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Ditching me and mine for his???

frustrationalways's picture

I use to be a member here but I can't remember my username. It was a while back.

My mom is dying and this will be her last set of holidays. I set everything up for me, dh and my kids (g,12 and b,8) to go stay with her for Thanksgiving. We are driving out leaving the Friday before and returning the Sunday after.

Dh has 2 kids that live with bm and hes a long distance parent. He sees them on holidays and summer. He moved for work before we met. They are 9g and 11g. His kids are not allowed in my home as the oldest one is creepy as hell and is fascinated with my son. I am concerned for his safety when she's around. So dh goes to visit them. Because of vacation time he only gets to see then about 12 days a year.

Anyway bm has thanksgiving this year and she called dh and told him she was going out of the country for work for the week of thanksgiving and offered him the kids. Dh said he would get back to her. All hell has broken loose now. He wants the kids and I want him with me saying goodbye to my mother. This is my husband and this is the hardest thing I'll ever have to do. His kids are not welcome. They will not be allowed to come. He wants to bring the kids to OUR house. I said hell no. They get into everything and I won't be home to make sure they don't steal. Its a huge fight and neither of us are a changing our minds. He gets Christmas but due to vacation time he will only be there 3 days. Here he says he will have a sitter and see them after work and on the holiday.


frustrationalways's picture

I have to work at Christmas and my mom is in hospice now. I don't think she will be here at Christmas which is why I scheduled Thanksgiving off.

My SD kept trying to change my sons diapers after being told no. She kept trying to give him baths and asking questions about his private parts. She is into all things horror and made comments about what his insides look like. She draws pictures and writes stories about people dying. For easter she drew dead rabbits and put it on the fridge. Both her parents think its normal because she's always liked monsters and horror movies. She scares me and I don't want her around my kids.

Dh says he will bring them to our house but last time his kids got into all my children's things. Some of my dds stuff got ruined. I told him I'd lock their rooms up and he got all pissey about it. He said he will undo the locks and his kids can sleep in my children's rooms.

My mom is dying. Why can't he just put me first and hold my hand?? I need him there with me and my kids.

frustrationalways's picture

She was 7. Its not just the stories. She uses my sons name in them. Then wants to read me a story on how the kid with the same name ends up murdered in the story. SD seems to wreck the stuff my dd holds most dear. This kid does this stuff on purpose. I didn't take lightly to the idea of banning them. It built up after a particular nasty visit where my son was having dreams if her stabbing him.

frustrationalways's picture

He was almost 4 and he said sd stabbed him here. He pointed to his tummy. He was clingy to me till they left. Yes he was late potty training. He was born early and had set backs. He's on track now though. Plus I babies him a bit.

frustrationalways's picture

Yes. He's taking 3 days off. He's not even supposed to have his kids this year for Thanksgiving.

somedevilishbeauty's picture

What about you all go DH and skids stay in a hotel That way if need be your DH can still be close to you for comfort?

frustrationalways's picture

He can't leave them in a hotel and I won't allow them around me or my children and certainly not my dying mother. She is in hospice at her home and it needs to be quiet so she can relax. If he gets a hotel room I won't be able to see him anyway. What am I supposed to do? Why can't my husband see that I need him more than ever? Why are his kids more important than this?????

Disneyfan's picture


He's sees younand your kids everyday. Expecting him to give up this extra time with his kids is wrong.

The hotel idea is the perfect solution. But it sounds like you won't be happy until he agrees to do what you want him to do. It sounds like he's trying to find solutions that will work for each of you, but you won't budge. You're forcing him to make a choice and that may end up with you on the losing end.

frustrationalways's picture

Thank you for understanding. He needs to be MY husband. He can be their dad later. I need him right now and and hes acting like his getting his kids is a bug deal and so important because he will have his dad on her birthday. I told him she will have more birthdays.

frustrationalways's picture

So I shouldn't expect my husband to be with me when my MOTHER is dying? Because his ex decided to let him have the kids for unscheduled visitation? He's going to see then in December. He talks to them and Skype's all the time. He can do that over Thanksgiving.

frustrationalways's picture

Because of my kids school schedule and due to my working. I had to beg and plead to get that time off and promise my vacation times to others for this. This gives me the most uninterrupted time with my mom. He's not even supposed to have them! This isn't his visitation time! Why must my feelings and needs be disregarded when he's not even supposed to have them??

