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OT: Seen any good movies lately?

zerostepdrama's picture

Over the weekend I rented Dallas Buyers Club. GREAT movie!
Anyone want to share any good movies that they have watched lately?


zerostepdrama's picture

My DH HATED American Hustle. We saw it in the theatres and I thought he was going to walk out. Jennifer Lawrence was GREAT in it. The movie was *okay*- agree that it was lacking something.

DaizyDuke's picture

I don't really get to watch "adult" movies anymore. Planning on seeing RIO2 with BS4 this weekend.

Last movie I saw was Frozen which was really good. I was a bit annoyed with the singing at first, but then it grew on me. BS4 was mesmerized. Never made a peep or took his eyes off the screen the WHOLE movie.. he loved it!

LaMareOssa's picture

My DD7 saved her allowance and bought Frozen a couple of weeks ago. Good movie. Smile DD7 and DS4 were mesmerized by it as well.

Drac0's picture

"Gravity" was really good!
"Frozen" is really well done (Warning. Try to see it without a child with the propensity to ask a zillion questions)
"Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom" was also very interesting to watch.
"Ender's Game" was okay. Nice visual affects. I'd recommend it if you have nothing else to watch.

tabby yabba do's picture

"Gravity" sucked for me because my SD12 morphed into Drac0s SS that day and would not


during every quiet scene (of which there were many) and I missed half the dialogue. I'm still pissed.

/rant over

Drac0's picture

Me too!

Hmmm....On second thought, the last time I did that was with the movie "The Village". And right at the scene when the monster was about to knock on the window is EXACTLY when my Dad knocked on my window.

Dad had to peel me off the ceiling.

zerostepdrama's picture

Cant watch Gravity....DH and YSD went and saw it for their "date". :sick: So now I am just annoyed (I know I know petty)

twopines's picture

Totally feel ya. I'm taking a small break, because I powered through all 26 episodes of House of Cards in 8 days last month, then went right into OITNB. During episode 8 my brain said, "No more!!! Go read a book!"

twopines's picture

It's not new, but I just watched Now You See Me with Mark Ruffalo and Woody Harrelson, and really enjoyed it.

zerostepdrama's picture

I fell asleep at Peabody & Sherman! LOL! In my defense though I had a busy morning before I took BS to see the movie.

Harleygurl's picture

Twelve Years A Slave. Wolf of Wall Street was good. American Hustle was so-so but I girl crush on Jennifer Lawrence incredibly bad so it was worth it. Best Man's Holiday was a great heartfelt movie.

zerostepdrama's picture

12 Years I really want to see.... I read Wolf of Wall Street so I want to see the movie.. I heard it was kind of raunchy.. which I read the book so I am not surprised...

Harleygurl's picture

Twelve Years A Slave. Wolf of Wall Street was good. American Hustle was so-so but I girl crush on Jennifer Lawrence incredibly bad so it was worth it. Best Man's Holiday was a great heartfelt movie.