Empathy for the bitter BMs
My Dh is a widower so there is no BM in my life. I tend to wonder what some of the bitter/crazy etc BMs we hear about on Steptalk were like before the divorce. Maybe they were normal women?
I have come to the conclusion that some women just can't handle divorce - even when they are the ones who wanted the divorce in the first place!
Seeing your ex husband move on. Seeing another woman in your place. Not every woman can deal with that and remain classy.
- stepinafrica's blog
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Jabba has a pattern of
Jabba has a pattern of cutting out fathers and rewriting the past. My H did not see it until it was too late. She likes to recreate her nuclear family with the then spouse as the "man of the house". She has done it 3 times now. None of the father figures through these relationships were bad men. I know each of them through different means. I met her first sons ex before I ever met her. So I have his version of events and hers plus her then friends version.
It is a sad state of affairs. She was not stable when he met her and her pattern repeats itself through the last 12 years. He truly believed her until she started to cut him out of his sons life. My H likes to believe everyone is good and "everything is awesome".
LOL. Some of these women were
LOL. Some of these women were crazy from the beginning. But divorce has a way of bringing out the worst in people. That is all. I have never been through a divorce but I imagine it must take a lot of self control to stay classy.
Patriarchy also has a part to play. While women are usually the ones filing for divorce, men usually do much better after divorce than women. Child support and spousal support were introduced to help deal with the problem of poverty among single mothers and their children.
I got married at 20 and
I got married at 20 and divorced at 21. He beat the crap out of me to prove how manly he was. I left. I have never seen him again and I have no interest in what or where he is. The end.
I got pregnant at 33 and the then squeeze had a melt down. I thanked him kindly for my precious gift and marched off in to the sunset. I don't bother him or ask him for anything. He tells all and sundry she's not his and I am a whore. To this day I will not get in to that debate. Whatever floats his boat. I definitely got the better end of the deal. I have my beautiful Polly Prissy Pants
Polly has no idea he did or does this. She thinks he was too young for children but loved her and trusts me to care for her. No child deserves our issues. We can choose to be insane and hurtful or we can choose to walk away with dignity.
I see no point in being cruel and unkind. What purpose does all the anger and negativity serve to an ex partner. Life has enough lemons without us making a big pile of sour lemon juice for our children.
Yes yes yes to your last
Yes yes yes to your last sentence. There are plenty of problems in life. No need to make life harder than it is.
Your story is very similar to
Your story is very similar to mine. Yet somehow we managed not to PAS out our kids as we truly put them first (not by spoiling or guilt parenting)
Guess thats the difference between real women and breeding females with a toddler mentality.
Exactly. When your whole
Exactly. When your whole identity is in being a wife and a mother, divorce will surely bring out the insecurity.
I think this insecurity is behind the need to remind SM that she is 'not the mother.' There is no way you can push a baby out of your vayjay and forget about it. So every SM is very well aware which kid is hers and which one is not.
I was with my first husband
I was with my first husband for a very long time. It was hard at first, even though I wanted to not be with him. It is hard to not have someone in your life that you were best friends with for over a decade. I saw that being friends was not a good thing, mainly because HE wasn't moving on. He was wanting to get back together. Even after I was remarried. I had to stop contact when my husband became uncomfortable with it, which was a good thing for my ex as well. I don't hate him, but I really don't like him, hence why I divorced him.
I think with the bm in my situation, she had these thoughts that her and du would be bff's. Nothing would change. She had some severe jealousy issues. She wanted him to put her first, since they had been together for so long. He was a teen when they got together, and apparently had no self esteem, although he was an über good looking guy. He had just been through hell in his home life, his Highschool gf had left him and he was very vulnerable. She was the friend that was willing to put out -er- make him feel wanted.
He was so heartbroken when he and bm separated, the next day he had a date LOL. But he was the SOB for not mourning the loss of her. She had wanted him to be so broken that he would come back to her with his tail between his legs. He was so freakin happy to be free. She became darn near suicidal. I met him a couple of years after. .