Disneyfan's picture

Because he's a parent.

Why did you consider you children's school schedule when you made plans???? Because you're a parent. Why is it OK for you to be a responsible parent, but then give him hell for doing the same thing????

Disneyfan's picture

Your kids (and other family members will be there). He offered to be there but you rejected him because you don't want his kids there. If having him with you means that much to you, stop being a hard ass about his kids.

WalkOnBy's picture

He doesn't NEED to be anything, he IS both your husband and his kids'dad. This is one of those situations where you're just gonna have to do what you need to do and take the kids to your mom's. He will stay behind with his kids.

He hardly gets to see them, and he has the opportunity to see them. If I were in your shoes, I would kiss him goodbye, tell him to enjoy his visit with his kids, grab my kids and head out to my mom's.

frustrationalways's picture

They are not allowed in my home. That's the second part of the fight. I will not allow my kids things to be stolen and destroyed. Not when they are dealing with their grandmother dying!! They are nasty and don't wash their hands after going to the bathroom either. Dh wants them to sleep in my children's beds. Hell no. They are not to be in my home!!

And I'm not going to give dh a pass. He married ME! He promised to be there for ME! I need him now. He needs to be the man he promised ME he would be. Why should I come second fiddle? My needs outweigh their wants right now!!

WalkOnBy's picture


Just. Wow.

twoviewpoints's picture

You're just not adding up.

"His kids are not allowed in my home as the oldest one is creepy as hell and is fascinated with my son. I am concerned for his safety when she's around. So dh goes to visit them. "

Above statement just doesn't click with all this pledged drama about skids being in your home over Thanksgiving. If he goes to skidtown every other rare time he gets to see his children, why all this stuff about 'they will steal, break things, rattle rattle rattle'?

Where does he stay with the kids while in skidtown and why can't he travel there per usual?

Not to sound heartless towards your intended planned Thanksgiving trip to see your mother, but do you really think a parade for a week a month from now is what she really needs? If you don't think she'll live until Christmas, but guarantee do you have she'll make it to Thanksgiving? Me? I'd book a flight home now and I'd go myself every weekend. That might not be financially possible for you to do, but you do need to go sooner if you expect this visit with her grandchildren to be meaningful and be smooth... the longer you wait the less chances of this occurring.

WalkOnBy's picture

I said this to her about her XH somewjere on this thread. She said he was a shitty father who was only interested in his new family, or something like that.

Kinda like how she wants HER husband to throw his kids over for HER kids - or something like that.

frustrationalways's picture

There are more reasons. I just haven't had time to post them all. They are the typical mean and nasty and rude stepkids. mini wives all the way. I wasn't focusing on them because they aren't the point. Dh is. He's leaving me when I need him most. I do have resentment and I will have more if he doesn't come. This will strain our marriage and he doesn't seem to care that I feel like now I can't depend on him. Why am I having to fight for support I need? I don't understand that.

DaizyDuke's picture

Sorry to hear about your mother and all the stress you are dealing with on top of this.

I kind of feel sorry for your DH though. He is stuck in the middle and you have asked him to choose YOU or SKIDS. That's a really shitty place to put someone in, regardless of the why behind it. It might be a bit different if DH saw skids all the time, but he gets MAYBE 12 days a year? It seems to me like you're asking for an "all or nothing" Either he comes with you and is by your side 24/7 or he doesn't. I actually liked the idea someone had above of him coming and staying in a hotel with skids. It seems like a good compromise to me.

frustrationalways's picture

If he's sitting in a hotel when will I see him??? So he's close by? What good does that do when my mother asks where he's at? Or my kids need comfort? Or when I need to lean on him?

