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What the hell has gotten into all of our dhs lately?

princessmofo's picture

Mine has been a complete and utter douchecanoe lately. To the point I asked him to stop speaking and kindly pull his bottom lip up over his head and swallow. Yes, that's how big of a total and unbelievable bastard he's been to me lately.

Long story but nastiness for nastiness's sake. Saying cruel things, pointing out personality flaws of mine for laughs. Like the emotional douchetard he is.

But what the hell? Is it cosmic? Something in the water? Are they all having man-periods? Truly the douchebaggery knows no bounds these days...


Wah-wah-11's picture

I feel your pain girl! Mine thinks everyone is wrong except him .. Need to remember he pull lip over head lol

princessmofo's picture

What the fucking fuck? (Pardon my language, I'm seething with rage lately) He rolled it over your fingers and then had the everloving audacity to get mad when you reacted to pain? :jawdrop: I need a martini now that I read this... It is somekind of epidemic of emotional fuckwittery on the parts of dhs these days.

princessmofo's picture

That would be have been absolutely fabulous! Jeesh! Wish you'd have thought of that sooner.

StepKat's picture

My poor DH is up, down, left, right, all over the place. I think it's stress but the planet may also be ailgned or something.

Danearl1's picture

I vote manperiod as well. Mine has been a total Jackarse lately. My foot is going to be lodged permanently up his backside if he doesn’t snap out of this mood soon.

misSTEP's picture

I'm being begged for cookies too. Hmmmm...

Otherwise, he hasn't done anything TOO annoying lately.