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I'm sorry SD16 and DH, you want me to what??

fedupstep's picture

SD16 is in grade 11 and if she's not failing her classes, she's barely passing them. Frustrating to see a bright kid piss her life away, but since I am the only person in her life that seems to care about her education, that makes me evil in her eyes.

A couple of weeks ago, she was here for a visit and told her dad that she knew what she wanted to do with her life. She now wants to be a kindergarten teacher. She thinks that working with kids is all play time. DH was almost delirious with pride. (this is the same child that wanted to be a special effects make up artist a month ago) I told her that was a great job to pick, but would require her to pick up her grades big time till she graduated, then there was university AND teacher's college. Told her she was looking at about 6+ years of education after highschool. He face dropped and DH said, 'you should't discourage her'. Discourage her?! It's the truth! She thinks that because she babysits her cousin once in a while (while adults are in another part of the house) that she is destined to work with children now.

I work in a school and am going to school at night to get my Early Childhood Educator's Diploma. It will take me about 2 more years to complete. I took a couple of text books out of my bag and handed them to her. Told her to flip through them. Maybe an ECE course is better suited for her.

Then she asked...'if I got to college Fedup, you can help me with my homework since you are already learning all this!'. DH smiled at this show of briliance! 'great idea sd16!' And by 'help' she means 'do it for her' like she asks me to do with her current homework.

Yeah sure, I just smiled at them. This kid will never get into college for basket weaving unless she does a major overhaul. I'm not holding my breath.


Jsmom's picture

Don't be so sure. SD18 graduated with a 1.2 GPA and managed to get into a university. Not one I would choose, but they got her. If someone will pay, they can go.

She is in her 2nd semester. We have no idea how she is doing, since she is PAS'd. She is majoring in Psychology, which I think is hilarious for a girl who claims her BPD is just anxiety.

ChiefGrownup's picture

1.2? That is discouraging. My bil's stepson went off to some college with grades like that and guess where he is now? Living in bil's garage with a revoked license, dropout/school suspension, and a pit bull to take care of. The wretched kid phoned mommy threatening suicide when he lost his apartment on top of all the other things he got revoked/kicked out of it. She left bil to go pick up the kid and told bil she'd leave HIM if he didn't let this manchild back into their house with the dog that bil had absolutely forbidden (something along the lines of barkatthemoon's hedgehog story). BIL caved in order not to lose her and now has given up his garage to this steroided-out unemployed, uneducated, non-driving weightlifter.

Grades in high school are not an absolute predictor (almost nothing in life is 100% correlation) of success in launching, but they are not a bad tool at all. I didn't think sd15 would get into college with her gpa but I guess she will from what you say. I don't want her living in the garage, though, with some pet we have to buy mountains of kibble for, so this is all a good reminder to keep encouraging dh to get her grades up.

ETS Bil's ss is 21.

hereiam's picture

No way is my uneducated, unemployed SD23 living in our garage, that's where our cars live. Even my DH would not give up his garage. I guess that leaves the shed. Oh wait, I don't think DH would give that up, either, it houses the lawnmower and the snow blower. Bummer.

NoWireCoatHangarsEVER's picture

My SD15 says, "um.. I'm just going to marry a rich man." and yet.. she is a lesbian dating a 19 year old girl who works at Five Star Pizza.

GhostWhoCooksDinner's picture

SS16 is going to be a computer engineer. He's failing everything right now except art and has failed every quarter this year so far, so I'm not sure how that's going to happen. Guess they'll admit him to the college of his choice cuz he's entitled.

Somuchdrama's picture

What is it with the reality disconnect with these kids? SS17 says he is going to be vet and has failed almost every class in high school because of his laziness. He will be lucky to get a job in fast food at this rate.

Jsmom's picture

He can do a CS degree, but not with Engineer in the title. You have to have the grades to get into engineering school. These kids need to have their expectations lowered.

Shaman29's picture

How is telling her to get off her ass, improve her grade and be prepared for 6 or more years of college, discouraging her?? FFS.

Can I smack both of them please?

fedupstep's picture

Please do Shaman...apparently according to DH any time SD16 expresses ANY interest in school/work, no matter how fleeting or out of reach these thoughts are, we need to applaud her maturity and tell her she will be the best at it.