His kids are awful. If he actually cared enough about them to be a decent father he'd make time to see then more. Just because his oldest got a Facebook a few months back and posted pictures with her stepdad calling him dad he's lost his priorities.

WalkOnBy's picture

well now, let's look at this from his daughter's perspective. She probably does feel like stepdad is dad because she hardly sees her father. This is a chance for them to spend time together.

You tell your mom that something came up. YOU be the support for your kids. Why are you upset that he wants to see his own kids and also upset that he won't comfort your kids? Don't you see the problem with that statement??

frustrationalways's picture

I feel that while we are going through this he should be our support. I wouldn't ask that otherwise. We are devastated. We are struggling. He is with us all the time. We have come to depend on him to be there for us. So yes. I think he should be there for my kids right now. They call him dad. His kids are calling another man dad. They can stay with him and go to the family thanksgiving but step daddy wants a break. So I'm not going to have my rock with me because of that bullshit.

frustrationalways's picture

Because why? My mom is on her death bed. I begged and pleased to get the whole break off work for me and my kids and dh to say goodbye.then bm calls and offers his kids because step dad wants a break while She's gone for work. I'm thrown away like my feelings mean nothing.

frustrationalways's picture

Please not be so cruel and inhumane as to bring my mother into this. I have to work and my kids have school. If I could afford it I would be there yesterday. This is all new and fresh to us. They just sent her home to die. They do not think she can make it till Christmas. My family is with her now and I'm heart broken I can't be. So please leave her out of this. That is just mean and cruel.

Disneyfan's picture

YOU keeping making this about your mother. The choice you're trying to force this man to make is mean and cruel.

DaizyDuke's picture

I concur. You are being incredibly selfish. Why does your DH need to be attached to your hip? He can be "there for you" on the phone, he can be "there for you" at a hotel 10 miles down the road. You are acting like a petulant child.

WalkOnBy's picture

Petulant - YES!! I was searching for the right word and that's it.

Thanks, Daizy...

WalkOnBy's picture

Shouldn't YOUR kids' dad be the one to support his kids through this difficult time??

And, wait a damn minute - you are pissed that your DH's daughter calls another dude "dad" but have no problem with YOUR kids calling another dude "dad?" Did it ever occur to you that HIS kids feel about their stepfather the exact same way that YOUR kids feel about him?

LadyFace is right - you are being effing ridiculous.

frustrationalways's picture

My kids dad isn't interested in being a parent. I understand how his kids feel. I get that. I also get that my kids need him more right now. For a damn week and then when she dies. I'm not upset his kids call the step dad dad. He is. Which is why he's insisting on not going with us. Because he saw his dd call another man dad.

WalkOnBy's picture

but they aren't his kids. And he has the chance to spend time with his kids - the kids he only gets to see 12 days a year.

Disneyfan's picture

YOUR kids have THEIR father all year long.

Maybe seeing his kid call another man dad was the kick in the pants he needed to get his act together. Hopefully not backing down to the Thanksgiving visit lead into him spending more time with his children and allowing them into his home.

Disneyfan's picture

I see now

You're one those SMs who want the SKs out of the way so that you kids will have a new daddy all to themselves. :sick:

Disneyfan's picture

Oh NOW he's a bad parent. Yet, you want him there for YOUR kids. If you mom asks where he is, just tell her he's with his kids. :?

Why would you marry someone mand raise your kids in home with someone who you feel isn't a decent father?

WalkOnBy's picture

"Oh NOW he's a bad parent. Yet, you want him there for YOUR kids. If you mom asks where he is, just tell her he's with his kids. "

I love Disney. That is all.

Ninji's picture

It really sucks when BM changes her plans and it effects our lives. I mean really really sucks.

I understand your feelings. You want your DH to be by your side during this emotional time in your life. I mean isn't that one of the things we look for in relationships, emotional support.

I'm going to be going against the grain here but your DH moved AWAY from his kids. He decided a job was more important then being involved in his kids lives. He is seeing his kids about as much as a distant grandparent would. It makes me believe he doesn't place much value on seeing his children.

