In all seriousness... Is Mother's Day this serious?
I see way too many posts and blogs and comments about how crappy Mother's Day was.
Its a freakin Hallmark "holiday".
I think we need to lower our expectations.
Why are we so surprised when our SOs, kids and skids who are asses year around, dont pull through and spoil us on Mother's Day? Yeah we would think that they would be able to get it together for 1 day, but do they ever?
Some years we have great Mother's Days. Some years not so much.
Of course it would be nice for our bios to do X,Y,Z but if they dont is it really that big of a deal? I mean really really?
So the skids dont wish us a Happy Mother's Day. But we aren't their mothers. And they treat us like crap any other day.
Of course we all want to be appreciated. Especially on a day that is supposed to be "all about us". But I know for me I am not going to let anyone's lack of doing something for me, ruin the rest of my day.
(((HUGS))) ladies.
- zerostepdrama's blog
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If I get around to it, I will
If I get around to it, I will send my friends and aunts a Happy Mother's Day. So I know I appreciate it when its done to me from friends, family, etc. So while I would appreciate it if the skids (when things were good with us) to at least say "Happy Mother's Day, it's not going to make or break my day if they don't.
Not sure how I would feel if I actually took care of the skids.
But I think some people look at Mother's Day as ONLY for their Mother. Which is fine too.
If they treat you like shit
If they treat you like shit then you shouldnt be surprised that they dont do anything nice on MD. Of course its not okay to be treated like crap any day of the year. But skids aren't going to change just because the calendar says its MD.
Yes it would be nice if your skids and DH acknowledged you, for all of your hard work that you do 80% of the time, but the first year they dont, then I wouldnt expect that to change.
being a stepmom (at least for
being a stepmom (at least for me, we have our kids 80% of the time) is a shit-ton of work
If I had been a full time step mom and did as much or more than DH to raise my SD, I would expect appreciation (from DH, at least) every single day. But to me, that really has nothing to do with Mother's Day, at least the true meaning of it.
We have all steps and Bios
We have all steps and Bios 100% of the time and I do agree but MD is just another day to me. My skids don't cause me hell all of the time but when they do.. it's usually big. lol.
I also agree that the true meaning of MD has been lost and long forgotten. I didn't even know the true meaning until a couple of weeks ago.
I agree Tog, some SM's may be
I agree Tog, some SM's may be a bit too sensitive about the whole thing.
You explain your stance well.
Everyone is entitled. Talk
Everyone is entitled.
Talk about entitled skids and entitled BMs. Damn even SMs are entitled.
I totally agree. Tog, ipeed,
I totally agree. Tog, ipeed, and anyone else with this way of thinking.
I did all I could for years. I stopped. Yesterday no skid called me, texted me or gave me a gift. DH did of course. I was a mom to skids as much as I could be because they needed to know what a real mom was supposed to do for a kid. They can take it, learn for it, or call me a weak ass white bitch. I no longer care. i was not hurt and I will NEVER allow skids or BM to even attempt to hurt me again.
My kids didn't disappoint me
My kids didn't disappoint me on Mother's Day. The made me cute little cards and gifts at school. I just wanted to spend the day with them.
My whole life I wanted children and a family of my own. And yes I always get disappointed on holidays. Pretty much every holiday sucks for me because I have these expectations in my mind on how its going to go and it never goes that way. I know my SO doesn't ever buy me anything for my birthday. For Christmas he got me a $10 toaster. I'm on the Atkins diet. I don't eat bread. He got me nothing for Valentine's Day. My coworker said , "You want someone to treat you nice? You have to demand it. You have to tell them you expect roses." yeah, that's all good but I kinda wanted someone to do that for me because they wanted to and because he felt I deserved it. When he said he was going to go to theme park with me I thought this was going to be it. The first time he was going to make just one day all about me. To actually make forth an effort for me. To show me that he appreciated me. Nope. Not only did he not do that but he robbed me of spending the day with my children. They spent the day with my coworker. I'm done. He's not going to ruin anymore.
