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Mad at dh and resent the skid.

MidwestStepmom's picture

So dh has been working late this past few weeks. All the cooking and evening routines with BS1 have fallen on me for the most part. My dh is tired and will fall asleep in the movie room, so we haven't been spending much time together. It's getting to the point were I'm lonely and annoyed. We havent had much time together since bs1 has been born.

Dh is taking off work early to go get skid this Friday. I dislike ss13 as it is and I get really uncomfortable in my own home when he is here. I'm just upset that my husband doesnt even think twice about taking off early to get skid, but forgets about me and my feelings.


oneoffour's picture

Have you told him how you feel? LIke "Honey, could you come home on time on Tuesday so we can have an early dinner and rent a movie? Just you and me? I miss being with you."