I think he should be by your side.

frustrationalways's picture

Thank you. I'm upset that so many people think he should spend extra time with his kids instead of being with me while my mother I'd dying. I guess this is what being a step parent is about. Hell yesterday people were telling another poster not to allow her dh to pick up his kids from school so bm could go to a haunted house. I guess it's only okay to come first when you are screwing the bm over. When you have real needs you should get tossed aside.

BethAnne's picture

I think that at this stage the argument is lost. If you do manage to persuade him to come to your mom's with you he will just be resentful that he isn't with his kids and you will resent him for being that way and you won't be able to enjoy a peaceful time with your mom.

I know it is painful, but you will have to go on your own.

Forget about the stuff at home. If you want to, put precious stuff away where the kids won't get at it and warn your husband that it better not get moved. Tell him you don't want to hear about what they get up to while they are there, you just want to be able to focus on your mom. Then forget about it. You have much more important things to worry about than what mischief a couple of kids get up to while you are gone. If they break some toys, so be it. Be grateful that you don't have to be there with them and you already have your own plans. Enjoy the precious time with your mom and letting your kids enjoy their grandma a little longer.

At the end of the day it is your mom who is dying, not your husband's. He will always pick his kids over your mom. Be grateful you had your mom with you when you were growing up, I presume she was there for more than 12 days a year and you have lots of good memories. I can't imagine how tough it must be to only see your kids for 12 days a year and turning down multiple days with them including a birthday would be extremely tough for him. Yes you could do with the moral support, but he will only be a phone call away and will be there when you get back.

GoingWicked's picture

I think your DH's first responsibility is to his children, honestly, you're a grown woman, not a little kid, you do not need to hold your DH's hand to get through this. I lost my father, DH watched SD at home, we didn't have a BM that was so convenient to just drop her off with, he actually had to do his part and raise his kid...

I never even gave a thought as to whether SD and DH should come. After all, they barely knew my dad, they certainly didn't know him when I was growing up, when he was healthy (totally different person), for all DH's good intentions, he was not at all helpful to me, in fact, after his death DH would ask me why I was still crying about it, 5 years later if something triggers it, I still cry, and he still asks, he simply cannot understand my grief.

WalkOnBy's picture

We actually don't know how he reacted when she banned his kids. He could have tried to compromise til the BM cows came home, but all we have is her version of events.

WalkOnBy's picture

See now, he might say that she already had her turn at being first when she banned his kids???

We are only hearing one side of this story and one version of events. If this was any one of our BMs pulling this shit, how would we feel??

WalkOnBy's picture

If, as a parent, you don't "let" someone tell you how you're going to handle the times with your kids, doesn't that apply to both parents? Wouldn't that apply to the husband here??

Why is bad for him to tell her how she's going to handle things, but perfectly fine for her to tell him how to handle his kids??

And, maybe he DID tell her where to stick it and that's why she's so pissed??

Seriously, does she want to be right or does she want to be married?????

WalkOnBy's picture

fair enough, but I would bet you dollars to donuts that dude has been pushed and pushed and pushed and he's not gonna take it anymore. His timing would suck, but when you hit the wall, you hit the wall.

If I were in this situation, as I said above, I would kiss my husband goodbye, tell him to have fun with the skids, and then take my kids to see my mom.

And, I don't think that OP is merely "expressing how she feels." That post would be very different from the one she posted.

WalkOnBy's picture

Nope - because it isn't just that XW said "here's some more time." It's that she has to be out of the country and I believe if kids can't be with one parent, they should be with the other.

So, no. Wouldn't change my response one bit. BUT you can bet your ASS that those two things are MAJOR contributors to their issues.

Disneyfan's picture

If the 12 days a year is a result of the OP refusing to allow the kids in her home, then yeah, she SHARES the blame.

The man has a job,so taking time off often and traveling to where they live may be difficult. Just look at how hard it was for the OP to get one week off. }:) It would be easier to fly the kids out one month each summer, a week during Christmas or spring break and maybe a few weekends during the year.