Once I realized that BS's dad
Once I realized that BS's dad (my Ex) and then DH weren't going to live up to my expectations of what I THOUGHT they should be doing for me on the holidays, I just lowered my expectations. If I want something, I get it. I dont rely on DH to have the same expectations as me. It would be nice, but he doesnt. So I just dont stress about it anymore. Expectations lowered.
Here's the wonder of my life:
Here's the wonder of my life: my skids wish me happy mother's day. My own BS is the one who has trouble with it.
Have a talk with him and
Have a talk with him and figure out what is going on with him. Maybe there is something more. I know kids go through phases where they hate their parents. Did you raise him to be this way? Probably not.
Zero - I saw WAY too many
Zero - I saw WAY too many posts about women who were pissed off about Mother's Day. While I can understand why someone would feel slighted, I really thought it was just way too much drama, for one freaking stupid day, that really doesn't mean shit.
What is the point of getting treated like royalty ONE day out of the year and then treated like shit the other 364 days? Perspective ladies.
My Mother's Day went like this:
Woke up at 8am. Sorted the laundry, washed 5 loads. Changed all the bedding. DH wished me a HMD, kissed me, smacked my butt & ran out to do God knows what. I told him he better not even THINK about spending $200.00 on flowers or a gift. Our finances are incredibly strained right now and I wasn't having it.
He got me some supermarket flowers, a lovely card and brought me Dunkin Donuts coffee, best gift ever.
I received texts and calls and FB messages from friends and family. Including SS22 and SD14. I don't doubt DH reminded them to do so, but either way, it was sweet. BS29 and BS26 called, but didn't send flowers. So what…Who cares. I know my kids love me. They tell me so every day. BM gave me a DD gift card, a pretty flower in a pot and a handmade card from GB with her two feet forming a heart. Sweetest gesture ever, I gave her a scented Ralph Lauren candle.
I drove BS17 to work, then DH and I went to Costco. He wanted to go out for dinner, I talked him into buying some beautiful sirloins instead and we threw them on the grill. I made a salad, some rice, popped a bottle of Moscato and we sat outside after dinner with our neighbors for cocktails. BS17 came home after work with a dozen white roses for me. His card however, made me cry. He told me he has learned strength from me and that I am the best mom and grandma a kid could ask for.
It was a regular day, I wasn't acting like a Princess, no one bought me breakfast in bed, no one catered to me or rubbed my feet. I wasn't expecting anything and I got more than enough. If we lower our expectations, understand that these Holiday's are really created to generate income for big corporations, accept and understand that our children love us and that our happiness shouldn't come from ONE day of Hallmark nonsense, we will be MUCH happier.
I have a membership thru my
I have a membership thru my job. They accept AMEX and debit cards. I use Costco for toilet paper, napkins, water and the meat. I buy the large family packs and I can cook twice, sometimes 3 times, from one pack. I also buy GB's diapers and wipes there. Great deal.
Costco is dropping AMEX
Costco is dropping AMEX within the next 12 months, going to Citibank I believe...
Costco is the only way we
Costco is the only way we survive where I live. Lol. Food is expensive here. Milk, for my teenage boy...4.75 at Safeway.....Costco..2.75. Chicken, half the cost.
We are at Costco once a week.
Your day sounds lovely and
Your day sounds lovely and much like mine
Cat boxes still needed cleaned. Dishes still needed washed. Meal prep still needed done for the week. I coached BS's last soccer game.
DH and BS did drop me off and I went into the store and got food for dinner (paid for it myself) and then went over to Panera (Paid for it myself). BS and DH picked me back up. They went and got flowers for me.
2 hanging flower baskets and I have NO WHERE to put them. LOL. DH muttered a few words. BS was loving as usual BUT had an attitude due to staying the night at a friends the night before and not going to bed until 2am.
BS and I played outside after we ate dinner. Then he whined and cried and was frustrated about homework.
I have had BETTER days with them, on a non holiday.
We bought some flowers last
We bought some flowers last weekend too and I feel like I have too many now. LOL. Trying to find places to put them.