Apparently he lost his ever loving mind when he met me. Physically I was his dream girl. A curvy size 2 with in his words "ginormous" boobs. I could tell he REALLY liked me, but I wasn't looking to date. We became friends, and he started to realize that I was super fun as well. I decided to date him, and we have been together for nearly a decade.
Physically I am the polar opposite of BM and my personality is completely opposite. I think when you get older you are better suited to find someone that you are truly compatible with and know what you want and don't want. Apparently BM is not anyone's type, because she is still single.
Once, in a rare calm, and
Once, in a rare calm, and lucid moment.... BM told me she was jealous that DH treated me better than he did her, and that I was better for her kids than she was, and that she really admired me.
I think it was about a month or two later when she punched me in the face for DARING to be at HER DAUGHTERS birthday party.... that DH was hosting in OUR house.
So, bitches be crazy. That is all.
The punching you in the face
The punching you in the face in your own house is the craziest bm story I have ever heard.
I am so with this! "So,
I am so with this! "So, bitches be crazy. That is all."
FUrkidsforme......glad to
FUrkidsforme......glad to know I am not alone in the getting punched in the face by a fucked up BM.
My BM is the one who wanted
My BM is the one who wanted the divorce after a long emotional void of a marriage. She reunited with a guy she dated when she was young, and apparently that gave her the courage to want to leave.
My guy was devastated at losing his family, but after seeking some counseling, has grown to view BM leaving as a gift. He was so limited while he was with her. He'd shut down, and sees that though he has less time with his kids, the time he spends with them is of better quality because now he's emotionally present for it.
BM has not let go. She is still with that man, though they don't appear to spend much time together (even when she doesn't have the kids.) She refuses to grieve her marriage, and is appalled that my guy could move on from her. I think she fantasized that being the mother of his kids gave her special status, and soon he'd be crying on her doorstep about what a mistake he made. She'd have it all - the guy she wanted, and her ex begging her to come back. Except that didn't happen. Her ex got over her pretty quickly, and finds her feelings irrelevant. So she has chosen to become hostile, selfish, and clingy toward him. All because of her inability or unwillingness to move on. And that's on her. The kids suffer for it.
I think women these days view marriage and parenthood as entitlements. And that once a guy has a kid with you, you need to be his entire world, even after you split up. Out in the real world, marriage can be a temporary thing (otherwise divorce wouldn't be a thing) and having kids is certainly not a lifelong bond. Moreso, being the mother of his kids is pretty meaningless unless there is also a committed relationship between the parents. And women cannot handle those facts, because they conflict with deeply held entitlements.
My opinion is that once you make a choice to bring a child into the world, you need to be able to get over yourself. I don't care what happens.
A BM being crazy, immature, and selfish in co-parenting is simply unacceptable, because she IS placing her ego before her kids.
A BM can feel however she wants to feel but her actions are always a choice. And that is why I really don't care about a crazy BM's pain, because they are placing it before their children, and that is about as selfish as it gets.
BM was NOT normal before the
BM was NOT normal before the divorce, in fact, DH knows he never should have had a child with her nor married her.
She was very pissed that DH would not go back to her (even though she didn't really want him), as she thought that he always would (like a boomerang), so she amped up her crazy. But she WAS fucked up to begin with, so I have no empathy for her.
The BM in my situation was
The BM in my situation was never normal. DH tells stories (and oldest step daughter was old enough before the divorce to remember) BMs rage attacks. She would scream and throw things. DH would scoop all thrre kids up and put them in the car and leave to get supper because she was home all day with them and hadn't fed them or he would take them all into the only room in the house and lock the door while she beat the door from the outside. He would sleep on the floor and all three kids would share the bed. She had jobs but couldn't keep them. One she was fired from was a dentist office because she wouldn't stop swearing, "like a sailor" they said.
She left him for another married man (who ended up not leaving his wife for BM).
DH found me and Married guy dumped BM in a very public way.... but by then it was obvious DH was not going to let BM come back so even though BM left DH. And DH dated two women between BM and me.... BM blames me for ruining their marriage because when she was ready to go back to DH he was with me.... Makes sense right?
My SO ex was crazy from the
My SO ex was crazy from the beginning even going so far as to request that he not hold his child just after he was born but said her mother could be the first to hold him