Disneyfan's picture

Not all men are useless. Many fathers are capable of taking care of their kids just as good (often times better than)their mothers.

WalkOnBy's picture

It doesn't seem like she is interested in compromise, tommar. I think she is more interested in being right.

WalkOnBy's picture

right? Even I put my skids before me - I knew that DH getting custody would be the best thing for THEM and the worst thing for ME.

didn't matter. I supported him. Period. Dot.

BethAnne's picture

It doesn't really matter what he should or shouldn't do. He wants to be with his kids, she wants him by her side as her mom dies.

Think through both scenarios.

If he goes with her he will be annoyed the whole time and moping that he isn't with his kids and won't be of much comfort to his wife.

If he stays with the kids, she will be upset, but will have her family there to support her and will not have to deal with a grumpy husband at the same time as a dying mother. She will be able to focus on her mom and her kids.

To me option 2 sounds like the best one even if it is shitty.

And then of course there is option 3 of trying to work out some sort of compromise so he can have his kids and be there for her.

A theoretical answer as to who is more important at this time is not really helpful. A practical approach as to how to get them both through this with the least resentment and guilt and most support is better.

Disneyfan's picture

How about Cheesecake? A big hunk of Junior's strawberry cheesecake sounds good right about now.

WalkOnBy's picture

Oh. My. Gawwwwwww....

I will meet you there. What time?

Echo - will you be joining us?

Disney - what time is good for you??

WalkOnBy's picture


I am going to bitch and ask for advice and most of you are going to think that I am being completely unreasonable but don't you DARE tell me I am wrong and if you do, I am going to call you all bullies and cry foul!!!!!

notasm3's picture

Death of one's mother is a ONE TIME thing. There is no room for "trading off" and "we'll do it differently next time." Hopefully there will be many more years with the children.

But - no one needs assholes around them during a time of grief. And this guy sounds like a huge asshole. "Your mother is dying - I don't give a shit - it's no big deal to me - I'm going to let my kids come and trash all your kids stuff and there's nothing you can do about it bitch". That's the attitude I'm reading from him.

Doesn't matter whether the OP is a selfish brat or Mother Teresa - this guy is being cruel on purpose with statements about how his kids can have access to her kids belongings since she won't be there to stop it.

OP - yes it would be best if your DH was a kind and compassionate man who would be there for you - but he's not. He's an asshole. You are probably better off suffering your grief alone than with an asshole. Believe me - I've been there with that during my mother's prolonged death from cancer.

WalkOnBy's picture

We only know HER version of events, monkey. We don't know how hard he has tried to see his kids. Maybe he is like so many of our DHs and tried like hell, has a psycho BM and decided to wait until they are out from under BM?? He could have been telling her how bothered he is all along. We just don't know.

And, why take a dude who she obviously thinks is a dick? Who needs the stress or the aggravation?

Me, I would have said, "oh no. this is hard enough without the skids. you stay here. I'll go there"

Indigo's picture

I-m so happy Point.^^ My father lived 7 months in a residential hospice situation ... a rollercoaster ride with doctor's continually giving him days to live. He was lucid and funny until the day before he died.

If OP wants to see Mom, go see Mom. Don't wait for a "convenient" time. You are an adult. It's horrible but something everyone of us will go through at some time. Go be with family and don't waste time.

Disneyfan's picture

Why not just pull the kids out of school and go before Thanksgiving? That way husband is there with her and the her kids.

Then he could fly his kids out for Thanksgiving week.

That way they both get what they want.

WalkOnBy's picture


StepLady's picture

If you are in USA cant you take FMLA time off work to be with your mom now? I am very sorry what you are going through, very sorry.

Cocoa's picture

Agree with every. single. word. I also there are two separate issues going on here. Him wanting a chance to spend some extra time with his kids can be ironed out AFTER he and OP spends this last holiday with her mother. Now is NOT the time to change how the whole relationship with the skids has been going.

dood's picture

I stopped reading the comments about a third of the way through this.