I think I am going to cut the hanger off one of the baskets and put it in this big pot I have and put it on the front porch. As for the other one, who knows! LOL
I had told and showed BS this
I had told and showed BS this flower pot that I wanted. A big pot with flowers in it. BS told DH about it.
They DROPPED me off at the store that had the pot that I wanted and went somewhere else and got the hanging baskets. :?
I have this HUGE ceramic pot
I have this HUGE ceramic pot on my deck. So huge I can't lift it or move it. I want to put a beautiful flower arrangement in there but…do I need to fill it to the top with soil? It will probably knock my deck down if I do. It's about 30" in diameter and about 36" high and it is HEAVY. Any ideas will be greatly appreciated!
UFR- You can fill it to the
You can fill it to the top with soil and then plant something in it. If it's tall- a flower that will drape down would be nice. I think you have to fill it all with soil so that you can have a filler????
Or you can plop a plant that is already in a plastic planter and just put it in the nice planter, as long as you cant see the plastic one. That would work too!
Good thinking Zero. Hanging
Good thinking Zero. Hanging baskets do not work for me. I put 2 of them on the carport. DH was hitting his head. LOL. They looked great on the side of the patio. I stop doing hanging baskets.
Your pool= no bueno.
Your pool= no bueno.
My skids didn't say anything,
My skids didn't say anything, but I didn't really expect them to. I marry their dad in a few months so I guess technically I am not their SM. I think they also view me more like a fun aunt than a mom...we are close. I don't have any bios. I am 27 and never married (will be in September)
A few of my friends reached out to say Happy Mother's Day and it made me feel weird. I am not a mom....well, just a pet mom. My one friend even brought me mother's day flowers to brunch (along with our other friend who is a BM). I was happy to have them, but I still feel weird accepting flowers since I am not a mom. SO was there, and he was like "yea, you're a stepmom to 4!"
Maybe I will feel more "mom-ish" once I am married to SO. I do care about my skids a lot, I really like them. I'm not sure if I love them. I'm not sure I know what love is supposed to feel like towards a kid who is not mine. Some of my cousins have kids who I like, but I don't feel the intense "my heart is going to explode" love that I've heard BMs describe for my cousins kids, and not for my skids. I feel warmth towards my skids and I care for them. I am happy when they succeed, feel for them when they are sad, am proud of their accomplishments....maybe that is love?
This may sound bad, but I LOVE my dogs. I do feel that heart bursting love for my two rescues. One is deaf (3.5yo German Shorthaired Pointer mix) and one is almost 9 (rescued her almost a year ago, she was a puppy mill dog and someone adopted her for 5 or so years then dumped her back at the shelter - dachshund chihuahua mix). I get a tight chest thinking about where they might be without me and how much I love them. I don't feel that for the skids. Maybe because they HAVE two great loving parents and I am the third wheel?
This is the first time I am "saying this out loud".
I agree. People are allowed
I agree.
People are allowed to have their feelings though.
This too shall pass.
No, I'm not religious.
Of course people are allowed
Of course people are allowed to have their feelings.
I probably came across as "rude" to those whose feelings were hurt by the "holiday" and that is not my intention.
No Zero, I didn't get that
No Zero, I didn't get that from you at all.
I completely agree. I don't
I completely agree. I don't expect anything for MD but this one was good. OSS turned 18
DH did get me some flowers for my garden and OSS's best friend (he's always here so I consider him just one of the kids, he's also being raised by his grandma) brought me flowers for MD too. DH grilled out for the 10 18yos that were here plus our other 6 to celebrate with OSS while taking care of the baby to give me some me time. That was nice.
My BS... he wanted to go hang out with his friends on MD.
He's growing up on me.
Then I suppose this is why MD
Then I suppose this is why MD didn't bother were acknowledged.
This wasn't the case for everyone, whether or not they expected it. It's simple human compassion to be thankful for what others do for you. No, Mother's Day isn't some majorly exceptional day, but it obviously makes people very aware of things that they should maybe be doing or saying that they're not.
