentation...DP will be my test audience as he's good at that stuff.


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So two meltdowns by both SDs so far.
I stayed out of it.
DP and BM caved to SD12. DP started telling me about the excuse..."Ah! I don't want to hear it! ...I'm not mad I just don't want to be involved or know about it."

I offered to help with something involving coordination of SDs friends arriving. But DP said he didn't want help. Ok then...a little while later he's panicked over the coordination (what I thought would happen and was going to make easier) and he asked me what to do. "I'm not involved in that remember? I will continue to clean but you need to handle it."

So now DP is running two more errands he didn't need to do. All before the party. And nothing is wrapped.
Oh well. I guess he's not going to help me with my presentation.

And SD12 is supposed to be cleaning her room...LMAO

I'm going to shower and do my nails now.

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Ok. Within the first five minutes I had to step in and tell the party girls 1) TWICE to leave the cats alone until they come out on their own and do NOT go into our bedroom and 2) do NOT just take stuff from the living room to play with without asking ME first.

What is wrong with them? SD10 is being a smarta$$ to DP.
SD12 never cleaned her room and DP tried AGAIN to explain why she didn't.
He literally got the hand up and me saying, "Nope, don't want to hear it. Nope!"

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On my way for shopping and dinner with a friend!

Left DP with SDs and SD10 troublesome friend (TF).
He didn't want me taking TF home because it's SD10s birthday. Even though her parents wanted her home.
Because if TF wasnt there how was he going to exercise and who would take care of SD10? OMG.
I just left. Not getting involved.

So SD10 barely ate any of her bday dinner and one tiny bite of the dessert I made. Same thing happened at Xmas with the SDs requesting special food and then not eating it. At least I had nothing to do with the dinner. But that's the last time I make anything special. DP can just go buy it. He at least agrees with me on that one!

On the other hand SD12 loved the dessert so I'll give her extra to take to school for her friends tomorrow.

Cover1W's picture

You are talking to the choir as they say.
I know!!!!!!

I've told our friends that they CAN say something to DP directly. I am not the decision maker and they can limit time.
All three other adults are permissive parents! No one else but me seems to be able to set limits.

We watch TF super closely and I don't let her get away with anything. If something happens on DP watch he will suffer my wrath. See I'm SM and overruled most times.

Cover1W's picture

Oh, this is more relatable to SD12 at the moment...don't get me started.
DP knows I am not raising any baby.
I'll buy the BC myself if it comes to that.

Cover1W's picture

OMG. It gets better.
So I leave without TF. Because "that would ruin SD10s birthday." So I have to go. I leave.

Apparently TF father shows up, unannounced, to pick up TF.
DP searches TF bag (as we do because TF and SD10 have been told that nothing leaves our house without adult permission and they have been caught taking stuff after that discussion). TF father flies off the handle, DP and him argue and part on bad terms. sD10 inconsolable.
Now it's "he ruined SD10 birthday."

Um no. You decided to over-ride the decision to take back TF. I am having a good time with my friend and I'll see you later.

Meanwhile I texted MY friend, TF mother, to get her side of it.

Apparently DP never told TF dad that girls were caught taking stuff after discussion and yes, we have every right to look at kids things for that reason, the kids KNOW this.

So glad I was gone...