I am going to take the unpopular opinion of the OP. Thanksgiving is not her DH's holiday. They already had plans. OP's mother hasn't long to live. For whatever reasons, it's been established that the skids don't come to OP's home. She doesn't want the skids there unsupervised (we all know that father's are not good at boundaries, supervising or saying "NO" to their kids). She doesn't want the skids in her kids' rooms. Again, understandable - I wouldn't want anyone in MY bedroom.

I think her DH needs to alter his plans and be with OP.

zerostepdrama's picture

Sounds like a lot going on. Its not his holiday with them. You guys already had this schedule. BM dumped this on you guys. DH will have extra time with his kids that he doesn't normally get and honestly, 12 days a year isn't much at all.

You will just have to do some give and take. I understand this is a very difficult time for you but marriage is about compromise. You will have to find a place to meet in the middle.

It sounds like you want it your way, all the time and you aren't willing to give that up. I have no skids allowed in my house rule, but they are adults. So I get it. But if my mom was dying and the skids were going to end up at the house for whatever reason, I could care less about what is going on at the house. I would go and do what I need to do for my mom.

Maybe this is the perfect time to revisit the issue of his kids not being allowed to come over. To really think if its really worth it. There will be more instances where the kids may have to come and stay with you or he has to go to them.

I really dont like the skids for really good legit reasons, but I understand, being married to the skids' father, that at times I will have to give in, I will have to compromise, I will have to go against what I feel is right to sometimes meet in the middle.

Sorry to hear about your mom. (((HUGS)))

zerostepdrama's picture

I do want to add though, I am 50/50 on this. Because I do think, this is an important time for your DH to be there for you. There will be more holidays with the skids and sadly not with your mom. Plus you will probably need a lot of extra support after your visit and its probably not really the time to start thinking about dealing with the skids issues.

BUT use this situation to maybe think about some things moving forward with the skids and visitations, etc.

I am very much like you, I dont want the skids around my house at all and I can think of 100 good reasons why and I will be able to come up with a response why not to have them over for every good option/resolution that someone gives me. But I do have this tiny spot opened up that IF I have to give in, I am able to do that, because I have to remember that at the end of the day, I did marry this man that has kids and at times I will have to factor them into my life and decisions in my life.

WalkOnBy's picture

"But if my mom was dying and the skids were going to end up at the house for whatever reason, I could care less about what is going on at the house. I would go and do what I need to do for my mom."

"I understand, being married to the skids' father, that at times I will have to give in, I will have to compromise, I will have to go against what I feel is right to sometimes meet in the middle."

Yes - you choose to be married instead of right. I couldn't agree more with these sentences. Trying to find compromise is why we are all here in the first place. It's beyond exasperating being a SP, and sometimes we make it harder than it has to be.

If it were my mom, I would do what I need to do, regardless of what anyone else was going to do.

StepX2's picture

I only got about a third of the way through the comments before I decided to just post.
This is very emotional for me because it brings back so much. As those who are close to me know, I’m on my third marriage.

While married to my 2nd husband, my mother suffered a heart attack and was in a coma. Family needed to come from far and wide if they wanted to say their goodbyes. My DH wanted to come but he didn’t have any type of leave to use but was willing to take unpaid leave. I knew how that would affect him financially, plus Father’s Day weekend was coming up and that was one of the few times a year he had his kids for an extended time. He wasn’t there the day my mom was taken off of life support but was there two days before I was to drive back home and was there physically and emotionally in the months after. I think the difference here is that we were both looking out for each other, no matter what was going on at the time.

Part two of my post concerns my present DH. Four years ago his youngest son, who has had diabetes since the age of 12, was severely sick in the hospital, also almost 500 miles, in a different direction though. As much as DH hates flying, he wanted to go be with him when he found out that his son needed a kidney transplant and was having to start dialysis. Dh was a wreck because he thought his son was going to die soon.