I'm usually not acknowledged
I'm usually not acknowledged on MD besides maybe a card from DH and a few texts from friends and it doesn't bother me then either. My birthday is right before MD as well as my SS's birthday. And my birthday is usually no different.
I don't get it, either. Like
I don't get it, either.
Like a lot of other holidays, it's original meaning and intent has been lost.
I have to add I hate the
I have to add I hate the stuff the younger ones bring home from school for like a whole week. They want to keep it all forever and I can't do it. lol.
I don't remember feeling that way when my bios brought those things home when they were younger. I actually miss the handmade things from them.
My DH wished me a HMD, bought
My DH wished me a HMD, bought me a small bouquet of flowers, and my kids gave me a card. I have no clue what the SK's were doing, probably sleeping. Most MD's in the past they'd be with us but this year they weren't.
A little O/T, I read a post from an acquaintance on FB who thanked his wife, on Mother's Day, for cleaning the house and cooking a huge meal for him, his brothers, and his parents... then said the end to the great day was kicking back in the recliner. His wife's response: Thanks! Although my foot and leg were swollen from all the standing (she just had major reconstructive surgery on her ankle) I'm OK. Now planning what to cook for everyone on Father's Day!
OK... maybe cooking for everyone is her thing, maybe their relationship is the (what I would term, no offense to anyone) old fashioned woman in the kitchen, man in the field sort but wow....
My idea of a great mother's day? Not doing anything. Even if nobody wished me HMD, I'd be thrilled to not have to cook, or do laundry, or worry about anything for JUST ONE DAY.
I dunno. I mean I was
I dunno. I mean I was thinking of you guys and my SS's stepmom when I was at the Hallmark store yesterday.
There's a small Mother's Day sub-section devoted to wives, one devoted to grandmother's, one devoted to great-grandmother's....There's subsections for others too (like sister-in-laws). Then there are the subsections to Mom depending on who the card-giver is (from daughter, from son, from all the children, etc)
Nothing for step-moms.
It kind of bothered me because I think step-moms are a lot more common than great-grandmothers KWIM?
That was very sweet
That was very sweet Draco.
It's always nice to hear that there are thoughtful people out there.
Ok, so they *DO* exist. Good
Ok, so they *DO* exist. Good to hear!
SM's Day is today. I don't
SM's Day is today. I don't think I have ever seen a SM card and I never heard of SM day before this year but I guess it has been around for a while.
As if Mondays aren't bad
As if Mondays aren't bad enough.... }:)
I believe it's Sunday, the
I believe it's Sunday, the 17th, the Sunday after Mother's Day.
Oh.. LOL. Like I said, I just
Oh.. LOL. Like I said, I just heard about it this year.
>I hope the moms out there
>I hope the moms out there who didn't get acknowledged at least took the day off and let the kids/skids/DH's fend for themselves!<
Reminds me of something I saw on FB last year
Mother-children acknowledgement rule of thumb:
If you want your kid's attention or to come see you, simpy sit on the couch with a glass of wine and look like you are relaxing. They'll come running to you to ask for something.
Contrarily, if you want your kids to leave you alone, start passing the vacuum (or doing some chore) for a few minutes and ask for help. I can guarantee you, your kids will DISAPPEAR!
How very true Drac0
How very true Drac0
Teeage cashier at the store
Teeage cashier at the store asked if I was a mother and when I said Yes he said HMD to me. I thought that was nice. Surprised, but nice.
I think so many read into
I think so many read into Mother's Day as it just applies to their own mother. With how feel people about their role as a parent, is it any surprise that skids get confused? "I am the MOTHER!"
KIDS dont think to say HMD to other adults. They see that adult as their aunt/neighbor/friends mother, but not to think Hey Happy Mother's Day. I think as we become adults and mothers, that is when we think to wish others HMD.
Question Echo. If your skids
Question Echo.
If your skids are older and you have no real issues with them and your DH is so great, why are you on this board and other SP boards?
Did you have prior issues with the skids/DH that led you to Step Talk and then you have just hung around once things have gotten better?
Yeah I can see with the
Yeah I can see with the friends- there are other forms of communication, no? FB, email, IRL, etc.
But past advice "been there, done that" is always good for new posters.
I dont have anywhere near the issues I had when I first came. I stick around though as my experience may be of help to others? Plus some of the blogs and posts are too much fun, especially when everyone is getting along well and having fun and being silly.
Oh please, there's a reason
Oh please, there's a reason you were banned in the first place.
You may have friends here, but it's not cool to be condescending to others who have different situations, opinions or feelings.
You could just as well 'walk on by'.
Ok, no problem. 'Middle
A place for stepparents to vent is not a place where those having difficulties should constantly be belittled. It's just rude.
Maybe I should have pm'd her in the first place, but I think a lot of posters need to see that there are people here that support their hardships.
Well, I got a little box of
Well, I got a little box of chocolates that DH had DD1 bring to me - fun to shake I guess lol. And I have to admit, I wanted more of a fuss. But I wanted more of a fuss when I was pregnant, at my birthdays since I moved to my new country, etc etc. So I think I'll have to figure out what I want and just arrange it. My DH won't, but he'll participate or pay for it. His mind just doesn't work that way... he somehow doesn't get that even if I read his mind and knew his heart and how much he truly madly deeply loves me... I still want a fuss!
So I guess any disappointments I have are really about me waiting for other people to meet my unarticulated needs. So the only one who can change things is me.
I was pleasantly surprised my
I was pleasantly surprised my skids even wanted to sign my card with my kids! Lol
I can't imagine being incensed about not getting gifts and worship. I didn't give birth to them.I raise them but do nannies expect mothers day cards?
I was thinking about you,
I was thinking about you, with your mom and your BS now gone and I meant to reach out to you. I suck... But know I was thinking about you! (((HUGS))))
((((hugs)))) so proud you
((((hugs)))) so proud you kept yourself together! see how strong you are? and how sweet of your bs's gf
zero - it kinda ached for
zero - it kinda ached for me.
i know i didn't birth them. but i'm there every single day of their lives. and yes, i provide things for them and do things for them - because that's what *I* choose to do.
dh said 'hmd'- awww
mss said it to me. melted my heart so i said "awww thanks mss, that's very sweet!" but was leaving the room, yss said "oh yeah, mss, we need to call mom."
that made me so sad. mss had no qualms about it, said it right in front of yss. yss has said it to me every year that i've known him, even gone so far as to pick stuff out for me. but this time around, his loyalties are so torn, so confused, it was as if he couldnt bring himself to say it to me without saying it to her first.
and sadder still, they never did get the chance to say it to her yesterday. fucking slack-ass waste of skin slut faced skanky meth addled whore. they deserve so much better.
If mother's day was important
If mother's day was important to me before this post, I've certainly changed my mind now!
It never has been important for me to have my kids recognize me once a year.
I suppose it's not "serious",
I suppose it's not "serious", but...
There's always a but! For me, it's one of the "little things". Recognize it or don't, in and of itself it means nothing. But if you have enough "little things" that someone fucks up, it becomes one giant mountain of a "big thing", you know?
Example. My sis's H is a crap husband. She is probably about to divorce him. Long story short, he woke her up at 2 am to scream at her for not doing the dishes, then packed a bag and went to live with his mom. He now wants to come home but sis isn't having it. Thank GOD. The thing is, MOST of the crap is "little things". He doesn't do housework. He doesn't do anything for Mother's Day. He goes golfing on her birthday, leaving her with their kids. Those are examples, but it's DAILY. So any one of those things is little, but when it's *every day* it's too much. MD is just one more straw added to the pile.
My DH is actually amazing. (Issues have generally been with the skids, not DH.) He considers me, daily. So I actually had no need for anything over the top for MD.
The only thing I asked for was for him to take the kids in the morning and let me sleep. Which he did. Because he rocks. BS6 made me a pop-up card. It was sweet. 
So I guess I'd say that while, no, Mother's Day in and of itself isn't "serious" or even important - people need to remember that the pattern of behavior the rest of the year is actually the catalyst for the bitch fest, for those people who were bitching. MD was just the last straw.