Even though DH never asked if I would go with him, I wished I could in order to support him. What did I have going on at that time? My former father-in-law had recently passed and my children were having a very difficult time. My oldest daughter flew across the country from Florida to be there with her siblings and we were all going to their grandfather’s services. On top of all of this, we had a big family party planned for my youngest son’s 21st birthday. The big party was two days after the memorial but one day before my son’s actual bday.

My DH and I were in contact constantly and he wanted to come home after realizing that his son wasn’t on death’s door. Plus DH was pissed when he found out that his son wasn’t taking care of his diabetes as he should have. DH shared with me that SS seemed to feel that he could still eat the wrong foods as long as he upped his dosage of insulin (which is taken on a sliding scaled depending on the current blood glucose level) and SS ate cake, candy and carbs to his heart’s content. DH was asking if I could come right away which was the day of my son’s bday but my son had plans with his friends.
I agreed to drive out that day but before I left I got a call from my son who was feeling down because his friends (who had pretty much started celebrating with him at midnight) had all gone home. Around noon, my son was calling to ask if we could have a birthday dinner with just him, me, his siblings and their spouses. As a mom you feel like you want to honor almost any birthday wish. I called DH and told him I wanted to start out the next morning instead of that day but he replied that he really wanted to come home ASAP. I told him about my son’s request and he answered with, “didn’t you have a big party day before yesterday”? I was thinking also about my oldest daughter and how they were also planning on leaving that day and probably wouldn’t be able to go to dinner. Too late for ‘long story short’ but I ended up calling my son back and telling him that we would make sure we have a close family dinner next year. Tragically, my son died 5 months later and there was never a “next year”. It still bothers me tremendously to this day.

Now I know this is not likely to happen to most, but the point I wanted to make is that you can’t always depend on there being a next time and to grab what moments you can…NO MATTER THE AGE OF THE PERSON!
To the OP, isn’t it more important how much your DH will be there for you in the months that follow? Why demand something from your DH when you can see where his heart is when it comes to the chance to spend extra time with his children that he rarely gets time with? Even if he did change his plans and went with you, you know he will likely resent it, even if he doesn’t say so. Why would you want all of that during this difficult time for you and yours?

StepX2's picture

"Is he supposed to change the plans he'd made with the OP simply due to fear some freak accident will happen and either he or his kids will come to harm?"

ASs I wrote in my comment, the chances are rare and I agree with you that one shouldn't be living in fear that something tragic will happen.
The most important point I was trying to make was the situation with my 2nd husband, which ironically is also the most similar to the OP's situation.

My DH and I were the opposite of the OP though because we both were thinking of the OTHER (not yelling, just emphasis) Smile person in our situation.

He wanted to be with me when my mom passed and I understood how rarely he had holidays with his kids and wanted him to still have that.
Instead, DH was there after.

I don't believe the OP will have the loving support of her husband in the following months if she continues with her demands, especially knowing where his heart is right now. I'm not saying she's wrong for wanting him there but she won't even compromise with him to have him there and he won't give up on his time with his kids even though he knows she doesn't want them around.

How different this would be if both were considering the other person?

DarkStar's picture

Ouch, this is a really tough one....

My only advice is that if your DH does not end up going with you, please don't let it be the hill for your marriage to die on. Grief is a powerful emotion and can send your emotions into a tailspin, making you say and react to things in ways that you might not normally. Take your kids and be with your Mom, that's the most important thing.
If your mother lives close by in driving distance, multiple trips can also be made.

My mother died last year, so I do somewhat understand what you are going through.

onwednesdayswewearpink's picture

Ok I'm going to be the oddball out, you need to send your kids with their dad or on the visit with dh and you go spend time with your mom. Don't take your children. My mom drug me around hospital to hospital when I was a kid and watched my grandpa slowly die. Then sat with her at his house with hospice there and watched him die. I wish she would have never done that and I didn't have those memories, because that is the only way I remember him now. Go by yourself. Meet a sibling or cousin there. Let your dh watch the kids.

Indigo's picture

Good point. The sounds, smells and sights of imminent death are not good memories.